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User:The Alcacell

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History of The Alcacell The Alcacell is a Manga series started and created by Michael Figueroa in the year 2012. The Alcacell has and always well consents on the two main characters Michael Zeber and his cousin Chris Christopherson. Michael first came up with The Alcacell when he was thinking about videos games. Yes Michael originally wanted The Alcacell to become a video game. After some long thinking and almost 276 different drawings of each character he decided to make it in to a Manga. Michael started the Manga using pencil and paper. The Alcacell Manga started out with 24 to 25 pages each book. Later on Michael added chapters and more pages. Michael wanted to do something different drawing The Alcacell Manga he decided to only use different shades of Gray and certain colors to make the Manga. Recently Michael decided to skip back in time starting the hole Alcacell series with Michael Zeber and Chris Christopherson as kids only calling The Alcacell ( Alcacell ). He is still deciding how many gens will be in Alcacell. After Alcacell is over Michael plans to release the next generation with more characters plus Michael Zeber and Chris Christopherson as older teens then called ( The Alcacell ) Most of Michaels characters are based on people in his life past and present. All Michael has to say now is The Alcacell should be a treat for all Anime and Manga lover.