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Research Question


Ziyue Gao


Donald Buda

14 March 2019

            Research Question

My general topic is education problem caused by gender equality. I think every family who have children will be impacted by my topic because who pay more time on educating children is a normal topic in every modern family. In modern society, competitions between children become more serious than in the past. So parents have to pay more time on educating their children. However, who between husbands and wives spends more time educating their children is a controversial problem in modern society. And the controversial problem is what I interest in. When I was a child, my father and my mother always quarreled for who needs pay more time on educating me. It is the time I am interest in my topic. In my home country: China, the family pattern, which is husbands pay time on earn money and wives pay time on educating children, had approximately five thousands years’ history. In modern China, the old pattern is gave up. It caused the problem (who educates children in a family) to be raised frequently. As a result, my topic focus on education problem caused by gender equality in China.

Sounds interesting--just be sure that these are areas that need to be addressed on your chosen topic. (DB) 5/5

Article Evaluation


I read the article: The Relationship and History Of Palestine And Israel. From my viewpoint, all points of article is relating with its title. In the article, writer shows the origin of Palestine region and why Palestine region has two countries in modern world. There is nothing can let me distracted in the author's article. I think the govern map of Palestine is out of data. Its govern region is smaller than what it is in the article's map. The article is filled up by political viewpoints and historical materials. I think the writer should add some humanistic concerns in his easy, such as sympathies for either Israel's suffering in the past or Palestine's suffering in modern world. I think the author can improve his article by writing economic relationship between Palestine and Israel. From my knowledge, even though Palestine and Israel have serious politic conflicts, they have strong economic connection. Palestine workers always work in Israel’s factories and Palestine also receive most agriculture products of Israel. The writer little bias toward Israel in his article. He repeats his argument: Israel has right reason to occupy most parts of Palestine region because Palestine region is the origin of Judaism. Furthermore I think he underrepresented Arabs’ situations in the region which is governed by Israel. In his article, most Arabs shared same social statuses with Jews in most regions of Israel. However, Arabs loses their politic authorities to vote for deciding Israel’s president in 2018. Evidences which are posted by author are satisfied with his arguments. And he also uses right format on citations and quotes. And his evidences are come from reliable resources because all of his evidences come from famous news paper and book. However, I think his evidences are not neutral because part of evidences are come from Israel’s news.

Solid reflections. (DB) 5/5

Article Selecting


I believe the article: The Relationship And History Of Palestine And Israel has meaningful content which relates with its topic and lets readers carefully known every history details about the conflict in Palestine region. Even though the article can give knowledge and information about readers, the writer doesn't have a neutral viewpoint. More specific, he repeats Israel's history to highlight the rightness of Israel's government. But he rarely writes about Arabs' situation in the war and in regions governed by Israel. The writer believes Israel is a democracy country, but Israel prohibits Israel's arabs to join in Israel's election. The author gives evidences to his readers for his each arguments. However, I doubt about those citation's reliability. That is to say, all sources cited by him comes from whether Israel's newspaper or Israel's government. For a controversially politic problem, the way, which is purely using sources from one side, is doubtful.

You should present a few different topic choices so you can narrow down to the best one. (DB) 5/5

Wiki Projection


Education's global synchronization

Summary: Global synchronization raised in the Renaissance and experienced three peaks of expansion: Colonial Era, The World War and After The Cold War. And global synchronization is still growing and processing nowadays. The linguistic obstacles, cultural dictatorship, inequality and cultural racisms have been eliminating from 500 years ago to today. Disappearance of those unfavorable factors has been promoting education become more and more globally.

-Spring, Joel. Deculturalization and the struggle for equality: A brief history of the education ofdominated cultures in the United States. Routledge, 2016.

The start: Renaissance

Before the Renaissance, education is focusing on art and ritual related with Christianity. And also Christianity controlled education system and decided who can accept education. During the Renaissance, education systems was changed. Many private schools were raised. Therefore, more and more people accepted education and people in Europe had opportunities to choose what they want to study. Arts and knowledges were spreading from the Florence to whole Europe. People in every corners of Europe spread their culture and thoughts to each others. Trades between different countries and regions raised more frequently in Europe. During business activities, languages, artworks and literatures from different culture groups mixed and influenced each others.

Paul Oskar Kristeller, Renaissance Thought II: Papers on Humanism and the Arts (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1965), p. 17

First peak: Colonial Era

During the Colonial Era, Education's global synchronization was promoted by three reasons: business, Suzerains' policy and weak countries' policies. Both three points make eductions in different regions to be assimilate. For business, business men come from suzerains rarely educated workers who come form colonies. For suzerains, suzerains educated people in colonies to speak suzerains' language and accepted suzerains' culture because suzerains want to assimilate native people in colonies (Make suzerains control colonies easily)(FE: What France did in its colonies). For weak countries, they imitated suzerains and studied how suzerain make themselves strong because they wanted to become strong countries and avoid fortunes which is becoming colonies . So weak countries educate citizens as how suzerains educated citizens and absorb suzerains' culture.

McAdoo, Hill. "Oral history as a primary resource in educational research." Qualitative Methods in Africana Studies, vol. 34, no. 2, 2016, pp. 146-52.

Second peak: World War

During the world war, many people exiled to other countries for avoid wars. They brings their knowledge and culture to other countries and reshape other countries' culture and situation. It eliminated parts of globalizing education's obstacles: language and culture racism. Furthermore, refugees who studied in other countries came back to their own countries and spread knowledge and culture of the other countries after the end of war. It eliminated language obstacle and culture racism again.

Banks, Jamies. Cultural diversity and education. Routledge, 2015.

Third peak: The Cold War

Before the Cold War, countries formed two opposing groups. Trade and cultural communication were rarely happened between countries who stand in different groups. After the Cold War, most countries join in the globalization's system. Cultural communication raised more frequently between countries and each others. It has been eliminating globalizing education's obstacles( linguistic obstacles, inequality and cultural racisms) and make education in every countries to be assimilated.

Efland, Arthur.A history of art education. Teachers College Press, 2017.

Editing about ancient Chinese education

Teach in ancient Chinese

The start of Chinese education was raised in Yao dynasty(2188 BC to 2067 BC).In Yao dynasty, people started to educate their children to respect their parents, brothers and counties.

The first education system was created in Xia dynasty (2076 BC to 1600 BC). During Xia dynasty, government built schools to educate aristocrats about rituals, literature and archery(Important for ancient Chinese aristocrats).

During Shang dynasty(1600BC to 1046BC), normal people (farmers, workers and etc) accepted rough education. In that time, aristocrats' children studied in government schools. And normal people studied in private schools. Government schools were always built in cities and private schools were built in rural area. Government schools payed attention on educating students about rituals, literature, politic, music, arts and archery. Private schools payed attention on educating students how to do farm works and handworks.

Jing Lin, Education in Post-Mao China (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1993)