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Jessica Vance Soci-105 27 October 2012 The Mexican American Subculture in the US Judged and Misunderstood - Cultural Repression and Hope:

    I chose to expand on the Mexican American Subculture for my project because there are quite a few Mexican Americans living in my area, and I am able to talk with them on a friendly basis and discover new information about their culture and their lives from time to time. Through researching for this project I learned that the Mexican American Subculture is a very unique group that often gets misjudged. There exists confusion and imbalances in perceptions of the group as far as misjudgment of character, overgeneralizations in view that any Mexican American is just another Latino person, and, also, distortions in ways of thinking in terms of what familism means to the group in this day and age and to what degrees the family structure is tending to grow and change in these times. Nevertheless, many of these misperceptions are owed to contagious stereotyping. Within it pure ignorance lies, and, in turn, all that gets accomplished is one selling oneself short of the ability to interact and communicate effectively with those who belong to other groups. A positive approach for effective communication with those in other cultures and subcultures would be to get to know who you are talking to before saying something that will even move to distort the perceptions of others in the process. To influence another’s point of view can be a powerful thing that can ruin any group’s all around image, including your own. Becoming familiar with verifiable details concerning a group’s background and more contemporary affirmations for that group will make communication with that group much less complicated. The more you know the lesser the odds that you will slip and say something offensive or make a negative situation out of a sensitive issue or topic when attempting to communicate. Harsh feelings toward others with bias as the main distasteful ingredient have only contributed to too many major problems in this country and the rest of the world. I believe the answer lies in each individual to make even the tiniest bit of difference even if it is little by little. With affordable effort communication breakdowns and barriers which lead to terrible and chaotic things, such as arguing, major confrontation, crimes against persons, and even war will be all the less common.
    Within the act of one quick to make a comment or remark about the particular group without doing their fair share of investigating for truth in the preconceived idea or thought ultimately lies utter insensitivity, disinterest, and disconnection and can spread like disease working to taint the opinions of others and corrupt the general image on an entire subculture hence the particular subculture suffers due to end results leading to matters in their everyday lives becoming battles to face. I have learned that Mexican Americans are basically very friendly, easygoing people, but this oftentimes gets misconstrued with the farfetched suspicion that members are likely harboring mischievous intentions which they are more than likely planning to carry out. There exists fear of such presupposed intentions, as invitation for friendship gets taken as overbearing and, of course, deemed undesirable. This makes it almost impossible for Mexican Americans to make as many friends as it appears to me they would typically like to. This type flawed judgment can also hinder advancement for members of the group professionally in addition to affecting their place in the community, outcast and ostracized before their even given a chance. I tend to notice that certain people have some fear and mistrust for Mexican American people because they see them as unlikable and wicked and, in addition to dissimulating, even view them as simpletons whose use of time is “present-oriented”. “…someone from a future-oriented culture might view those from present-oriented cultures as self-centered, hedonistic, inefficient, and foolish. This natural tendency to view one’s own practices as superior to all others is a common source of problems in intercultural communication.” (Lustig 215).
    “Mexican Americans emphasize the present rather than the future, intangible gratifications rather than material rewards, and emphasize enjoyment rather than future (from one Anglo interview) the ‘run-run-run’ of other Americans. The Mexican is pictured as a serene rather than anxious person, perhaps a bit more improvident in planning the future, but his pleasure in life and living more than compensates.” (Moore 130). I think this is a beautiful thing and sometimes wish I could live my life in the same exact way. I do not totally agree with the entire statement in the citing because I know from experience that members’ tendency to be serene is often overlooked by others; even though the tendency itself persists. I would not be one of the individuals that fail to see this and appreciate it. I would agree from my experiences and personally state that being in the company of Mexican Americans kind of puts you at ease because they tend to have such a peaceful way; however, this gets taken for granted by those who fail to see beyond their preconceived notions and tainted feelings. Some people are also uncomfortable with Mexican Americans due to minor differences in general physical appearance in comparison to Anglo Americans. Physical features in the face are shaped differently in contrast with members of the group having jaw lines and lips that are much wider, and as for height ratio on average members are not as tall as the Anglo American is. Additionally, members typically have a different kind of style as for tone of voice (placing emphasis on words  and syllables that less commonly get emphasis placed on them by Anglo Americans) and some a heavy accent when speaking words in the English language (for the English speaker who is perhaps a beginner). Sometimes those fluent in English look down on members if they are not fluent in English or if their English is very broken. Contrary to what one would expect knowing that Mexican Americans are easygoing and serene, members also have a tendency to speak more rapidly and express thoughts at a faster pace and more hastily, exercising much less hesitation between thinking and expressing out loud and in responding verbally to another individual as compared to the average of the larger culture. There is more irony pertaining to faster paced personality characteristics when considering physical movement. Many members make rapid motions and movements in comparison to those in the larger culture who tend to move much more slowly with a lot less pizazz.
    I have noticed that people do not see the good in some of their ways the way I do, generally. For instance, the Mexican Americans that live in my town work very hard for what they have, but they live the hard life. To work they walk, ride their bicycles, or use public transportation. When they are not working hard, they like to spend their free time riding their bicycles around town aimlessly and gather on streets and street corners to communicate in an intragroup-like way and bond with one another. They will also go out of their way to communicate with those outside of their group. It shows that members have the will to be diverse on their part in social roles within the community and to want to socialize with others more so that they are able to better connect and blend in with members of other groups. It takes a lot of courage for Mexican Americans to make it known right out in the open that they would very much prefer to assume this role and also prefer for their  language to be included as part of the mainstream language. This language transition (bilingualism) as a heated and well-debated argument which remains ongoing today, needless to say, was not always the big issue that it is. Many years ago before Mexican migration became as popular as it is today, the Mexicans that did settle here were more or less a particularly silent group, and it was common that members would keep to themselves. Now, largely because of their children’s integration into the mainstream culture through the educational system communication barriers are not as extreme, nor as trying. Mexican Americans are now remarkably more sociable than in the past, yet again when strangers to the Mexican Americans are confronted by this friendly behavior; it typically sparks degrees of uneasiness and resistance. I overhear people making rude comments and also expressing that they think that they are up to no good or “they must be trouble”. I know differently for the most part. They are basically misunderstood.
    When I first asked a group of Mexican American males if any of them would be willing to interview with me I will admit that I was a bit apprehensive about the request because I was not exactly sure what kind of reaction I would get, but as we all started to talk and the conversation became more personable hence got a bit more personal, I realized that I was dealing with a group of really descent people. I was pleased when one of the men, named Cristano, who was already somewhat a friendly acquaintance of mine, willingly gave me his cellular phone number so we could arrange a time and a place to meet at which time I would be able to ask him more specific and thorough questions. This way I could better prepare to conduct a thorough interview.
    Much to my dismay, due to the exigent circumstances caused by Hurricane Sandy unfortunately an official interview was not possible as it destroyed the Island on which we both resided. However, when I spoke with him briefly, while during this time also observing several of his Mexican American friends (a couple of them his relatives), he explained to me how his wife and children live in Mexico, that she cannot get her citizenship, and he has thought about moving her here illegally in desperation. He expressed to me how he so terribly wishes to be with his family. Cristano is a very hard working man and he tells me that he sends most of the money that he makes back to his family in Mexico to support them (as he feels this commitment is his moral duty). He has also told me that he knew no English when he first moved to the states and that his uncle who was already living here taught him the little that he knows. He shows signs of being very tough on himself, especially in how he explained to me that he hardly knows any English and how he feels he does not know enough, yet I could understand every single thing that he has said to me. I have had to repeat several statements and questions to him because he only knows a limited amount of words in the English Language, but he knows enough to get by in the community and hold his job at a restaurant cooking.
    I have observed through personal encounters that members of the Mexican American group truly take partial perspectives straight to the heart and appear practically always to be consistently feeling the situation out in order to pinpoint prejudice toward their group and sense if even the slightest feelings of one sidedness are harbored. I find it is really important to use a lot of caution in how you come across at every moment in social situations. It appeared almost obvious to me that the Mexican American men who live in my area have a preference for American women. The typical Mexican American man in my neighborhood is intrigued by a white American female. This is a common way of thinking amongst the majority of white American women and it creates a problem because as result from this way of thinking many of the women have poor attitudes toward male members of the group. Some stereotypes have truth to them, but then again that is where opinions entangled with false belief come in, as a stereotype is merely an assumption in the first place. There is a big difference between an innocent guess based on observation and a strong overgeneralization. I feel that one thing that should be considered is how biased the statement is, and something that separates the one making an argument from being guilty of bigotry is whether the argument being made is a negative or positive expressive thought about a particular culture or subculture. The degree of truth in the argument does the same, and whether the argument is weak inductive and unlikely true; or strong inductive, applies to most of the members in a group, will typically be the determinant of whether a claim should even be associated with the particular group at all. For example, one could state that Mexican American men are hard workers. I know that most male members are actually, not solely stated based on what I see, but, too, because I know it is a Mexican universal to be a dedicated man, so the statement is true for most, but surely not all, of course. On the contrary, the statement I made above about Mexican American men having a preference for white American women can definitely be unlikely and also be a false assumption because its jumping to a conclusion that only applies to some of the Mexican American men who lived in my town, but it is that sort of observation that leads to ideas held as standard belief and labels. And it is quite another thing when inaccuracy and negativity serve to cause another problem that becomes an issue in itself. A counterclaim that has truth to it would be: majority of Mexican American men prefer to settle down and start a family with women who are members of their own subculture. He wishes to be more understood by the life partner he chooses, for one, and who could blame him for wanting to be understood?
    Mexican Americans speak Spanish, of course. Language is written with symbols over letters, both consonants and vowels, for instance, over the “ñ” in año, meaning year in English, and the “á” in mamá, meaning mom or mother, somewhat similar to the style of writing in the French language, but differing strongly from the English language, and may look confusing to those who only know how to read in the English language. These symbols are used to emphasize the sound only the letter should make when pronounced as a part of the word: “Mastery of another language requires practice in reproducing its sounds [phonemes] accurately.” (Lustig 170). Also, Mexican Americans and other Latin-sub groups alike speak phrases wherein adjectives are placed and spoken after the noun (the word that is the main topic being discussed), and prepositions are spoken and written first. Pronouns are often emphasized and contained inside of adjectives, nouns and, also, verbs, which are usually placed before the noun, especially in proper titles. Contained pronouns designate the gender of reference. For instance, one would use the term, “bonita”, to tell a female she is attractive, and the term, “bonito”, to say the same to a male. The phrase, “Hombre bonito”, means attractive man. Order and sentence structure differs so greatly from that of English it is no wonder how communication can be quite the task. A slang word, “Ese”, which refers to such expressions as “bro”, “homeboy”, “friend” is common and often shared amongst younger generation Mexican Americans (teens and young adults) and their friends at a popular level on American city streets. With the exception of consistency in particular expressions in slang form, Mexican Spanish differs from actual Spanish, not only because of the influence of the English dialect on Mexicans who migrated to this nation, yet it varies quite a bit also on account of the fact that New Mexicans (descendants of Spanish ancestry) lived isolated from Spain for a time during the sixteenth century until the eighteenth. Thus, there were new patterns of slight deviation from Spanish as it is spoken in Spain that spread and developed in the language spoken by those of Mexican origin living here. Many Anglo Americans are unaware of differences in variations of Language spoken by the many different Latin subgroups and that those who are Spanish speak Spanish and those who are Mexican American actually speak Mexican Spanish.
