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User:TGCP/Template:Infobox power station (temp)/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nuclear power stations[edit]

{{Infobox power station (temp)
| name               = 
| image              = 
| image_size         = 
| caption            = 
| map_cue            = 
| map_image          = 
| map_width          = 
| map_text           = 
| location_map       = 
| location_map_width = 
| location_map_text  = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type   = type:landmark
| coordinates_display= inline,title
| official_name      = 
| locale             = 
| construction_began = 
| commissioned       = 
| decommissioned     = 
| cost               = 
| owner              = 
| reactors_operate_mw= 
| reactors_const_mw  = 
| reactors_prop_mw   = 
| reactors_cancel_mw = 
| reactor_types      = 
| installed_capacity = 
| max_planned_cap    = 
| capacity_factor    = 
| 5yr_avg_annual_gen = 
| net_generation     = 
| website            = 
| as_of              = 

Solar farms[edit]

{{Infobox power station (temp)
| name               = 
| image              = 
| image_size         = 
| caption            = 
| map_cue            = 
| map_image          = 
| map_width          = 
| map_text           = 
| location_map       = 
| location_map_width = 
| location_map_text  = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type   = type:landmark
| coordinates_display= inline,title
| official_name      = 
| locale             = 
| construction_began = 
| commissioned       = 
| decommissioned     = 
| cost               = 
| owner              = 
| solar_farm_type    = 
| cpv_concentration  = 
| pv_units           = 
| csp_technology     = 
| csp_dish_units     = 
| csp_trough_units   = 
| installed_capacity = 
| max_planned_cap    = 
| capacity_factor    = 
| 5yr_avg_annual_gen = 
| net_generation     = 
| website            = 
| as_of              = 

Tidal farms[edit]

{{Infobox power station (temp)
| name               = 
| image              = 
| image_size         = 
| caption            = 
| map_cue            = 
| map_image          = 
| map_width          = 
| map_text           = 
| location_map       = 
| location_map_width = 
| location_map_text  = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type   = type:landmark
| coordinates_display= inline,title
| official_name      = 
| locale             = 
| construction_began = 
| commissioned       = 
| decommissioned     = 
| cost               = 
| owner              = 
| tidal_technology   = 
| tidal_stream_type  =
| ts_turbines_mw     = 
| dtp_perp_length    = 
| dtp_para_length    = 
| dtp_turbines_mw    = 
| dtp_tidal_range    = 
| installed_capacity = 
| max_planned_cap    = 
| capacity_factor    = 
| 5yr_avg_annual_gen = 
| net_generation     = 
| website            = 
| as_of              = 

Wind farms[edit]

{{Infobox power station (temp)
| name               = 
| image              = 
| image_size         = 
| caption            = 
| map_cue            = 
| map_image          = 
| map_width          = 
| map_text           = 
| location_map       = 
| location_map_width = 
| location_map_text  = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type   = type:landmark
| coordinates_display= inline,title
| official_name      = 
| locale             = 
| construction_began = 
| commissioned       = 
| decommissioned     = 
| cost               = 
| owner              = 
| wind_turbines      = 
| turbine_manu       = 
| turbine_model      = 
| turbine_height     = 
| rotor_diameter     = 
| rated_speed        = 
| turb_placement     = 
| onshore_elev       = 
| onshore_land_use   = 
| offshore_depth     = 
| offshore_dist      = 
| installed_capacity = 
| max_planned_cap    = 
| capacity_factor    = 
| 5yr_avg_annual_gen = 
| net_generation     = 
| website            = 
| as_of              = 

All other types of power stations[edit]

{{Infobox power station (temp)
| name               = 
| image              = 
| image_size         = 
| caption            = 
| map_cue            = 
| map_image          = 
| map_width          = 
| map_text           = 
| location_map       = 
| location_map_width = 
| location_map_text  = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type   = type:landmark
| coordinates_display= inline,title
| official_name      = 
| locale             = 
| construction_began = 
| commissioned       = 
| decommissioned     = 
| cost               = 
| owner              = 
| primary_fuel       = 
| secondary_fuel     = <!-- Optional -->
| tertiary_fuel      = <!-- Optional -->
| generation_units   = 
| combined_cycle     = 
| installed_capacity = 
| max_planned_cap    = 
| capacity_factor    = 
| 5yr_avg_annual_gen = 
| net_generation     = 
| website            = 
| as_of              = 

Parameter names and descriptions, and full syntax[edit]

