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Piotr Szczęsny (born 1963 in Białystok, † October 29, 2017 in Warsaw) was a Polish chemist and a Mensa International member. He studied chemistry at Jagiellonian University and became a member of the Independent Students' Union. He worked in the 1980s in the union federation "Solidarność".

After graduation, he remained as an assistant at the university, began his doctoral thesis. After 1989, he left the university and became co-founder of a publishing house, which edited manuals on chemistry. For ten years, he held the post of Chairman of a Society for Continuing Vocational Training. He worked as a consultant on business issues. In 2016 he closed his company.

He burned himself as a sign of political protest.

Matthias Pfenninger (* 1739 in Zurich, † February 12, 1813 ibid) was a Swiss draftsman and engraver.

Around 1757 Pfenninger became a pupil with Johann Rudolf Holzhalb in Zurich, then with Emmanuel Eichel in Augsburg. After the apprenticeship he went to Paris, where he created copperplates for Philipp Jakob Loutherbourg the Elder and Christian von Mechel.

After returning home to Switzerland, he created views of Swiss attractions for Johann Ludwig Aberli and the Bernese book printer and publisher Abraham Wagner. After 1770 he created as a freelance artist engravings with views and portraits of well-known people.