    Moreover, the Mexican American man has pressures that root in his culture which he will tend to pass on to the woman in his life that may put an enormous amount of stress on her. As viewed more pessimistically by the larger culture in the states, the more children he has, the more successful of a man he is considered to be in his home country and this concept is applied here modestly, yet it serves to make it more difficult for Mexican American women as far as having the responsibility on them of raising so many children. Perhaps Mexican American families come to the US hoping to break that cycle, and also to overcome lack of educational and employment opportunity, yet it does not always filter through. Generally, the Mexican American woman living in the US is subservient in terms of taking care of her family and fulfilling the expectations her husband has of her female role, but not as subservient as her Mexican counterpart; nor does she have things as tough. In Mexico, as for the female role, it is cooking, caring for the children, housekeeping, and preparing for each and every day sometimes performing hard labor tasks that she is not paid to perform, of course. “For country women, work was seldom a salaried job. More often it was the work of growing and preparing food, of making adobes and plastering houses, or making their children’s clothes for school and teaching them the hymns and prayers of the church, or delivering babies and treating sicknesses with herbs and patience.” (Ross 263). A portion of the women even performed many of these tasks for other families in their communities in addition. The female role is regarded the same for the Mexican woman here in America in terms that she will take on a lot of responsibility, possibly manning all the other tasks aside from nine to five employment, yet the women have it a lot easier here because, for example, here typically they will not have to grow their own food, and they can actually buy potatoes from the market that are already peeled. In most respects they have it very different here than they would in Mexico. Obligations tied to the female role are far fewer. Just as life in general is easier here for her, the Mexican American woman does not have as much expected of her in comparison to the extent of the extreme demands which are placed on the female role in her home country, and she also has much more opportunity at hand than her Mexican counterpart. Mexican American husbands tend to mind much less (compared to attitudes in Mexico) if their wives take advantage of the opportunities this Nation has to offer. Many Mexican American women have joined the labor force in the US and the number is likely to keep growing; however, “displacement of the father by the mother as the dominant figure in the family” (Lewis 14) is one change that can create complications and confusion in terms of unity for the family in the home. Nevertheless, the Mexican Woman of America is more empowered, and that’s a big step forward for the group despite certain consequences. Loyalty and duty plays a major role in the value system for both the male and female roles in the family setting in the Mexican American subculture dating all the way back to values held dear in Mexican society and Family life. Both the males and females satisfy the obligations of their roles to the fullest, both taking on the responsibility of working hard without hesitation; however, as familism as  a historically prevalent norm held strong as a more in the eyes of the Mexican  initially began to make its decline in importance and practice, it began to weaken all across America in the way of life for the Mexican American because public services such as assistance from social services, affordable health clinics, and low or no cost child day care facilities cause less need for role responsibilities to be fulfilled and “It seems …that standards of behavior for men are shifting away from the patriarchal ideal to a norm of equality.” (Moore 117) in turn. They begin to feel less and less obligated to follow the unwritten rules and norms of their subculture living here in the US. Mexican American men who live here have begun to feel less and less shameful of caring for their own children while their wives work or if they are actually not married (single fathers). Nevertheless, the men value the material comfort level of their distant relatives, and as they treasure this, make it possible for their wives to live a good life and do the same for those living in Mexico that are not immediate family. Non-immediate family suffers in poverty at the mercy of the peso’s worth, just as much as their wives and children do, after all, as the peso at certain times is worth three times less than the American dollar. These dedicated men who strongly value and have such a profound respect for the living conditions of their families should be commended for not solely making these efforts a priority, but also deserve a lot of praise for  selflessly considering their families’ needs before their own wants as opposed to living the extravagant life here in America. The Mexican American man stands out from men of many other groups in this respect. Engagement in such a selfless routine also works to help improve socioeconomic group status within various communities in Mexico as level of poverty is improved for every worthy cause. Also, if/when wives and other family members who receive monies from the men living here ever migrate here, chances are that there will be a higher number of doors open for opportunity in life as higher probability will exist for them to become a functional, productive member of their American community, and the chances of falling right into underclass group status or lower income bracket are slimmer, as opposed to assuming a disposition wherein public assistance becomes a necessity. On the contrary, before arriving to the states the many that migrate here have big dreams for success only to find those dreams are crushed by oppression, more so in the very beginning.
    ‘It is more common for Mexican Americans who rank in low income status and have businesses to hire within the family, while the larger culture tends to follow fancy textbook business methods and practices taught in popular ivy league business schools, such as Yale School of Management and Harvard. In these times, this is the cleverest of tactics in order for large companies and even small businesses to succeed in this country, and, too, nepotism is not exactly the motto that our government prefers we live by. The disciplined way is prevalent in the corporate counterpart of the small family business, which has much less of an edge in the battle against their money hungry competition. Mexican Americans Families might stand more of a chance in business by conforming to the practices of the larger society. Nepotism has proven to promote immobility.’(Moore reference/chart pg.128 -129). It remains imperative to discriminate the pros and cons between professionalism and familism as two totally separate institutions. In terms of familism in general, it is a norm and a value of the Mexican American culture, and although it is still valued a great deal here in America, familism is not really valued quite as much as people think at present. This is one positive stereotype that is attached to the subculture that is appreciated, approved of, and can be admired by those of the larger culture and other groups along with other Latino subgroups, though the truth to the claim of popularity and commonality of familism has been diminishing slowly but surely throughout the years as far as in this country, particularly. As I cited earlier, the here and the now is priority for members, yet another inconsistency to that conjecture is that goals are significantly important, technically daily goals. Daily planning and consistent routine ultimately leads to success, and being prepared to fulfill goals each day means having consistency and perseverance. Consistency and perseverance are strongly driven, prevalent values, which are also qualities among the Mexican American communities in the US. Most members of the group tend to apply themselves in a way which enables them to succeed in living their lives at a comfortable level by remaining one hundred percent dedicated to whatever responsible life choice they make. It is not likely members will let anyone or anything get into the way of daily routines and responsibilities, and yet also not likely they would consider getting in others’ way either. I have observed many Mexican Americans who come here able, ready, and willing to join the labor force right away. In majority, they are immediately able to become a functioning part of the community and live with others in harmony, and they should be recognized as valuable members of society despite the mixed feelings common amongst many of those who belong to the dominant group. 
      By 2008, there were roughly 7,000,000 Mexicans living in the states who were undocumented. Other than the major issue of disobeying strict immigration laws and finding ways to manipulate regulations in naturalization dating back to the time when migration in order to escape conditions in Mexico initially became popular, more so than not Mexican Americans appear to abide by the basic rules of society in America just like any other law abiding citizen. “Cultural patterns provide the basic set of standards that guide thought and action.” (Lustig 85). Of course, some will offend, but most Mexican Americans seem to have realistic expectations of themselves in terms what type of behavior would be considered functional and acceptable in American communities. As far as I have seen many in the group tend to stay under the radar. Perhaps this is because they are a peaceful culture whose members are worried only about living in the community in harmony and blending in with the rest of the groups. By doing so they are able to avoid those penalties imposed through laws having been broken, and they are able to avoid unwanted attention from law enforcement by not giving themselves a poor reputation while behaving in a way whereby ridicule from society and both public humiliation and being marked by their elders with great shamefulness and degradation goes prevented.  Regulations and rules work as a strong influence in the Mexican American culture. Keeping out of trouble as a priority is a useful convention for any group to share commonly. Given instances where each is inclined to be on their best behavior allows each member to better blend in an intergroup setting, and also creates a more positive public image for the particular group to which one belongs in its entirety. From here, acculturation and acceptance by others both in informal social scenarios and in professionalism can definitely improve chances of more pleasant experiences and for more opportunity. Mexican American central cultural guidelines and conventional moral attitudes forbid its members to engage in countercultural conduct. Acting out of ignorance and violating social norms all around shared in American communities or breaking laws is considered taboo and goes against mores. Also, in Mexico, if one does not fulfill the responsibilities in the family, they are considered a disgrace to the community. As there is a bit more slack provided in this concept regarding the general attitudes of co-members of the ethnicity within communities of this country, often it is quite the opposite in the eyes of Mexican elders living here who still honor long-held set principles of Mexico. In sum, patterns in attitude toward acceptable behavior are discernible among younger and older generation members of the ethnic group.  In addition, dishonesty and disloyalty are taken very seriously; not at all lightly (in acquaintanceship or otherwise). Sincerity, trustworthiness, and dependability are considered behaviors worthy of reward, but if one chooses to betray another in a social matter, in business, etc. one will be subject to the most severe consequences, publicly shamed and humiliated, permanently marked as a double-crosser, and sometimes banished by other members.
    Mexican Americans should also be recognized for who they are and should not be taken as anything less than a culture that is unique from other Latino subgroups, but in reality the Mexican American is commonly viewed through overgeneralizations attached to ideas and careless notions as simply just another Latino. Too, they get stuck with a lot of the same labels that other Latino subgroups do. When I hear people make negative statements, the negativity gains full force from the harsh emphases in the voices of the guilty parties who engage in the stereotyping and these vocal overtones make the comments sound more like accusations than anything else. I find that those who make these accusations are guilty of discrimination because they cross the line when they are totally partial to their own group at the time the bias initiates. Some are guilty of most appalling and thoughtless stereotypes, such as: Latinos always cook and eat rice, drink too much, are drug addicts, have too many children, are poor because they have too many mouths to feed, have too many members of their families living with them in residences which are too small for the amount of persons, are always working hard labor jobs with sweatshop-like conditions being the case , always accept low pay, are thieves, are connivers, are con artists ,are lazy, talk funny, are always here in the states illegally, and many more . As some stereotypes have some truth to them, some of these do, but these do not truly apply to every Mexican American person, and the words all and always need not apply. Also, some members of the larger culture and other groups eat rice a lot, have too many children that they have a tough time supporting, have too many occupants in a residence to cut expenses, and so on, alike, so does this mean they should be stereotyped too? Frankly, these types of insinuations I find extremely disappointing and altogether disturbing. I have heard many people making fun of Mexican Americans (and also Ecuadorians) laughing out about how they are always holding landscaping jobs or are roofers or are always doing some type of sweatshop oriented manual labor …and, yet this is supposed to be humorous? It sickens me to hear such jokes, especially because ignorant folks are trying to find humor in something that is actually …a good thing. It is obvious the reality is that many Mexican Americans come to this country not knowing a lot of English, another language can’t be learned overnight, and they deserve a lot of credit for eagerly jumping right to work, for merely obtaining the jobs they do have, and for keeping the positions they are able to get despite their lack in ability to communicate with the majority. I am, in fact, a member of the larger group, yet I am one out of the group who is an exception to the rule when it comes down to these discriminatory and socially unjust attitudes. I am one having deferential regard for multiculturalism.   
