Hiya! You can call me Sudomancer. I’ve been lurking on Wikipedia for as long as I can remember, so giving back by contributing edits feels like the least I can do. The driving motivator behind my contributions is my desire to preserve internet history and make information more accessible to everyone. My favorite thing to experience as an editor is the nerdish excitement of realizing a Wiki article is missing some niche knowledge that I possess due to personal familiarity or expertise specific to my field, and then getting to add and source that info for the benefit of internet-goers everywhere.
A little about my background: I have my Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in English. I had a brief stint as a Composition I and II instructor for a few semesters during my master’s; I miss my students, and I miss teaching, but I do not miss grading. Most recently, I was an archival assistant at the library archives and special collections of my alma mater. Following a cross-country move, I am now occupying the illustrious position of “unemployed person with too much time on his hands,” but I prefer to call myself an aspiring archivist.😉