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Hey there. My name is TheAnonymousWikedian. :)

So.. uh.. what does my name mean?

My name is TheAnonymousWikedian because...

The = Distinguishes me from other people, I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous = I'd rather not reveal any personal information about myself. :)

Wikedian = A word I made up, it refers to a person who works with wikis, like Wikipedia or Fandom. If you made an edit or something on a wiki, then, congratulations, you're one of those people! :D

As you could see, I express myself with text emotes! ;) Why is this? Is it because i'm a tad bit wEiRd? :P

You are correct. :3

So, yeh. That's all fo' now. :>