   Preserving of cultural identity of the Mexican culture is slowly becoming less important, and I think that it should be a priority. The Mexican culture has become influenced through living in this nation, and also by other areas which surround Mexico in specific ways in regard to the degree in which traditions and customs are valued and practiced. Mexican Americans are mainly dedicated Roman Catholics who continue to raise their children with the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. That is one thing that has basically stayed the same. But in looking further, they try to keep a few things sacred by surrounding themselves in a group of their own. When Mexican Americans come to the US, they prefer to form their own communities, no matter how small or not largely populated the community, in order to live amongst their families or others of their own origin. The Mexican American lifestyle varies from that of the dominant culture in respect to basic life norms as well. Mexican Americans take pride in the food they eat, which not only serves for nutrition , but speaks for their culture, especially in the way that they decorate their dishes with vivid colors to match the general collective cultural personality that is shared, which is very optimistic and vivacious. Cuisine that is very spiced up and fiery and loaded heavily with herbs is a popular dish (the “Tex-Mex”, which is also popular in the southwestern states and the “Cal-Mex”, which is popular in California). They also enjoy listening to Mexican music which contains continuous ongoing up-beat melodies and lyrics which include a lot of sentiment to their traditions in their country and which celebrates their passions in life. They enjoy dancing to the music simply to celebrate living their lives and express happiness and fulfillment.  Dances include the ever popular “Salsa” and also “Jarabe Tapatio”, which is a tap dance. Many people might assume that one of them would be the “Merengue”, but that is more or less a Dominican dance. Obviously, very crowded, colorful festivals of celebration with a lot of colorful costumes and plenty of music and dancing are extremely popular in Mexico, but you do not see too much of that here as Mexican holiday traditions are not prevalent of major events in the US, nor would the traditional specific ways of celebrating define holidays in the distinct ways in which they are spent in Mexico. The celebration of Cinco de Mayo is the only single Mexican Holiday that gets regionally celebrated with great significance and value here in the US, and that is just once per year, of course. Other significant Mexican Holidays traditionally celebrated in Mexico include President Benito Jáurez’s Birthday, Día de la Constitución, ‘Constution Day’ in English, Día de la  Indepenencia or September 16th’s ‘Independence Day’, which is celebrated in respect to the Independence War, and also Mexican “Revolution Day”, the 20th every of November. These are not universally celebrated in the states. The Mexican slowly loses little bits and pieces of himself in becoming a Mexican American. 
    Stereotypes and misjudgment are not the only negative cultural suppressors which Mexican Americans are forced to deal with, nor are they the only contributors to social tensions amongst all groups that dwell within communities. For another, there exists much struggle in intramural academics for youths. Out of all the Latino groups, school-aged children of Mexican origin are confronted by the most hurtles in their educational experiences in the United States. Unpromisingly, they also tend not to learn or comprehend the same volume of information that non-Latino white youths are able to, nor learn at the more adequate pace that some of their other Latino counterparts do. The problem does not simply rest on low grade averages, the dropout rate for Mexican American children remains higher than that of the children who belong to other Latin sub-groups whose parents also migrated to the US and college completion is also least likely for the young adults who are the children of Mexican parents who moved here from Mexico. For instance, only half as many Cuban youths drop out in comparison and as far as all the other subgroups, the rate for finishing high school and college is higher. All the same, socialization becomes a difficult process to overtake for youths and their parents. Learned behaviors and common norms of peers and faculty in schools contradict those customary in the home. Mexican American parents must raise their children in an environment that they, themselves, are estranged to, and are also obligated to protect their young from being belittled and mistreated by a society wherein many lack suitable and deserved respect and compassion for their subculture. The children are subject to the universally spoken English language in schools. This can cause many problems for a child and create many tremendous obstacles for the child in his or her life, especially when (Mexican) Spanish is the primary language spoken in the home. Comprehension of the curriculum can either be a challenge or completely impossible. This makes growing into your own skin an extremely confusing struggle and can cause resistance in the socialization process. As they experience at such young ages oppression in the integrated environment of the school system, it would only be correct to assume that they would feel so terribly out of place and develop self-esteem issues on account that low self-confidence is born through one’s of feelings of being incompetent. Unlike the rest they may not exactly be the highest of achievers and for what they lack will usually get treated differently than other children are by the other children who are well spoken in English. Even needing that extra attention from their school teacher can be quite humiliating for a child. This will change a child’s attitude toward school to a negative one and is likely to have the same impact at home and towards parents and/ or siblings. The difference from the larger culture is that the child experiences emotional stress and anxieties from unpleasant learning experiences relative to his or her cultural background. Sometimes means of extra help is not exactly at the fingertips of parents, nor even to faculty in schools due to cuts in funding, and unfortunately bilingualism inevitably becomes a forced issue as it is a most demanding, unwritten rule and expectation right from the beginning. It is not something that can be learned right away hence learning issues snowball as a child falls behind and the child is affected all throughout the life of their educational experience in its course. Needless to say, chances are any particular child subject to this could grow up feeling like a failure, and, in turn, other aspects in their lives are strongly affected such as the ability to maintain healthy relationships of various sorts, as repression becomes an agent which acts to retard acculturation as a process in other facets of the young member’s life. Then, the individual is more a victim of his community in America rather than one of its members. . Developing a strong sense of self and an undisturbed sense of one’s very own natural culture can be crippling to a child in critical times of growing up when the child is torn between conflicting cultural universals. This will obviously apply to any other group wherein English is not the universally spoken language in addition to Mexican Americans. “For most European Americans, emphasis on individual self is so strong and so persuasive that it is almost impossible for them to comprehend a different point of view.” (Lustig 99). Language barriers in education is only one issue that is a form of oppression. All of the aforementioned cultural standards, values, folkways, norms, and mores of the Mexican American group are objects that are reduced to silence in the socialization process for them which takes place here in this country. Granted, the prerequisites of living in America tautly  harnesses and also debilitates  long-held and highly valued Mexican cultural universals hence through becoming virtually crushed. To extensive degrees the subculture is prevented from growing, changing, and evolving as a group because the residual dynamics of their group are more or less paved over. Minorities in this country are more commonly viewed as an issue one would prefer to avoid because of all the baggage attached than anything else. “Between them is the preschooler who only speaks only Spanish, who falters in his first and crucial encounter with Anglo Americans because his native speech is still regarded as a barrier and not a road and because in addition he brings with him all the handicaps of poverty.” (Galazara 47). Things are a bit better than back in the day when children in the southwest were kept after school for ‘Spanish Detention’ as punishment for speaking Spanish, but I do not understand why so many always want to take what happens to be different and see the worst in it, or focus on the flaws in something that can easily be seen as a minor setback and instead of trying to help. In any case, the only way that something can be a barrier or a downfall is if it is perceived that way.
    In conclusion, the problem is that certain individuals treat members like they are part of a counterculture while they are not. This can be very disheartening and disappointing to members of a group wherein it is so important to be accepted because strong, solid, close relationships are valued so immeasurably. “A minority is almost by definition a problem as viewed from the outside by the general society.” (Galazara 73). Mexican Americans are stigmatized as being a group that is dependent; therefore, they could be compared to minors who have never really grown up to be the independent adults that they ought to be, as Galazara expresses, and as he points out, minors need special attentions; however, the way the average Mexican American applies himself in his life conflicts with the way he is looked at as an incompetent liability, and I feel that this should be reflected in the opinions of others. His ambition more than makes up for the weak points he struggles with. The truth is that those who deprive members of other groups of acceptance are the ones who create barriers (of cultural insensitivity). As there has been only little improvement over time, if the ways of society are practiced as by being more understanding and accommodating to Mexican Americans and other groups originating from countries afar rather than ridiculing and unhelpful, it would only serve to lessen amounts of social tension tremendously and ascertain that cultural anxiety for these minorities would lessen in sorts. Furthermore, one cannot make problems and expect not to get negativity back. Negative bias only breeds bias against one’s own group. “As of July 2011, Mexican Americans make up 10.8% of the United States' population with over 33,558,000 Americans listed as being of full or partial Mexican ancestry. Mexican Americans comprise 64.6% of all Hispanics and Latinos in the United States.[1] ” (Wikipedia). There is a strong need for the larger group, whose members tend to be enablers of intercultural incompetence and responsible for the birth of social tensions to become more accepting and willing to determine the group as Mexican Americans, instead of just Mexicans who are taking up space on their territory. “Further, there is every chance that this minority will continue to grow faster than any other ethnic group in the United States.” (Moore 52). This is one very good reason why members of the dominant group should be more open and tolerant to Mexican Americans, particularly. The amount of the Mexican American’s ability to progress in society is expected to increase, and why help build a wall which only serves to hold them back? Foreseeably, the need for public assistance from local, state, and federal government is prone to decline for each and every member that takes their education that next step further. For each new generation opportunities are continuing to expand, cultural barriers are decreasing, though little by little, and also being broken through education as the learning process is becoming more successful with the help of efficient educators, and life here is improving more and more for the Mexican American. In the subculture of Mexican descent [and also true to other groups in America] with the increasing educational opportunities, the enormous difference between the levels of education for the child and that of their parents “is one of the most indices of upward mobility and aspiration level” (Lewis 19). hence allows for the entire family as a unit to progress, and this progression speaks loudly for the entire group as a whole as a more positive message is given. Mexican Americans are more successful in holding a larger number of high-ranking, professional positions than before, which, although superficially, inevitably allows the group to gain more appreciation and respect from the dominant culture., as one may find that the woman of Mexican descent who once waited on customers working the cash register at a local fast food restaurant now has a Bachelor’s degree and receives a salary. Compared to time past when Mexicans first began to migrate to the US, the futures for members of the group are now far more promising, but there will be likelihood for even greater success through conformity on members’ of both groups part and the role the larger group’s members play in social acceptance, tolerance, and the willingness to remain conscientious in that we must make changes in our attitudes, behavior, and actions that correspond with the measure of the cultural compositions of our communities. For the future of the Mexican American here in this country there is hope for prosperity, but greater strain is put forth on advancement as a process if individuals as members of communities in this county continue to falter in the necessary balance that will allow us to pass through the gateway to intercultural amity.
    Mexican Americans by Joan Moore, as a valuable resource, filled me in on detailed information about Mexican Americans as both a distinct and distinguished culture. While this book taught me more about the Mexican American intellectual, it only served to enhance the positive outlook I have on the Mexican American Subculture, itself. I got more of my information from this resource compared to all of the other non-fiction books and the two websites. The only problem I had with this source, aside from the fact that I found some information flawed on account that the book was written so long ago, is that you could tell that it was, in fact, written by a female regardless of whether you looked to see who the author is. Other than that I feel this this particular book makes it possible for the reader to gain a newfound respect for Mexican Americans.
    I chose Wikipedia as a resource because I felt that it would provide me with a variety of summarized information of the Mexican American subculture. Though I know that you cannot always trust much of the information that is provided on the Wikipedia site because it is not always accurate and the sources are somewhat sketchy, but I assumed this site would give me a little bit more basic knowledge on a little bit of everything that has to do with the Mexican American people in several categories. It gave me an easy and simplified understanding of general aspects of the group and it was a substantial resource for the topic of communication and language.
    I thought that the University of California-Riverside site would be a productive resource because it would allow me to discover specific factual information pertaining to how Mexican adults and youths compare and relate to others institutionally as well as the specifics on how they tend to function in today’s society in this nation with the other groups relatively, comparatively, and also how the functioning assimilates and corresponds with the larger group and subgroups.
   American Families Past and Present was a necessary resource because I needed to obtain background information about Mexicans and their origin and I needed to know who I was talking about while completing this project. I felt that I would need to gain some insight into the history of Mexicans and Mexico prior to writing a paper that discusses Mexicans living in America in the present.
    I chose to refer to and cite from the Lustig text because it provides basis for intercultural communication applied. I feel that it is important to take what you have learned and utilize it. Otherwise, what you have been taught and all that you have taken in is pretty much pointless. The Lustig text also helped to get to the bottom of a lot of the unanswered questions that I had and several things I was not quite sure of, for instance in nonverbal communication comparisons. The text helped me thoroughly throughout the course of completing this project as I used it as sort of a guide.
    Five Families, written by Oscar Lewis, was an important resource because it gave me an up close and personal look at individual Mexican families, especially low income families. It taught me about how they live and how they communicate with one another. This resource also gave me insight on how there is more hope for the younger generations of Mexican Americans as there is now so much opportunity at hand. Furthermore, I felt the best way to complete this project was by largely incorporating the first hand information about the Mexican Americans I already have, which is ample knowledge and keen understanding through my very own personal experiences and events and consequences I have witnessed. All of my resources in print were somewhat dated, and not completely accurate. With all of them I used much discretion in interpreting the data provided.

