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Dr.Szennyai Mária,Moíra, actress, was born 1950.03.08.

Oscar-Prizes, Heritage of World: Diary of Anna frank, Nívó-prizes, Film-Awards

Religion: Episcopalis


High-school graduation Diploma: Erudition; -- Theater and Film Academia --Hetenyi University -- Zsigmond King Education


         - 25. Színház, Budapest 
         - Szigligeti, Szolnok 
         - Katona, Kecskemét 
         - Csokonai, Debrecen 
         - Józsefvárosi- 
         - Nemzeti-
         - Ruttkai-
         - Kolibri Színház  Budapest 

Report with: Mr. Georg W. Bush, 43. president of USA

Roles in theatres:

Shakespeare: Athéni Timon: Timandra

                 Tévedések vígjátéka: Kurtisan 

Sartre: Trójai Nők: Helena Moliere: Dandin György: Kate Görgey: A fátyol titkai: Vilma Fejes: Angyalarcú: Bronzhajú Gorkij: The children of the sun

                 In the deep: Anna

Miller: Death of the agent: Ms Forshyte Szabó Magda: Macskák szerdája Tamási Áron: Énekes madár: Regina

                 Ördögölő Józsias: Boricza 

Vörösmarty: Csongor and Tünde: Éj - Night Gogol: Revizor: Lakatosné Tenneessee W.: Amíg összeszoknak: Luoise Capek: Play of the catastrophic love: Isabella Max Frisch: Herr Hotz: Clarissa Arden: They live like the pigs: Narcis Anouilh: Beckett, or the want of God: France girl Feydeau: Oyster - Osztrigás Mici: ney of Sauvarel Dosztojevszkij: The insane: Varja Brecht: Arturo Ui: woman Vampilov: Fairwell in june: secretery of komszomol Ibsen: Peer Gynt: Kari Déri Tibor: Képzelt riport: Juana Labiche: Florentin hat: Virginie Bródy: Tanítónő - Theacher: Hray Ida Vasziljev: Csendesek a hajnalok -

                 The dawns are silents here: Kirjanova 

Karinthy Frigyes: Ősbemutató: Cserháti Kriszta Nóti: Móricz: Kabaré jelenetek Békés József: Kardhercegnő: Bukszimilia Békés András: Segítség, ember! Help, Human!: Sün Kovách Aladár: Téli zsoltár: Kat Molnár Ferenc: One, two, three: secretery Tolnai Ottó: Végeladás: fiatalasszony

Talk-show: My love, Theater- Szerelmem, Színház


                 Krasznai: Mosolyt az arcomon 


                 Petőfi: "...miért zárjátok el az útamat" 


During names: Claudia Cardinale, Brigid Bardot,

              Bo Derek, Maria Shell, Mae West, 
              Audry Hapburn, Eleonora Duse, XX, 
              Szent Maria, Maria Tomaj, Sinai Maria, 
              Maria Senna,Sophie Marceau and so on... 

Zefirelli: Rómeó and Júlia: Júlia

Milos Forman: Budapest

              Diary of Anna Frank:Anna 

Mel Gibson: The Passion: Sancta Maria

Visconti: Nagyítás

A postás kétszer csenget

 Utolsó tangó Párizsban Las tango in Paris
 Pritty Woman 
 Orpheus fly down  
 Orpheus fly down 
 Pearl Harbour and so on
 Mester és Margarita 
 A homok asszonya 
 and so on

Free Europe Radio

Television: Tamási: Ördögölő Józsiás

           Shakespeare: Atheni Timon 
           Dürrenmatt: Conspiracy of hypocrites 
           Szomszédok - Neighbours 
           Forshyte Saga 


                 Békés András: Segítség, Ember! 
                 Milne: Micimackó 
                 Vörösmarty: Csongor és Tümde 

Stewart: Mel Gibson: The Passion

Cologne-water: Diorina

Short biografy, in staccato

What I would like to speak of me, at any rate that tings, which make my life complicated, or redeeming, the next: /my lingo is clear, I see it sometimes in mirror too/: --- Highschool graduation: of my classmates in gymnasium, had that information, that we could be learners higher education, if we would be member of KISZ, (KISZ an organisation was of yungs, Communist juvenile allience), if that is possibile, in the managment. I discuss it of my classmates of my previous school to make an organisation, and we were able to be varily secretary of KISZ. On wich way we was able to graduate , on high standard too - four subject, three language - that was diploma of universal cultivation, then.

--- KISZ-Central-Artcollective: poems profession, - Rajko band (now: 100 members of gypsy-band: compcre

--- When the Russia wanted to attack Czecho-slovakia, I was learner, then a radio-reporter, editor and I made a stay by oneself in command section, I informed the world of the occurences.

