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Welcome to my english user page! My name is Thomas Geuder (*19th November 1971 in Heidelberg) and I work as a freelance specialist journalist for architecture and construction, both nationally and internationally. I would like to enrich Wikipedia with my expertise and also give something back, because as a journalist Wikipedia is always a good research tool. My main activity is on the German Wikipedia, but I will also create articles and make changes here from time to time.

Curriculum vitae


Born in Heidelberg in 1971, I studied architecture at the TH (University) of Karlsruhe from 1996 to 2002 and graduated under Prof. Arno Lederer. Before that I had already completed an apprenticeship as a draughtsman at DHV Ingenieur-Consulting Deutschland in Heidelberg. After graduating, I started working at Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch in Leinfelden-Echterdingen/Stuttgart in 2003, initially in the editorial department of the architecture journal XIA Intelligente Architektur with the then editor-in-chief Friedrich Dassler. A short time later, I moved within the publishing house to the corporate publishing department of the trade magazine AIT, where I worked as an architecture journalist for another five years after a two-year traineeship. Since March 2009, I have been responsible for a team of 10 staff members as head of the department. At the beginning of 2011, I moved to the editorial department of Detail transfer in Munich. At the end of 2011, I finally founded the company raumjournalismus, with which I offer architectural communication and specialist architectural journalism at all levels under the label "DER RAUMJOURNALIST". The thematic complex of architecture, urban planning, technology and design are thus the topics with which I can contribute to Wikipedia.



"The material forms the shape of the architecture, which in turn can be seen with the eye and felt with the hands. It is true that people cannot go "into" these forms, so they are only condemned to look at them. Nevertheless, the form, the shape and the material ultimately characterise what happens in between: the space that forms the actual architecture. The architect designs and shapes this space by applying the right measure, defining relationships, bringing them together and arranging them. Material and form are his tools. With them he shapes the space, which is the most important medium between architecture and man."

My article work


New piece: Smart Building, Term

New piece: Christian Gaus, German architect from Göppingen

Revision: Kraftwerk Amager in Copenhagen

Many small changes in various articles.

This user completed the
introductory tutorial series
on 17 February 2022.