Cited Work: Cristano Galarza, Ernesto Mexican Americans in the Southwest Goleta Kimberly Press, Inc. 1969. Lewis, Oscar Five Families New York Basic Books, Inc. 1959. Lustig, Myron W. Intercultural Competence Boston Pearson Education, Inc. 2010. Moore, Joan W. Mexican Americans Englewood Cliffs 1970 Prentice Hall, Inc. 1970. Ream, Robert K. University of California-Riverside Toward Understanding How Social Capital Mediates the Impact of Mobility on Mexican American Achievement Ucr.edu The University of North Carolina Press 1, September 2005 Web. 4 Nov. 2012.

Ross, Susan M. American Families Past and Present Piscataway Rutgers, The State University 2006. Wikipedia.org Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. © Jessica Lee Vance

.... Type: Work individually

Jessica Lee Vance Child Psychology

Forum #4

1. What is the psychoanalytic view of how we acquire our gender roles? Explain. The psychoanalytic Theory was Freud's theory that children of both genders coped with their fear and guilt through identification, by taking on the attitudes and behaviors of the same gendered parent, themselves. Since children could not replace the same-sexed parent they would try to imitate or mimic their actions, mannerisms, opinions, and other aspects entailed within their gender role. Hence, we assume our gender roles, generally, by identifying with our same-sex parent beginning in, as well as throughout, early childhood.

2. What is the cognitive perspective of how we acquire our gender roles? (See Kohlberg or Bandura, for example). The Cognitive Theory conveyed children develop concepts about their experiences and that strength within gender identification starts to translate approximately at five years of age. Cognitive theorists focus on the way that children understand or interpret various ideas. Lawrence Kohlberg's Cognitive concept, "gender schema", is a general belief that a child's understanding of differences in sex would be based on their experiences. This theory claims that young children tend to see the world in simple terms. Therefore, they simply recognize male and female as ...opposites.

3. a. Are there any biosocial explanations of why boys and girls act differently? Not significantly, due to the fact that children begin learning from the moment of birth and obviously no one would be able to ask a newborn how it construes the world. Biologically based translation would not be possible as with measuring the behavior of young children.

(Although gender differences are actually rooted in biology)

However, research substantiates differences in gender of newborn babies by typical, commonly known gender based characteristics and basic genetic gender traits, commonly known to us.

b. What are the behavioral differences between boys and girls that have been documented by research? Can these be accounted for by nature or nurture, in your opinion? Explain. Researchers have discovered, repeatedly, that girls tend to be more responsive to language than boys are. They have also found that mothers and daughters tend to talk or communicate with one another more so than fathers and sons do. In my opinion, these discoveries definitely account for nurture rather than nature ...simply because I find truth in the stereo-type that women tend to be the more recessive and softer sex. They are usually the more sensitive and emotional of the two sexes and I also feel that women have the tendency to be warmer than men, most of the time, more affectionate, and typically are less lacking in communication skills than the male species. On the positive side, my theory / opinion was not imposed nor intended to ridicule the male gender or meant in terms of sexism in any way ....yet, my next opinion or advice would be that women could and should exercise a positive impact on men, not only by influencing them to be more passionate, compassionate, affectionate, and more adequate within communicating but, attempt to teach them or coach them in some of these characteristics / assets.

4. What is Androgyny? In your opinion, is being androgynous good or bad for a child. Androgyny refers to a combination of both masculine and feminine characteristics. . An adult woman may end up graduating from college and becoming an officer of the Law or a corrections officer, working in a male prison. These roles are typically considered male roles, all controversy aside. I would agree that similar scenarios would prevail for male adolescents and male adults. The term androgyny may be used to describe such things as fashion, sexual lifestyle, or sexual identity. In my opinion "androgyny" could either be good or bad for a child ...clearly, dependent on what aspect in which it is formed or in reference to, how it is interpreted by the child and, most importantly, in what context it is presented to the child. Based on the fine line that the term can be used to describe several different types of things, it can be used very loosely in regard to definition. Therefore, whoever may be confronting a child about being androgynous must use much discretion and proceed with caution, especially in terms of age appropriate content. Androgyny could easily be perceived as strengths in either of the sexes. In later years of adolescence, androgyny may not exist as such a delicate issue as should be when dealing with younger age brackets. A female in high-school may assume a spot in a males’ basketball team and thrive as a successor of achievement be absolutely nothing wrong with a young man in high-school becoming interested in ballet, deciding that he wanted to attend "Juilliard", and ending up with a leading role on "Broadway" ...or, perhaps, a small boy or young man who watches his mother and older sister put on their make-up all the time and then ends up having a successful career as a professional make-up artist. I believe that it is natural for a male to possess some feminine characteristics and I also agree that it is natural for females to possess certain male traits, qualities, and characteristics. For instance, there would be absolutely nothing wrong with a small boy to play with dolls or color pictures of flowers with his younger sister or a female class/ playmate. The same positive regard should be given to a scenario where a young girl might play with "G.I. Joe" action figures or race car games with her brother(s) or playmates of the opposite gender. I believe that if anyone created an issue out of the androgyny that I have described above, voiced to the child, that the child could end up a candidate for developing a very unhealthy complex. In turn, in that instance, more "confusion" for the child could be caused by misinterpretations of obliviousness and incomplete "fill in the blanks" ...than the actual irony and conflict that naturally exists in the term "androgyny", itself. In my opinion, it is best NOT to make "androgyny" become an "issue" for younger children.

5. Explain Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Be sure to include the different stages and levels. Explain what changes in each level and stage regarding the child's reasoning.

Kohlberg's based his theory of moral development by asking questions and focusing on the reasons of the answers given, rather than on the actual answer, by itself. According to Kohlberg, each reason would indicate one of three different levels of moral reasoning. These levels include pre-conventional moral reasoning, conventional moral reasoning, and post-conventional moral reasoning. Pre-conventional moral reasoning is Kohlberg's first level that emphasizes on reward and punishment and has similarities with preoperational thinking in regard to egocentrism. His second level of moral reasoning, "conventional", emphasizes on social rules and parallels concrete operational thought in relation to current, observable practicing. The third level, post-conventional moral reasoning emphasizes on moral principle and holds similarity to formal operational thought. This level uses logic and abstractions, beyond the concretely observed in society, particularly. Advances in moral thinking are experienced throughout intellectual maturation, according to Kohlberg. Answers tend to shift from pre-conventional to conventional during middle childhood. Peer experiences or concrete thought tend to help children move beyond the first stage and onto the next two. Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning also clearly paralleled to Jean Piaget's "Stages of Cognition".

6. Name one other theory of how children acquire morality. Explain it in as much detail as you can. Moral Questioning: Throughout Moral middle childhood, children tend to acquire the ability to question the validity of a statement, suggestion, or even an issue or occurrence that they are confronted with. In developing through learning and experience children will develop their own principles. Obviously learning to reason comes first. This ability for a child to analyze is also a skill. This skill can also be considered as a tool, allowing the child to develop boundaries, values, self-discipline and limitations they set for themselves. Developing knowledge and standards of the differences between right and wrong may not be the only asset that a child gains through moral questioning. Through moral questioning, the child may succeed in the maturing development of his or her unique standards of "dos" and "don'ts" / or "wills" and "wont's".

 Legal Guilt v. Technical Guild: The Criminal Justice System makes a distinction between legal guilt and technical guilt (not guilty v. innocent). Which of the two if any do you think should be the standard for determining an individual’s criminal culpability (support your opinion with two scholarly sources)? In addition, provide your opinion if evidence obtained illegally by law enforcement should be allowed during a prosecution? Guilty v. Innocent is my response, yet where to draw the thin, fine line... Will I venture into the realm of Vigilante activism? Contractions? Contract Killings? Embezzlement. Extortion. Con Artists working in twos and threes, groups of countless Actors. The good old fashioned bump and switch—you pull her attn. that way and this ~while I “__”. Remember, an individual who has actually killed and admitted to killing another may be found not guilty or charges dropped as a result of law enforcement not following applicable laws. Within this case, the individual would have to be let go. Legal loopholes/dysfunction w/in the way the system is set-up. May seem one way; Actually is another trinity altogether. After you have provided your opinions review two students (two post) opinions and evaluate the soundness of the support they provided for their opinion.

Cited Work: (c) Jessica Lee Vance

Jessica Lee Vance Dr. Christopher Chapman CJ-216 18 April 2015 Critical Thinking Questions: (p.367) 1.) The Juror System impacts the Criminal Justice System in the sense that greater potential for diversity and versatility in case decisions is increased, owing to the vast amount of various natures, backgrounds, cultures, upbringings, environment(s) and experiences throughout time As well, differing perspectives/points of view all the same serve as key components in the impartial decision-making process—Jurors are common-folks/peers.