--- I gave my purse to a yung man, with some minuts after he would had been detained, on this way, he was able to abandon Hungary. /That had to be doing Sarkadi, Horváth Jenő, Mensáros, Latinovecs, Házi Erzsébet, Kiss István atc./ That yung man had been becoming honored in France. Lot of persons are awarded of his faundation, nowadays too. The God bless reminiscence of Georg Cziffra. /In Hungary, his fingers had been becoming broken down by a woman, she chopped the top of the piano on hand of him/. For it some teacher and I - I was just demonstrator there - abandoned the campus.

--- When that seems, there isn't chance to part in international art of the Hungary arts, we formulated and compiled the Art Charta, made it annex succesfully to Helsinky-pactum. /We weren't "remunerated" for it, that had to hold back for years. I signed it alone as an actress, but our appeal was signed by lot of men and women, who didn't fear of denunciators.

Nowadays, that I write my memoir, and biografy, lot of denunciator try to "rephrase" it, especially, who are in Oscar-cheating. They want to belong to our fight.They are the appropriate of flats, coasts, computers, and so on.

In that time, I, with my friends established a party, named Democrata - we beleived, here could had been more party. We was naives. We had to wait for it lot of years.

My parents are republicans. They are living high standard, make policy high standard, did it in that time too, in spite of they didn't was in passion for me, they didn't wanted to do of me a republican.

--- My encounter with Mr. Gorbachev --- we started to break down that society, /that was named communism/, of wich we don't know the truth, nor now. Where hundred-thousands had becoming sent in massgraves, on that way too, that they were made to dig thier own graves, and the members of ruling-class shot them in, infused them with white-heat, which was burning even so - that wasn't interesting there was anybody in life enough. (I heard of somebody survived it). Where pregnant women had been kicked in the of tsz. /tsz is a similar community, like some farms organisation, just here that was forced/, where families had been dishonored at night time visitation..., where nobody could get diploma, except if she/he was member of communist party, where somebody had just got a job of his/her graduate, if she/he was member of communist-party, where anybody could avoid suddenessly the subscrition to be a denunciator. As a consequence of that fight, after work some years, there to come into existence the Malta-appintment.


That society was named cheery-shed/.

I succeeded to doing - after I didn't realise what I signed - they did it slyly, charmingly alked - hou many fee you would get, what had to do for it?...and so on - during of that the sheets were slid to subscription, if you weren't on interscite, or you hadn't information to be on interscite, you could be in the red easily... I beleived that too, I signed a work agreement. When I realised that wasn't it, I wanted to tear it, but that wasn't alloved to do by them. From that moment, that I go out of the door I made stop everyone and I said to them what I had been made to sign, irrespective of it, that was on street, tram, workplace and so on... Finally my associates to set up a meeting with the chief executive officer, and he tore, canceled my sikkeness. /That term wasn't esasy of other reasons, because I worked at night time - I put sugar in containers, so I could to learn in daytime. --- "Regime rotate - I had been surrounded by the mass on a mass meeting - Mr. Gorbachov was on the stage before, and the people asked me to stand of them backs, and cry /"ruszkik haza"/, russian go home - just in sleng. I didn't do it. There were difficult problems. The Soviet and the American Army and other troops dissipated the nazies from here, but the Soviet stayed here much times, and the occupants of the rule, the communist-party - could do whatever, what they wanted. We agree with some other persons to do it officially.

--- Struggle agains terrorists - in this point we are lot of the world, started Mr. Al Gore over lot of friends, and persons in America, Asia, Afrika, Australia, Europe...We are clining up our spiritual, cultural, virtual, natural enviroments, of the psichic, moral, intellectuual, policy, material mess. Against of the moral impotence, against, that there can't be changed received persons, who have deep artistic confidence, ethics, moral philosophy, - with porno workers, that ther can't be elected inconvenient politics. Against of the rat-moralists. That we could practish our own religion, freely. If I wrote in my biografy, I am a chatolic, islamist, mohamedan, jiddis or other religions, that would be clear out of there, and I would become stigmatize for it, in Hungary.

--- I have got "flats", and other things for my works in films - thet is in quotation marks, because that was, is used other persons, I never got it in my hand.Tha have been using by some in ethics debauched, beliwed by communists party bugs. /In Middle Europe the communist wor means other, what in the world that means/.

--- We didn't want to break down offices, instablishments, factories on title "break down comunism", but we wnted a terroristic, opprehensive, fals-moral-society to vanish, what destroyed the talents, crippied the working, creativ human beings._

--- I remember, I was a little girl, two-three years old, my grandfather - he wasn't consanguinity for me , but in that time I didn't know it - stood in middle of kitchen, in his hand a bottle, he smashed of that neck and poured of his mouth the wine, while he was sobbing. Grandmother sat on a chair, her head was back-dropped, her hands hunged next her body. I thaught, she was death. - Thier terra had been becoming taken off them - when they asked, which way they coul eat the animals - that had been becoming taken off too. There wasn't more problem. To these things was added the night-vegzations, blacmails, illegitime benefits, right-trodden, human-outraging. That society was named: cheery shed in press too..... _