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Tara Sutphen

Author, Psychic, & Hypnotherapist. Tara's Books, CD's, Mp3's, Dvd's, Radio show. Seminars - Private Sessions

Tara Sutphen CHt is the author of "Blame It On Your Past Lives", "Soul Agreements" and “Abenda Writings” and "The Abenda Chronicles", audio CD/Mp3 series: Metaphysical meditations, Life-Force Activation series, Temple of the Mystics series, Zappers and Sleep programming. Tara collaborated with an Emmy Award Winning Director and with her best friend Marla Maples on dvd's. Tara is a Master in the Psychic Sciences: Automatic Writing, Hypnotism, Sorcing, Palmistry, Psychometry, Handwriting Analysis, Esoteric Astrology, Shamanism, & Mysticism.

Tara has her own radio show on http://ctrnetwork.com/tarasutphen The show airs live in Seattle and it can be heard on the web.

Tara was raised in the San Francisco Bay area and Anchorage, Alaska. Psychic awareness began at infancy, she underwent two surgeries, one lasting for seven and half hours and another surgery a few weeks later. From that time on she was cognitive of everyday life where they lived on a pretty lake and she could remember past lives. Her father would rock her to sleep most nights as she would try to explain where she had been before. Than as an eight year old she was involved in an accident that lead to another near death experience in a hospital operating room. There she saw the bright guiding light of God and her spirit guide, Abenda consciously talking and telling her to return to earth to work together.

Following high school, she went to work for British Petroleum on the Alaska Pipeline above the Arctic Circle. She saved money to buy a house and returned to California where she worked as a model for the Adrian Agency in Pasadena, and in the movie industry for Warner/Columbia at Burbank Studios.

Moving to Malibu, California and during her ownership of Malibu Shaman, Tara wanted to learn more about the subjects she loved most -- horses, art, hypnosis and metaphysics. She had a chance to study and research many books and modalities. She took University classes in equine science, studied for three years at the Brentwood Art Center, and continued privately with Palmist/Seer Helene Kayal, Famous Metaphysical Author Jess Stearn, and Shaman Astrologer Barbara May. Tara had natural talent for all things psychic and she was soon devoting full time to these abilities. Today, she often demonstrates her abilities in professional trainings, and has written articles for national magazines.

Tara's Mp3's are among the most popular in the Sutphen Company line And she’s been nominated for Grammys. She used automatic writing in the books, Earthly Purpose (Pocket Books) and With Your Spirit Guide's Help (Valley of the Sun, 1998). Her "Cause & Effect" column was a regular feature in Soaring Spirit magazine. Using automatic writing, Tara communicated with her spirit guide Abenda, who set up ethereal connections for readers asking questions -- connections that have been verified by the questioners time and time again.

Tara is in private practice and conducts seminars, teen/adult -- retreats, classes and workshops. She instructs a Teen Psychic Class every week, one of the only classes like it in the world. She makes appearances at festivals and TV such as Millionaire Matchmaker, Home Cleaners, Mind Body Spirit (England & Australia), Holistic Health & Healing (Ireland) Whole Life Expo (USA), and for organizations such as The Learning Annex (USA), Conscious Children’s Network (USA).

Other websites to see Tara:









Instagram: Tara_insight Twitter: tara sutphen APP - IHYPNOTHERAPY

note 2 facebook pages. Tara Sutphen: at 5000 limit Tara Sutphen1: open

private sessions Classes Seminars