Trial less the granting of right to that by jury would inevitably lead to excessive innocents becoming found guilty and unworthily/incorrectly punished/sentenced and reciprocally the guilty accused hence walking free.

2.) Six jurors are employed in civil cases. The lesser number of jurors chosen to serve in civil case proceedings best guarantees restitution in the victims favor per their pain, suffering and/ or lost wages/losses.

3.) Case I: Anthony Joseph Torres kidnapped an innocent victim’s daughter through the courts in order to avoid paying support for the victim’s newborn baby.

Case II: The same victim I mention above was stalked while driving on the highway via several motor vehicle operators and said one, Anthony J Torres, disguised as an officer stopped the victim and ticketed her for speeding; yet she exceeded the limit very little and Torres over-exaggerated the miles per hour of traveling he alleged. The victim was merely intending to deter/protect themselves from an accident by way of accelerating to escape the hazardous traffic. The entire thing was a complete setup in order to attempt to get said victim in trouble. (()C) JLV



Jessica Vance Dr. Christopher Chapman CJ-216 1 March 2015

“DELAYS” (Question #3 Page 134):

     Delays can cause complications in cases and can obviously interfere with defendants’ Sixth Amendment Constitutional rights. Witnesses, also, may have trouble recollecting (details of) events they observed or identifying perpetrators, provided too much time passes prior to trial in the court. It is imperative that their statement be shared with the court unequivocally. If not, it can pose threat of increased likelihood that a guilty individual walks free possibly without any corrective action taken; or that an innocent person becomes punished for something they never actually did. Just one tiny detail forgotten by a witness could mean immense shift in the odds negatively. I feel this is the most important and critical potential matter because it poses as and obstruction to the truth being found and justice being served. As stated in the text: “Justice delayed is Justice denied,” and I could not agree more with that. [Fradella].
     Wasting the courtroom workgroups time, efforts, and energy can be owed to delays and, too, delays waste that of victims and witnesses. Delaying wastes the defendant’s time, too, yet granted only if he or she is not guilty and innocence becomes proven. An innocent person blamed for something they did not do, though they should not be being blamed in the first place, at the least should be able to get through the process and return back to their lives as they were as quickly as possible. For guilty defendants who eventually get convicted though are not (temporarily) detained, delays can technically work to their advantage. And I feel in such a case they are getting more freedom/lack of disciplinary action than they should be, obviously. Yet that is just my opinion. Whether a defendant is guilty or innocent, if their defense attorneys push/motion for repeated delays, as they often do as tactics in favor of their clients, they’re more playing a game with the court, and I feel it is totally unacceptable because I perceive it like the defense attorney playing a game with the rest of the members of the courtroom workgroup. Though I feel that wasting time is amongst the least important consequences caused by delaying trials, it still bars substantial weight because there are always going to be other cases that require the courtroom workgroup’s attention that may be getting ignored
     Both the innocent and the guilty are deserved the same basic and Constitutional rights equivalently, however, on the same token and all the same, ultimately, neither should it be taken lightly that the Justice system and Court of Law and its workgroup members be vulnerable and subject to abuse by those involved in the process.

Resource: Fradella, Henry F. “American Courts” (2008) Wadsworth Print. 2112 you?

                 Jessica L. Vance	

215 Sumner Avenue Apt. 9 Seaside Heights, NJ 08751 Careers in Criminal Justice CJ-120 21 March 2015


2 Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Completing the Flower Exercise 5-7 My Background and Qualifications 8


Conclusion Section 19 Reference Pages 20-21



I am not, solely, passionate about: staying motivated and self-driven/propelled, prepared, organized, punctual, dedicated and loyal, maintaining perseverance and continuity within the practice of highest moral and ethical standards and boundaries, in addition to progressive learning and increasing hands on experience within the development and enhancement of acquired skills and techniques in order to excel in my field, ultimately with respect to professional proficiency; In regard to sense of duty and the importance of all such qualities/values I consider only necessary to accompany, I am compelled!

Educational status at present: Honors student Number of credits earned: 128 Grade Point Average: 3.88 out of standard 4.0

Jessica Lee Vance Dr. Christopher Chapman CJ-216

  1 April 2015

BLACK MEN – Left out and locked up:


    “The alarming incarceration rates of Black men is not a new phenomenon, but one that has reverberated in news headlines and scholarly reports for a decade… There are an estimated 1.5 million Black men in prison and another 3.5 million on probation. Black males make up more than 70 percent of the total prison population, even though they make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population.” [Nealy]. This is truly an injustice per all the illegal racially profiled charges that have been filed/made and continues to be done to this very day. I say it’s time to start stopping it before it starts and for the nonsense to discontinue. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” [King]. I support this concept strongly. “More than 750,000 people are in jail right now because of something they did, something that did not physically harm the person or property of another. In addition, more than 3,000,000 people are on parole or probation for consensual crimes. Further, more than 4,000,000 people are arrested each year for doing something that hurts no one but, potentially, themselves. The injustice doesn't end there, of course. Throwing people in jail is the extreme. If you can throw people in jail for something, you can fire them for the same reason. You can evict them from their apartments. You can deny them credit. You can expel them from schools. You can strip away their civil rights, confiscate their property, and destroy their lives—just because they're different….?” [McWilliams, et al].
    “At what point does behavior become so unacceptable that we should tell our government to lock people up?” [McWilliams, et al]. I feel persons should be subject to imprisonment or some other form of corrective discipline when they disturb or disrupt social order, the balance and harmony in the community as well; yet depending on the degree and severity of their conduct and impact it on others on others if any and I do know for a fact than at least fifty percent of the time, as opposed to being suitable and fitting the infringements, the punishment is typically  predominantly disproportionate to the act committed to include the associating attendant circumstances. I know

3 much of this malpractice in the system is owed to partisanship bias from (and corruption within) all or some levels in the process [police, members of the courtroom work group, and so forth].

    Many of victims fail to call police for help out of fear the situation will be turned around onto (criminally blaming or charging them for something other) them. In addition to other members of minority groups, Latinos, for one, often do not report crimes to the police because many in their cultures lack trust in governmental authorities. In a report I worked on as a beginner/returning student technically in my freshmen year: “I chose to expand on the Mexican American Subculture for my project because there are quite a few Mexican Americans living in my area, and I am able to talk with them on a friendly basis and discover new information about their culture and their lives from time to time. Through researching for this project I learned that the Mexican American Subculture, in particular, is a very unique group that often gets misjudged. There exists confusion and imbalances in perceptions of the group as far as misjudgment of character, overgeneralizations in view that any Mexican American is just another Latino person, and, also, distortions in ways of thinking in terms of what Familism means to the group in this day and age and to what degrees the family structure is tending to grow and change in these times. Nevertheless, many of these misperceptions are owed to contagious stereotyping. Within it pure ignorance lies, and, in turn, all that gets accomplished is one selling oneself short of the ability to interact and communicate effectively with those who belong to other groups. A positive approach for effective communication with those in other cultures and subcultures would be to get to know who you are talking to before saying something that will even move to distort the perceptions of others in the process. To influence another’s point of view can be a powerful thing that can ruin any group’s all around image, including your own. Becoming familiar with verifiable details concerning a group’s background and more contemporary affirmations for that group will make communication with that group much less complicated. The more you know the lesser the odds that you will slip and say something offensive or make a negative situation out of a sensitive


issue or topic when attempting to communicate. Harsh feelings toward others with bias as the main distasteful ingredient have only contributed to too many major problems in this country and the rest of the world. And, withal it is ultimately ignorant to fail to attempt to understand a culture; yet forming uneducated opinions as opposed being able to back up any given comments, statements and so forth, especially those which are pejorative in nature. I believe the answer lies in each individual to make even the tiniest bit of difference even if it is little by little. With affordable effort--communication barriers and breakdowns which lead to terrible and chaotic things, such as arguing, major confrontation, crimes against persons--bias intimidation (hate crime), and even war will be all the less common.” [Vance]. Poverty and illiteracy, especially tied to the struggling non-English speaking adult and faltering non-English speaking student have much to do with the bulk of the mass chaos and confusion. “Impoverished living conditions coupled with the failures of public education in urban school districts, unemployment and a criminal justice system primed to incarcerate Black men have created a crippling symbiosis for thousands of Black men who find themselves locked up in America’s jails and prisons… A Common Thread: Demico Boothe, a 35-year-old Black man from Tennessee, can recount every day of his 12-year sentence spent mostly in a federal prison.” [Nealy, et al.]. It is truly a shame the way that minorities end up getting singled out.  “The slave-like chains being the most memorable… “I would watch the men emerge from the bus to enter the facility, 40 men chained together at the legs and shackled at the wrists. Often, I would count: 36 Black, two White, and one Hispanic. The next week: 35 Black, three Hispanic, two White,” Boothe says. ….Why So Many Black Men Are in Prison: A Comprehensive Account of How And Why the Prison Industry Has Become a Predatory Entity in the Lives of African-American Men (XLIbris Corp., 2006)… A common thread among the Black male prisoners, according to Boothe, was their lack of education. “The majority of Black men in jail can barely read, and there are many who simply cannot. The lack of education and the level of ignorance among many of the men was striking,” says

5 Boothe, who released a book on Black male imprisonment last year… The lack of education plays an integral role in the cradle-to-prison pipeline. In inner cities across the country, more than half of all Black men do not finish high school, limiting their ability to find employment. In 2001, only 42.8 percent of Black male students graduated from high school compared with 70 percent of their White male counterparts and 56 percent of African-Americans overall. In 2000, 65 percent of Black male high school dropouts in their twenties were jobless — that is, unable to find work, not seeking it or incarcerated. By 2004, that percentage grew to 72.” [Nealy, et al.].

    “Dr. Alford Young Jr., the \Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at the University of Michigan, insists that access to public education for current prisoners will determine the future of Black male incarceration… “Soon, African-American communities will experience large influxes of ex-offenders [incarcerated in the 1980s and 1990s] attempting to reintegrate themselves into society,” Young says. “Many will say, ‘I need a job,’” noting that access to public education in the form of GEDs and high school diplomas will play a pivotal role in the future of these men and this nation…“It is cheaper to educate people than it is to incarcerate them,” Young says.” [Nealy, et al]. 
    Singling out based on race or ethnicity is exactly this kind of careless reacting that gives basically all levels of departments and companies who employ those who hold positions of authority a poor reputation. The same, in part and in whole, this type of thing gives figures of authority a bad name in general; just as, according to the public perspective, authority figures end up getting deemed untrustworthy and something to be feared. It is terrible enough that so many, many of those who become victims in incidents are too terrified to reach out to law enforcement for assistance. Such is common unfortunately and is most often feared on potential account that a crime charge will be brought about unto the victimized caller after attention being geared toward their possible guilt. It

6 is a shame because for the same reason all so many criminal deviants are roaming free out on our streets today on account of that. Yet so many of our major world issues are linked and intertwined. It’s really no undeniable secret that merely holding an Associate’s degree will no longer get one very far in the workforce, misfortunate for some, so sad, but true. In these times, background checks are now conducted more thoroughly and extensively than ever before, and policies which enforce required qualifications and skillsets, alike, in order to even perhaps be considered for vast amounts of particular profession have become much more rigorous. It is my opinion that many hiring policies companies issue are too meticulous and somewhat excessive in nature. Agencies, especially those of security and law enforcement, on the other hand, regarding hiring requirements, I would have the exact opposite opinion simply on account of the significance and magnitude of the role agents play in safeguarding lands and preserving the safety of the public, nonetheless. Finally, at any rate I do definitely feel that too many companies/businesses are asking too much out of candidates in this day and age, which is making it far too difficult for the average citizen to get work, thus contributing to the poverty level, crime, poor health/lack of medical care, lack of education in conjunction, more taxes spent on the cost of living for the unemployed (underclassmen) hence skyrocketing the deficit. All the problems are feeding in to all the next. And things definitely will not change nor get much better if the root causes aren’t attended to. Unfortunately it is all too common that too much effort gets put into contributing to the problems instead of attempts at solving them.

