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I am a bilingual Canadian with undergraduate and graduate degrees in translation, linguistics and terminology.

What is a terminologist?


Terminology arises from the need to name objects and actions associated with the various facets of human activity. A terminologist is a specialist in terminological research, which includes gathering, analyzing and recording information on one or more concepts.

In every field of use in which terminologists are well versed, they must establish the relevant vocabulary; provide the equivalents of terms or lists of terms; develop terminological files (case studies); screen recent works to extract established terms as well as newly created terms; draft terminological file entries and contribute to the establishment, enrichment and purging of a terminology bank or file; write articles related to research; participate in the work of linguistic, terminology, neology or standardization committees and prepare unilingual, bilingual or multilingual vocabularies or glossaries, as required. [1]

Qu'est-ce qu'une terminologue?


Le terminologue répertorie les termes propres à une sphère d’activité, les définit et cherche les équivalents dans une autre langue. De plus, il définit les termes en usage pour des entreprises, des bases de données, des glossaires, des dictionnaires et des lexiques afin de les uniformiser.

Le terminologue possède des habiletés en technologies de l’information, a le souci du détail et aime effectuer des recherches approfondies. En outre, il est doté d’une grande curiosité intellectuelle et d’un bon esprit de synthèse.[2]