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The Mariner Project


The Mariner Project is a science fiction novel written by Bob Marr. The author is a molecular virologist and neuroscientist working on gene therapy applications of viral vectors to diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The book was inspired by the fascinating properties of transposons. These repeated DNA sequences scattered throughout the genomes of the organisms of the world are emerging as key players in gene expression, function, recombination, and most importantly in evolution.

A recent review of the book states “First of all, I feel like the best part of this book is that the author is actually a scientist, so unlike most "science" based Sci Fi books, the science of this one actually has a very firm foundation. This solid science is then expounded in a very creative way to the story that is. A great read for all ages, the science may be a bit difficult for the younger students, but not beyond basic college biology. The book feels like it has three main "acts" of which there is some basic character overlap, but very little at times. This results in many points of view on the events that unfold. The simplicity of the writing lends itself to fantastic adaptability to the big screen, or at least a made for tv type movie.”

Synopsis: “With the completion of the Human Genome Project, scientists can now delve deep into the enormous sea of DNA that makes up our genetic program. With so much information, the key task for biologists is to decipher what is and is not important. An unlikely character, a mere graduate student, stumbles upon something very curious in the human genome. His investigation leads him to make a stunning scientific discovery that garners worldwide attention. However, in the process, he sets in motion an ancient program that will transform the world forever.”

Excerpt: Journal entry – “July 3. Good news: I still have Jenny. Bad news: My wife and son are dead. Note: I have been thinking about the river a lot these days. Little Jenny keeps asking to go to the river. I found her in the basement yesterday. I heard her talking to herself down there in the dark. When I found her, she was talking into the sump pump pit. She told me, “Mommy wants us too.” So I yelled at her and dragged her upstairs. The basement is locked now. I still occasionally catch her whispering to the toilet. I will not let her go. We will make it together. Everything will be all right.”