7 Cited Work:

King, Dr. Martin Luther “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” [A quote already known to me]

McWilliams, Peter et al. (1996) “Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do” Web. 2 April 2, 2015 <https://blackboard.njcu.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-415235-dt-content-rid-4011573_1/courses/1244CJ216Spr2015/Ain%27t%20No%20Bobody%27s%20Business%20If%20You%20Do.pdf?target=blank>

Nealy, Michele J. (2008) “Black Men Left Out and Locked Up” Web. 1 April 2015 <http://diverseeducation.com/article/10598/>

Jessica Vance (2012) “The Mexican American Subculture in the US Judged and Misunderstood - Cultural Repression and Hope” 1 April 2015 Brookdale Community College SOCI-105

(c) JLV

4 Introduction; PROFESSION INFORMATION REPORT: I know how to search (for) a job just as well as I do any given thing

 FINDING AND EVALUATING CAREER INFORMATION As far as what information I’d basically resort to use of the Internet at any rate; however, in order to achieve in my goals in past times in my life I have most oftentimes referred to the soft-cover local county Yellow Pages book.

   Being headed in the correct direction and insomuch as having the thought that one is already suited for the actual part they will play is definitely just not enough.  To determine through validation whether I have the proper skill set to meet all of the job qualification standards and whether or not I may likely be a fit for a prospective position, I would do a self-evaluation/re-evaluation… minus most certainly any erroneous false self-validation AKA the big-thinker’s self-expectation idealistically too high and unrealistic. I would ascertain such (that I am undoubtedly a qualified candidate) via taking a personal checklist in conjunction with the performing of take a personal inventory.
    I would seek help directly from the Department of Labor in order to acquire the information and leverage to become hired in my desired position. I have done that. We are currently working together. We are currently coordinating in the furtherance of this matter. They are requiring I update a solid and concrete uploaded resume within the monster.com site, which, in turn, coincides with my final project per this course. 

Additionally, I would add that careerbuilder.com is as well one other jobseeker option.

  I wish to evolve in the midst of my career growth. I am opposed to digressing in life; yet I have preference to succeed. I would name it not hunger for power though desire to participate as productive member of society/the community of a world gone awry.  I won’t fall for the majority thinkers’ lust for personally gained ideology, yet will admit with many of their beliefs they do, in fact, tend to hit the nail right on the head when it comes down to lessening societal disorganization: The powerfully elite feel as follows per a news cast I recall:  “Save the McDonalds jobs are for high school students!” [N.A.]—I agree! I agree with them indefinitely within the larger scope of this primary objective which is what I believe to be, basically, organization in our society/within our communities—‘structure’ in its purest form.



Jessica L. Vance

  • Temporarily Retired

Previous Previous Experience 1. LLC, 2. Hagen and Hagen PA, 3. Harcourt Learning Center Education Jersey City University

Email • bulletinthedark@hotmail.com


I would like to teach. 6 1. I would want to interview with Professor T. Kapsak

CAREER INFORMATION REPORT PART I: Interview Summary Name of PROFESSIONAL Instructor:_Instructor T. Kapsak Person Interviewed:  Name______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Job Title_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Place of Employment_______________________________________________________________________________________________  Date of Interview___________________________________________________________________________________________________

No more interviews as of yet. 1. NATURE OF THE JOB OR CAREER

    • Functions and tasks performed on the job; tools, instruments, or equipment used; physical or psychological demands

2. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Science in Criminal Justice and Computer/National Securities

3. MY SPECIAL TRAINING, EXAMINATIONS: Algebra Criminal Law Practical Reasoning Economics Social Studies History Economics Business Math Sociology Court System Administration Marketing 7 Intro to paralegal Law Psychology I Psychology II Personality Disorders English I English II World Literature Computer Literacy Human Geography Tae Kwon Do Liberal Math Science Legal research and Reading Criminal Investigation Introduction to Corrections Crime and Delinquency Juvenile Justice Intro to Security Problems Securities I Computer Securities I Information Technology Police Role in Community Intro to Criminology State County and Local Government Human Services Issues in Women’s Studies Intro to Political Science Life Sciences Child Psychology Child Day-care Facility Management American National Government Intra-cultural Communications Criminal Justice Elective Criminal Justice Elective Criminal Justice Elective US Constitution


    • Security clearance;

U. S. citizenship; Language(s)—English, Spanish and Spanglish


Special skills/ Academic Abilities:

 Surveillance

 Community Safety

 Speech

 Team Leadership

 Community Policing

 Corrections

 Risk Assessment

 Criminal Law

 Microsoft Office

 Crisis Intervention

(Jessica also knows about... ) • 10Microsoft Word /Microsoft Excel / Microsoft Power Point/ Quicken • 10Criminology • 9Supervising • 8Psychology • 8Loss Prevention • 7Customer Service • 7Juvenile Justice • 6Management • 5Political Science • 5Microsoft Excel • 5Information Technology • 5Strategic Planning • 4PowerPoint • 4Research • 4Social Media • 4Sociology • 4Teamwork • 4Event Planning • 4Quality Control • 4Volunteering • 4Market Research Project... • 4Data Analysis • 4Due Process 9 • 4Securities • 4Intercultural... • 3Abnormal Psychology • 3The importance in using... • 3hate crime / Bias intimidation • 3SARA • 3Order Maintenance • 3Criminal Investigation • 3petite crime • 3White Collar Crime • 3Serial Offense • 3Human Services • 3Detecting threats • 3proactive policing vs... • 2Merging of GPS and GIS... • 1RICO

Necessary physical and emotional attributes: • 1Survivor of attempted victimizations to include victim of theft, extortion, embezzlement, sexual assault, muggings, stalking, herassment, my surviving aggravated attacks and attempted murder unto me.


Travel by air plane

Securities Clearance in Federal Offices



International Correspondence Schools—Day care/ Business Management/Nutrition

Harcourt Learning Center—Day Care

Ocean—Computer Literacy (Tech)/ Power Point/ Psychology, Law/Paralegal Studies/Social Science/ Criminal Justice/Marketing/

Brookdale—Science of Criminal Justice/Criminal Investigation/Life Sciences/Environmental Sciences/Physics/Algebra/Geography/ English

Jersey City University—Criminology/Securities/Cyber Terrorism/ Computer Securities

7. WORKING ENVIRONMENT: Quiet/Supervised/Secure

8. SALARY AND BENEFITS $90, 000.00

9. JOB SECURITY • Tenure • Union • Strong Organization


Teaching and Securities CAREER INFORMATION REPORT PART II - Survey of Print Materials Name of Career Researched: Author ________________________________________________________


EXPERIENCE; TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS: Position title: Temporarily Retire`d Company name: X

Position title: Model Position Name: Imagery-posing Position time period, followed by position location name1988 – Present (27 years) World Wide WEB--Model Position title: Author Click to edit company name: Writer Author Company name: LLC

Position title: CSR Company name: Hagen and Hagen PA January 2005 – October 2005 (10 months) Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area Position description: Customer Service Representative/Data Entry CSR Position title: Customer Service Representative Click to add a video, image, document, presentation... Company name: Harcourt Learning Center Recruiters are more likely to reach out to members with a job description. Customer Service Representative Position title: Market Research Analyst Click to add a video, image, document, presentation... Company name: Consumer Research Services August 1999 – September 2004 (5 years 2 months) Coral Springs, Florida Position description: Serving our top financial institutions across the globe in fine tuning the development and implementation of the most potentially effective marketing strategies in conjunction with loss prevention via evaluation and assessment of projected risk; compare and contrast all vital statistical data collected for the purpose of determining and targeting most probable successive strategic tactics. Market Research Analyst

Edit position title: Produce Clerk Company name: Grand Union Produce Clerk

Position title: Book Keeper Company name: Hair Salon Position time period, followed by position location name: 2000 – 2001 (1 year) Greater New York City Area Book Keeper

Position Title: Guard Company name: Skating Rink Guard

Position title Executive Office Administrator Company name: CAI Police Contributions Executive Office Administrator

Position title: Quality Control Rep. / Plan Plus Validator JC Penney Life (QCR)

Position Title: Waitress/ WAITING TABLES/Server Restaurant Description: Waitress

Position title: Cashier/Cleaning Company name: McDonald's Corporation

Volunteer Experience: Edit volunteering role: Greeter/ Receptionist Volunteering Organization RMHC Volunteering role: Instruction-Skating Volunteering Organization: Roller Skating Rink 1987 Age ranges 5 – 7 years of age.

My Time and Talent Preferences: o  Joining a nonprofit board  Skills-based volunteering (pro bono consulting)

PROFESSION INFORMATION REPORT PART III - Comparison Sheet Name of Career Researched: Professor________________________________________________________________________________________ One of the purposes of the Career Information Report is to help you determine whether the career you researched is right for you. The following questions will assist you with the Profession match.

1. Will you be able to achieve your preferred lifestyle? Explain. What compromises will you have to make? Quitting Cigarettes

2. Do you have the necessary personality characteristics? Describe what characteristics are necessary and indicate which of them you possess.

Name of Career Researched: Cyber Secuties_____________________________________________________________________________________ One of the purposes of the Career Information Report is to help you determine whether the career you researched is right for you. The following questions will assist you with the Profession match.

3. Will you be able to achieve your preferred lifestyle? Explain. What compromises will you have to make? Quitting Cigarettes

2. Do you have the necessary personality characteristics? Describe what characteristics are necessary and indicate which of them you possess.

1. Will you be able to pursue your goals from the “Flower Exercise” in the career that you researched? List those goals and explain why or how you may or may not be able to pursue each through the career that you researched.



I want to teach lessons at school as an instructor of law at a reputable and well-established University.

4. Will you be able to achieve your preferred lifestyle? Explain. What compromises will you have to make? Quitting Cigarettes.