Parameter Description
name Name of power station
image Image filename, without File: parameter. Animated and .ogv files are allowed.
image_size Avoid using: Overrides the default 250px
caption Caption beneath image
map_image Filename of map image, without File: parameter.
map_width Avoid using: Overrides the default 235px
map_cue Header for map image
map_text Footer for map image
location_map Name of a location map file. The coordinates must be specified as well (see below).
location_map_width Avoid using: Overrides the default 235px
location_map_text Caption beneath the location map
lat_d Latitude degrees.
lat_m Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
lat_s Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
lat_NS Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
long_d Longitude degrees.
long_m Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
long_s Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
long_EW Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
coordinates_type Optional parameter to add additional coordinate functions. See here for more details.
coordinates_display Display the coordinates inline or title, or both as inline,title.
official_name Official name. Preferably in native language.
locale General area where located, with the country shown at last. Avoid using {{flag}} or {{flagicon}}, and avoid being overly-detailed.
construction_began Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}.
commissioned Date commissioned, consider using {{Start date}}.
decommissioned Date decommissioned, consider using {{End date}}.
cost Total cost of development
owner Owner(s) of the power station
primary_fuel Primary fuel source
secondary_fuel Secondary fuel source (optional)
tertiary_fuel Tertiary fuel source (optional)
generation_units Number of generating units
combined_cycle Is the power station a combined cycle type? Add Yes or No.
reactors_operate_mw Number of reactors operational, and its corresponding gross megawatt capacity. Example: 12 × 600 MW. For multiple reactors capacities, use the <br> function.
reactors_const_mw Number of reactors under construction, and its corresponding future gross megawatt capacity. Example: 12 × 600 MW. For multiple reactors capacities, use the <br> function.
reactors_prop_mw Number of reactors proposed, and its corresponding future gross megawatt capacity. Example: 12 × 600 MW. For multiple reactors capacities, use the <br> function.
reactors_cancel_mw Number of reactors decommissioned, and its corresponding future gross megawatt capacity. Example: 12 × 600 MW. For multiple reactors capacities, use the <br> function.
reactor_types Number of reactors currently in use, and its corresponding types. Remember to shorten the text by using linked synonyms. For multiple reactors types, you may use the <br> function.
solar_farm_type For the common flat-panel photovoltaic type, use [[Photovoltaics|Flat-panel PV]]. For concentrated photovoltaics, use [[Concentrated photovoltaics|CPV]]. For concentrated solar thermal, use [[Concentrated solar power|CSP]].
cpv_concentration Use this field only if solar_farm_type is CPV (see above). Add Low, Medium, or High. See also: Types of CPV.
pv_units Number of photovoltaic modules. Use this field only if solar_farm_type is Flat-panel PV or CPV (see above).
csp_technology The CSP technology in use: Dish stirling, Solar power tower, Fresnel reflector, or Parabolic trough.
csp_dish_units Number of dish units if csp_technology is Dish stirling
csp_trough_units Number of trough units if csp_technology is Parabolic trough
tidal_technology The tidal technology in use: Tidal stream generator or Dynamic tidal power. For tidal barrage technology, please use infobox dam.
tidal_stream_type Type of tidal stream generator.
ts_turbines_mw Number of tidal stream generators and its corresponding gross megawatt capacity, if tidal_technology is Tidal stream generator. Example: 10 × 250 MW. For multiple generator capacities, use the <br> function.
dtp_perp_length Perpendicular length of the dynamic tidal power structure.
dtp_para_length Parallel length of the dynamic tidal power structure.
dtp_turbines_mw Number of generators (turbines) of the dynamic tidal power structure, and its corresponding gross megawatt capacity, if tidal_technology is Dynamic tidal power. Example: 10 × 250 MW. For multiple generator capacities, use the <br> function.
dtp_tidal_range Tidal range created by the dynamic tidal power structure.
wind_turbines Number of wind turbines in the wind farm.
turbine_manu Manufacturer of the wind turbines (e.g. Vestas, General Electric, etc)
turbine_model Manufacturer's model code for wind turbines (e.g. V80, GE2.5XL, etc)
turbine_height Height of the wind turbine towers from base to hub. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
rotor_diameter Diameter of wind turbine rotor. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
rated_speed Rated wind speed of the wind turbine model. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m/s|ft/s|1|abbr=on}}
turb_placement Placement of wind turbines (e.g. Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore). See also Types of wind famrs.
onshore_elev Average ground altitude (don't add hub height) if turb_placement is Onshore. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
onshore_land_use Usage of wind farm location (e.g. Farm land, desert, etc) if turb_placement is Onshore
offshore_depth Average water depth if turb_placement is Offshore. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
offshore_dist Minimum distance from shore if turb_placement is Offshore. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
installed_capacity Current installed capacity in megawatts.
max_planned_cap Maximum planned capacity (if further construction/development is pending) in megawatts.
capacity_factor Capacity factor of the power station.
5yr_avg_annual_gen Average annual power generation of the last five years, in GWh.
net_generation Net power generation since commissioning of the power station, in GWh.
website Official website.
as_of Date infobox last updated.
Full template syntax
{{Infobox power station (temp)
| name               = 
| image              = 
| image_size         = 
| caption            = 
| map_cue            = 
| map_image          = 
| map_width          = 
| map_text           = 
| location_map       = 
| location_map_width = 
| location_map_text  = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type   = type:landmark
| coordinates_display= inline,title
| official_name      = 
| locale             = 
| construction_began = 
| commissioned       = 
| decommissioned     = 
| cost               = 
| owner              = 
| primary_fuel       = 
| secondary_fuel     = 
| tertiary_fuel      = 
| generation_units   = 
| combined_cycle     = 
<!------------- NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS -->
| reactors_operate_mw= 
| reactors_const_mw  = 
| reactors_prop_mw   = 
| reactors_cancel_mw = 
| reactor_types      = 
<!------------------------ SOLAR FARMS -->
| solar_farm_type    = 
| cpv_concentration  = 
| pv_units           = 
| csp_technology     = 
| csp_dish_units     = 
| csp_trough_units   = 
<!--------------- TIDAL POWER STATIONS -->
| tidal_technology   = 
| tidal_stream_type  = 
| ts_turbines_mw     = 
| dtp_perp_length    = 
| dtp_para_length    = 
| dtp_turbines_mw    = 
| dtp_tidal_range    = 
<!------------------------- WIND FARMS -->
| wind_turbines      = 
| turbine_manu       = 
| turbine_model      = 
| turbine_height     = 
| rotor_diameter     = 
| rated_speed        = 
| turb_placement     = 
| onshore_elev       = 
| onshore_land_use   = 
| offshore_depth     = 
| offshore_dist      = 
| installed_capacity = 
| max_planned_cap    = 
| capacity_factor    = 
| 5yr_avg_annual_gen = 
| net_generation     = 


The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.


If the place or venue has "established", "founded", "opened" or similar dates, use {{start date}} for the earliest of those dates unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.


hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.


When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{coord}}'s |name= parameter.