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USObesityRate1960-2004.svg Focus Concerns on Prevention Obesity in Children.USObesityRate1960-2004.svg Focus Concerns on Prevention Obesity in Children.'''

Focus Concerns on Prevention Obesity in Children.'''

Understanding Obesity: According to Gale Encyclopedia of Medical Obesity is as having excess adipose (fat) tissue, and high body mass index. Obesity is one of the most pervasive chronic diseases (obesity. (n.d.) Gale Encyclopedia of Medical. (2008).October 29 2017). Children’s health education is something that has to be stressed or taught constantly. Understand how serious health weight can go from good to bad by lack of proper nutrition in their everyday food intake. Obesity is something that we as Americans are facing with the percentage of children have tripled since the 1970s even in adulthood, due to poor conditions such as: consuming too many calories, leading a sedentary lifestyles, not sleeping enough, endocrine disruptors, lowering rate in smoking, medications that might make patients put on weight, and just having the obesity gene in general. Today about one in five children in the United States are overweight (17%). (See chart below) In 2009–2010 and 1988–1994, no significant differences in prevalence of obesity by race and ethnicity were observed among adolescent boys (developed by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

How do we know if our children are overweight? The best way for anyone to know if their child is overweight, is just having a physical done by a doctor to check his or her weight and height, to make sure the body mass index compares to other ages and growth patterns, to determine if there is a concern for overweight/obesity. The children weight statues for normal or healthy weight is 5th percentile to less than 85th percentile, underweight is less than 5th percentile, overweight is 85th to 95th percentile, and obese is equal to or grater than the 95th percentile developed by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles By promoting a healthy lifestyle for children helps prevent obesity by proving healthy meals and snacks, daily physical activity, and nutrition education. Staying educated on healthy meals and snacks will provide proper nutrition for growing bodies, while modeling healthy eating behaviors and attitudes. Children, parents, caregivers, and teachers need to understand how increasing physically activity reduces health risk and helps weight management. Nutrition education will help young children, parents, and teachers develop an awareness of good nutrition and healthy eating habits for a long time. Children can be encouraged to adapt to healthy eating habits and behaviors and be more physically active when supported by parents, teachers, and community (USDA) United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services). Families can focus on working to gradually change the family’s physical activities and eating habits. Leading by example, children see that we as parents are physically active and eating healthy is especially important, because it shows children will be likely active and stay active, and eat healthier the rest of their lives.

Consequences of Obesity:

Children may face health consequences of obesity during childhood into adulthood health risks such as: breathing problems, sleep apnea, asthma, fatty liver disease, gallstones, and psychological stress, such as depression, low self-esteem, low life report, and impaired social & emotional & physical functions. Health risk, faced later in adulthood, adult’s obesity is associated with serious health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. If children are overweight, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe. Impacting and making a difference in children’s wellbeing of their environmental health provides a basis for risks to children’s health, in order to help prioritize a policy at a national and global level. Monitoring and evaluation to reduce environmental health risk for children are important concerns that should to be addressed. Having proper tools and resources for our, national, state, and local partners helps to make healthy living easier for all people. We can educate the communities about the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and physical activity where people can be safe and have affordable foods, to support the availability of healthy lifestyles.

Overweight children or student; with obesity can be a hard issue to approach. Telling someone they have to watch how much they eat, or we have to watch your weight at a young age will make a child feel sad, upset, or confused. Children are bullied and teased more than normal with obesity. Some children with obesity miss more school days compared to student with normal weights. Schools play a major role in preventing childhood obesity; schools will approach nutrition, physical activity, health and the well-being of all students environment for healthy eating habits. The purpose in promoting school lunch through nutrition education is ensuring activity can influence a lifetime of healthy choices. Encouraging a diet rich in nutrients is part of a bigger picture. The impact of good health and nutrition has on academic achievement. Children who exercise and have nutritious diets are better able to concentrate and perform well in the classroom.

Safety Policies:

By setting safety standards that will protect polices that develops school nutrition programs ensure, children have access to healthy foods. Public health promotes wellness by encouraging healthier behaviors, and protects the health of people in the communities where they live, work, and play. Improving school health programs and policies to achieve public health goals, can effectively improve the health of many in the community. Making changes by adapting to school environment, community, whole child approach to reduce chronic health issues. Public health establishes, evidence based for community health and develops education policy interviews to determine, how their lives have been impacted and effectiveness to make our communities healthy again. Public health also focuses on population, diseases and obesity prevention, and interventions, to create conditions that promote health, clinical treatments, epidemiology, status, and environmental approaches. The ten essential public health services roles are monitor, diagnose & investigate, inform, educate, empower, mobilize, development & plans, enforces, link, assure, evaluate, and research.

References (n.d.) Gale Encyclopedia of Medical. (2008).October 29 2017). Green, L. W., Kreuter, M. W., Deeds, S. G., Partridge, K. B., & Bartlett, E. (1980). Health education planning: a diagnostic approach. Green, L. W., & Kreuter, M. W. (1991). Health promotion planning: an educational and environmental approach. In Health promotion planning: an educational and environmental approach. Mayfield.box}}