       Jessica Vance

215 Sumner Avenue Apt. 9 Seaside Heights, NJ 08751 Management of Public Safety Agencies CJ-563 10 April 2015


For the leader I well know I select Professor and former Prosecutor Thomas Kapsak. Mr. Kapsak additionally headed the Special Murder Victims Investigation Unit in this state. He has solved and prosecuted many murder cases throughout his time. He has shown me countless videos of actual footage of murder cases. Some of the films appeared beyond gruesome from my point of view; almost unbearable to many I would imagine on the account of all the blood and gore and ruthlessness of the guilty killers; though considering all I have been through in life, frankly, none of the material bothered me in the least, …not even in the slightest manner whatsoever

I was taught how to solve murder cases by Mr. Kapsak ultimately venturing into further fine tuning of my ability to determine sources of likely useful evidence much needed in order to make a conviction. The biggest piece of evidence in regard to a murder crime is—the body. Studies need begin with the body and then thereafter branch out from that point in ranges from minor clues (trace evidence) to bigger factors within the larger scope will lead to promising closure of a given case. Withal, I enjoyed learning from Mr. Kapsak essentially because I am a former victim of multiple attempted murders/a survivor of attempted murders.

(C) Jessica Lee Vance

2. Do you have the necessary personality characteristics? Describe what characteristics are necessary and indicate which of them you possess. 6. Are you willing to invest the time and money necessary for meeting the educational and/or training requirements? Yes

How long will it take? Till Year 2021
How much money will it cost? I don’t know? __$127,500.00


Cited Work: No Author Local News Television 3 April 2015 <N.S.> Vance, (2012) Jessica Linked In Web. 15 April 16, 2015 <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/edit?trk=nav_responsive_sub_nav_edit_profile> (c) Jessica Lee Vance


       Jessica Vance

215 Sumner Avenue Apt. 9 Seaside Heights, NJ 08751 Management of Public Safety Agencies CJ-563 10 April 2015


For the leader I well know I select Professor and former Prosecutor Thomas Kapsak. Mr. Kapsak additionally headed the Special Murder Victims Investigation Unit in this state. He has solved and prosecuted many murder cases throughout his time. He has shown me countless videos of actual footage of murder cases. Some of the films appeared beyond gruesome from my point of view; almost unbearable to many I would imagine on the account of all the blood and gore and ruthlessness of the guilty killers; though considering all I have been through in life, frankly, none of the material bothered me in the least, …not even in the slightest manner whatsoever

I was taut to solve murder cases by Mr. Kapsak ultimately venturing into further fine tuning of my ability to determine sources of likely useful evidence much needed in order to make a conviction. The biggest piece of evidence in regard to a murder crime is—the body. Studies need begin with the body and then thereafter branch out from that point in ranges from minor clues (trace evidence) to bigger factors within the larger scope will lead to promising closure of a given case. Withal, I enjoyed learning from Mr. Kapsak essentially because I am a former victim of multiple attempted murders/a survivor of attempted murders.

(C) Jessica Lee Vance Jessica L. Vance Dr. Nicholas P. Tworischuk, Ph.D. SECU-222 Computer Security I 9 April 2015

Operations Security:

        OPSEC: “is the process (Operations Security) by which we protect unclassified information that can be used against us. OPSEC challenges us to look at ourselves through the eyes of an adversary (individuals, groups, countries, organizations).” [US Dept. of Defense].

2 Identification of Critical Information:

       Operations Security is a continuous process which involves four major components for the purposes of combatting cyber terrorism. These four steps include: Analysis of Threats, Analysis of the Vulnerabilities, Assessment of Risks, and, lastly, Application of the Countermeasures.
     Analysis of threats involves searching for potential threats via identifying those potential threats. Analysis of the vulnerabilities involves thorough evaluation for probable areas wherein the operation system has weaknesses and is therefore susceptible to potential attacks. Assessment of risks and analysis of threats are intertwined. An analyses must be conducted before an assessment for risks can occur. An example of risk would be invaders searching for roles to play in their aspiring/conspiring vicious tasks. Within the process of analyses of risk specific problematic areas are evaluated for what is the most powerful and, also, will have the biggest impact on the operating system, and all the same what of that will have the least impact on the system. The most threating will be subject for elimination firstly and foremost. Finally, application of the countermeasures ultimately entails combatting existing threats and areas of risk and vulnerabilities via producing answers in order to solve and counter the existing safety hazards. Withal, “Countermeasures, finally, are the solutions that a manager employs to reduce risks to an acceptable level, whether by eliminating indicators or vulnerabilities, disrupting the effective collection of information, or by preventing the adversary from accurately interpreting the data. Countermeasures are dictated by cost, timing, feasibility, and the imagination of the personnel involved.” [Jannsen]. Another example would be to conquer the, as earlier mentioned, invaders searching for roles to play in their aspiring/conspiring vicious tasks. These intruders play various roles in their endeavors for the purposes of gaining/obtaining information and other commodities that are by any means not rightfully theirs. And it stands completely imperative that they must be terminated/destroyed/depleted/arrested in development.

4 Cited Work: US Dept. of Defense (N.D.) Web. 11 April 2015 <http://www.dodea.edu/Offices/Safety/OPSEC.cfm >

Jannsen, Cory “Operations Security (OPSEC)” (2010) Web. 12 April 2015 <http://www.techopedia.com/definition/4224/application-software>


Jessica Vance CJ-112 Professor Victor Conversano 1 Dec. 2014 Serial Killers

     I chose serial killing as the topic for my paper, not solely because getting inside the minds of serial killers intrigues me in so much as to attempt to figure out ways in which they could be caught earlier on and ideally closer to the beginnings of their murdering missions, so they are unable to kill or harm lesser numbers of victims; yet also because I was, in fact, a victim of serial stalking and attempted homicide in 2006 and 2007. A serial killer, by common textbook definition, is a term used to classify a murderer who has killed more than two victims, each murder occurring one month apart at the minimum. Authorities must focus on motivated offenders of the past in order to make improvements on the techniques used while they conduct investigations, generate the general profiles of possible suspects they should be looking for and obtaining backgrounds on the victims in order to build cases, and in order to evaluate suspects brought into custody more effectively. One of the major setbacks in responding serial killing is that the killers are often only caught after they can be classified as serial killers; and they rarely caught or considered a suspect until after they have killed more than one victim, in many cases—numerous victims. This is largely owed to the simple fact that past events and studies conducted regarding them have proven that many of them share several prevalent characteristics regarding personality type and commonalities in manners in which they behave. Some examples are that many of them are very calculated, and they take the time out to carefully choose their victims. More often than not they carefully and cautiously plan their murders, and they most often destroy or clean up the evidence and their own traces after they commit the crimes very, very thoroughly and all too well [otherwise known as doing a “sweep” they will scan every square inch of their own crime scenes to check for their own slip ups].  They often carry on with their normal everyday routines and blend in well. Sometimes the only hope left for authorities is either simply in luck, perhaps that an eye witness comes forward, or in that the killer may accidentally slip up unintentionally and leave trace evidence or some other type of trail behind that is sufficient enough to track and even possibly locate them. 
     “Most everyone is familiar with the names of serial killers Theodore Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and David Berkowitz.”; yet, in regard to serial killers of the past, I’d like to begin by discussing medical murderer, Efren Salvidar. [Fox].  Despite the common textbook definition, he is considered a serial killer. Within only a nine year time span from 1989 to 1998, Salvidar, also referred to as the “Angel of Death,” is said to have possibly killed 200 patients while working as a respiratory therapist in a Glendale, California hospital. [Blanco]. Needless to say yet ironically, Salvidar got charged with only six murder counts in the end of his horrific spree. He injected his patients with a paralytic substance which is not very noticeable and causes respiratory failure and/or cardiac arrest. He was also doing the killing via reducing the amounts of oxygen patients were required to take in through their ventilating machines in order to stay alive. The majority of Salvidar’s victims were very near their deaths or not in a fully conscious state, though the conditions of some of those he chose as victims were actually improving at the time that he killed them. Further, it was not until Morphine along with Suxamethonium chloride was accidentally found in Salvidar’s locker by coworkers in the midst of playing a practical joke on him later being used to backtrack his guilt [after a retracted confession for a high body count by Salvidar] that he was even taken seriously enough as a suspect. I was thereafter stated: “Hospitals are supposed to be places of healing, but they also can attract people who like to play God and decide when someone else should die. Those people may act out of a need for power or excitement, but many claim they do it from compassion. They just believe that certain patients would be better off dead.” [Ramsland]. Salvidar had then earned himself the name “Angel of Death.” [Blanco].
     Moreover, “Because of the massive publicity devoted to such crimes as the grisly slayings of 17 males by cannibalistic necrophile Jeffrey Dahmer, the term serial murder has become part of everyday vocabulary.” [Fox]. It was only after a young African American boy, while drugged by Dahmer, managed to escape before Dahmer killed him that officers were able to search Dahmer’s place of residence, [find actual remains of bodies in his freezer after finding photographs of dead, dismembered bodies] that he was finally brought to justice for his gruesome and grotesquely inhumane killings. “Dahmer's killing spree lasted for 13 years: He sought out mostly African American men at gay meeting places, lured them home to his grandmother's basement with promises of money or sex, where he would feed them alcohol laced with drugs before strangling them to death. He would then have sex with the corpses and/or masturbate on them, and finally dismember his victims' bodies and dispose of them, usually keeping their genitals or skulls as souvenir.” [Bio Staff].
      Withal, out of a total of: “558 serial killers operating in the United States during the twentieth century, [they]...are responsible for at least 3,850 homicides, and most likely many more,”: how high the body count can get before the law catches up to a serial killer can truly be shocking. [Fox]. It can be very tough for authorities to link all different murders, especially when carried out in varying locations with substantial distance from one another and longer time spans in between, to only one and the same offender nonetheless.
     I believe the more important facts and theory processes to contend with in order to get inside the mind of a serial killer are what signs and characteristics to look for in order to identify those presently killing, finding methods for better determining a pattern in killings if one has developed, finding connections, and figuring out the reasons why they are committing the murders by the victim genre. Looking closely at such facts and interpreting such contemplative ideas may likely assist in being able to choose which suspect or lead is worth less attention and which more. The commonalities come into play here. 
     As adolescents, typical serial killers are known to have been bed-wetters, commit arson at some point, torture and/or kill animals for pleasure one or more times, and/or come from broken or dysfunctional homes and have unhealthy relationships with one or both parents or the lack of one, most oftentimes their father. They often feel rejected by society [many per mere self-conceived notion] and often, though silently in the public eye, reject it in return.  The typical serial killer is a sociopath who often actually has an antisocial personality buried within. The rage within them already existing throughout childhood, they are predisposed to later having the desire to kill for selfish purposes. The usual goal is instant psychological gratification and not just killing for the sake of killing or some other form of personal gain, such as money or the feeling of unjustifiable relief that direct revenge might bring. If any type of revenge ties in as a factor, it is typically indirect revenge stemmed from ongoing past trauma and/or a negative, unappealing past experience(s) with one or more persons other than the victims. There exists a deep-seeded lust in serial killers for power and control. Within their warped minds, they validate that torturing and murdering strangers is the ideal means of achieving power and control, and the acts they commit give them that sense of accomplishment the long for, though only temporarily after their “cooling off period” and until they kill again. [FBI]. Salvidar wanted the control over as to just when one will die, and as earlier mentioned, Dahmer was a necrophile. “Necrophilia is generally associated with issues of exercising control over victims.” [Bio Staff]. 
     The Routine Theories Activity can be applied to serial crime because, just like when other types of criminals commit crimes, serial criminals operate provided the absence of capable guardians, they are motivated offenders, and choose suitable targets, yet have the tendency to strictly stick to the same genre in regard to victims. I have come to recognize the serial killer as a hunter, and most “manipulate and seduce their victims, and many are charming, charismatic and intelligent,” so they seduce and manipulate with ease, however the outgoing person he or she presents to others is usually a facade. (Vronsky). It may be one incident (or ongoing trauma experienced) that usually occurs as a child (but as an adult might) sets them off and serves to compel them to kill repeatedly--they spend their life mission killing attempting to fill void(s) and trying to somehow make up for the pain via (torturing and) murdering victims. A murder never truly works— the rush they are getting is always temporary and doesn't last long so they kill again and again, just as drug addicts would repeatedly use drugs. Then thereafter, much of the time… since the act of killing alone is not quite the rush it used to be some become necrophiles, others cannibals, some both. Too, they are known to keep trophies—usually parts of the victims’ corpses or sometimes the entire corpse for a period of time.  And the more dissatisfied they become, the more they do while committing crimes, so the easier they are to catch. Too, the distress they undergo when dissatisfied increases the odds they will make mistakes and leave more substantial evidence behind or ultimately even get themselves caught directly.
     Are there ways to prevent? Can a serial killer be stopped without getting caught? Deterrence would be a form of attempting to prevent the potentials from becoming realities. In this case, general deterrence, as opposed to specific deterrence, would be the form of deterrence employed, the ultimate goal—discouraging murderers ideally altogether not to commit crime of that nature because the punishment and pain would not be worth the risk of committing the act. Strengthening punishments is a means for accomplishing such [i.e. enforcing the death penalty (in NJ for example) to create fear]. Strengthening punishment for homicide may not, perhaps prevent some individuals from committing the crime altogether, however to take effect while killers are on the loose and at large, it could possibly serve to make it so that the body counts are lower. They may think twice. Many would say it’s a typical shot in the dark—that deterring by strengthening punishments lacks efficient evidence as for causing decline in crime, but the bottom line is the need to stop/prevent or catch the serial killer before they strike (again) in order to save lives. All the same, although some may believe focusing on the type of person they are isn’t as important as studying the other facts, profiles do need to be worked in so that investigators can use them to figure out what type of field they may be employed in and habits or hobbies they may have hence their probable locations/establishments they likely frequent in conjunction with trying to backtrack their footsteps based on evidence obtained. This is important because evidence is often scarce. Every human life is precious. Every case is important and must be explored from all possible angles.

