Hello. I cannot give you the name, so I call myself TheMystery. Oh, not to get confused, I am a girl, long blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes as some people say, and since my identity is covered, I'm not really afraid to write anything, so I can write about my best friends (which would be mean) and not care [also very mean] so I won't.
Anyway, have you heard of book week? Yeah, I don't think I'll do it next year but this year I'm making the most of it and dressing up as Rima Mashiro from the anime/manga Shugo Chara. I really want to. It's a bit of good old cosplaying to finish off the year!
I'm eating chocolate weet bix for breakfast at 5:30am theres violet crumble and everything! Yummy! Have you watched step up 4? I just did! ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! OH, not trying to spoil anything, but Moose comes back! :)
Cherios! hahaha goodnight govner