Cited Works: Behavioral Analysis Unit-2 National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime Critical Incident Response Group Federal Bureau of Investigation Morton, Robert J., et. al. (2005) http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder

Bio Staff “Jeffrey Dahmer Biography” (2014) http://www.biography.com/people/jeffrey-dahmer-9264755#synopsis

Blanco, Juan Ignacio “Efren Saldivar” (N.D.) http://murderpedia.org/male.S/s/saldivar-efren.htm

Class notes.

Fox, Alan, et. al. “The Will to Kill: Making Sense of Senseless Murders, 3rd Ed.” Boston (2008) Pearson Education, Inc.

Ramsland, Katherine “Efren Saldivar: Hospital Executioner; Dark Rumors” (2002) http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murders/angels/efren_saldivar/1.html

Vrnosky, Peter “Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters” N.D N.P.


This has gone on long enough, way too long and way too far and has gotten WAY too twisted up. YOU never do/did me any favors. YOU 'tell'/ "inform" me that YOU are going to YOUR' father's when YOU decide that YOU are going or that YOU want to go. Not planned WITH me as simply the same as ALL other times in the past thus far. I try several times to pry out of you what weekends you have off so we can logically time it together accordingly to suit both of our schedules in order to avoid clashes. You just belly up jellyfish on me EVERY time I ask a simple question, shy an answer. You knock me up while in a feud state and nowhere near in the realm of the right mind to make a decision of whether or not to have sexual intercourse.. rip the child off from me and take the child far away, and somehow the ball is automatically in my court every step of the way. I was having a breakdown--in an ongoing state of shock that was temporary yet stayed long enough to lead to the breakdown directly owed to actual occurrences of traumatic incidents and events at the time you felt it ok to trespass into my life- namely, on account of being an attempted murder and assault victim both several times over via the breaking and entering's into my dwelling at the hand, harm, and brush with death directly from a man who stand six foot two inches tall, losing my brother to suicide, then, to follow, my Son thereafter. You knew you were committing a crime. If I was not mentally competent enough to have residential company, then I was not mentally competent enough to simultaneously consciously capable of denying or consenting to sex. Classified as rape in the court of Law. All the hospital, family court papers and CYS and DYFS records and a living breathing little human being prove it.

    3121.  Rape.
    3122.  Statutory rape (Repealed).
    3122.1. Statutory sexual assault.
    3123.  Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse.
    3124.  Voluntary deviate sexual intercourse (Repealed).
    3124.1. Sexual assault.
    3124.2. Institutional sexual assault.
    3125.  Aggravated indecent assault.
    3126.  Indecent assault.
    3127.  Indecent exposure.
    3128.  Spousal sexual assault (Repealed).
    3129.  Sexual intercourse with animal.
    3130.  Conduct relating to sex offenders.
    § 3121.  Rape.
       (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits a felony of the first
    degree when the person engages in sexual intercourse with a
           (1)  By forcible compulsion.
           (2)  By threat of forcible compulsion that would prevent
       resistance by a person of reasonable resolution.
           (3)  Who is unconscious or where the person knows that
       the complainant is unaware that the sexual intercourse is
           (4)  Where the person has substantially impaired the
       complainant's power to appraise or control his or her conduct
       by administering or employing, without the knowledge of the
       complainant, drugs, intoxicants or other means for the
       purpose of preventing resistance.
           (5)  Who suffers from a mental disability which renders
       the complainant incapable of consent.

I needed AA vs. AAA


• Full Legal Name: Jessica Vance • Stage Name: Winter Vaughn • Phone Number(s): cellular-732 300 9162 ; home-732 984 7018 • Email address: bulletinthedark@hotmail.com • Location City State and Zip: Seaside, NJ 08751

• Photo ID #: v03864007357775

• Available Travel Dates: Flex. prior to 9/4 [Thereafter Avail. Only Saturdays through Wednesdays]. • Nearest Airport(s): Newark, Atlantic City, JFK ...all in relative proximity.

• Age: 36 • Birth date: 7/24/1977 Look 28 most definitely pass for ten years younger than I actually am. • Hair Color: Darker Brown with subtle purple toned gentle highlighting in some of the ends. Not quite noticeable.



       Jessica Vance

215 Sumner Avenue Apt. 9 Seaside Heights, NJ 08751 Management of Public Safety Agencies CJ-563 17 March 2015

Assessment and Analyses of the Structural Organization and Effectiveness of the Department of Homeland Security’s Creation:

2 Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 3-4 The Creation of the Department of Homeland Security and Associated Principles of the Departments Foundation 4-7 The DHS Role 7-11 DHS Applicant/Employee Standards and Hiring Policies 12 The Department of Homeland Security’s Structure 13-17 Brief Assessment of the DHS Structure 18-19 Possible DHS Shutdown 19 The Importance of the existence of the DHS 19-20 Reference Pages 21- 23

3 Abstract:

    “The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, but our goal is clear - keeping America safe.” [DHS]. The DHS is a well-structured, highly organized and commendable federal department that is undoubtedly one hundred percent capable of executing all clever and concise directives and approaches adopted for the purposes of safeguarding our Nation.  


    There has been significant growth of United States Government agencies and in the number of persons the United States Government employees as result and in response to the horrific 9/11 Attacks which occurred in 2001. A demand for immediate attention and action, that much more thorough, proactive and preventative, was obviously essential and critical in the wake of the destruction caused onto America and its citizens and all of their suffering in the aftermath of the tragic incident insomuch as going to greater lengths in attempt to ascertain no other incident similar or as hideous and heinous in nature is to 

4 again be repeated. “Following 9/11, the federal government moved quickly to develop a security framework to protect our country from large-scale attacks directed from abroad, while enhancing federal, state, and local capabilities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats and disasters at home. A key element of this framework included the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in March, 2003, bringing together 22 separate agencies and offices into a single, Cabinet-level department [1].” [DHS: Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296)].

The Creation of the Department of Homeland Security and Associated Principles of the Departments Foundation:

     “Eleven days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge was appointed as the first Director of the Office of Homeland Security in the White House. The office oversaw and coordinated a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any future attacks.” [DHS]. I truly believe that the Department of Homeland Security was a wise response to the terroristic tragedy.  It is well organized to cope with various types of threats from any given possible angle, comprised with well-qualified and competent professionals who thus serve as the backbone for the manpower necessary for all procedure and protocol to be followed and so that all vital 

5 tasks are properly accomplished: “…the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created through the integration of all or part of 22 different Federal departments and agencies into a unified, integrated Department, and.. DHS has become a more effective and integrated Department, creating a strengthened homeland security enterprise and a more secure America that is better equipped to confront the range of threats we face.” [DHS]. Shortly after the: “attacks, Congress passed a law – the USA PATRIOT Act – that broadens definitions of terrorism, toughens sentences for convicted terrorists, and generally makes it easier for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to gather and share reams of information – some related to terror investigations and some not.” [Brill]. The terms, USA PATRIOT, stand for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. “This bill was signed into law with little debate on October 26, 2001, only 45 days after the attacks that rocked our country.” [Brill]. Americans deserve the right to enjoy the peace and safety in their homeland. The Department serves to help to ensure just that. The Patriot Act paved the way for the Homeland Security Act, and the two Acts are closely intertwined, especially in the sense of deterrence, only to discourage and lessen the odds of possible and potential terroristic activity and counteract the twisted, bright ideas of the terrorists ‘at large’. The creation of the DHS was the ideal way to go …a perfect fit thanks to the enactment of the: “Homeland Security Act of 2002... Public Law 107–296 107th Congress; An Act to establish the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled…” [107th Congress]. Nonetheless, the 911/Attack in itself having had occurred proved just how inadequately prepared regarding defense against 6 terrorism we actually were. Results of our lack of organization were powerfully devastating and personally painstaking for many.

     Moreover, customs and exchange, resilience and security are the DHS’s definition the Department’s central areas of focus and target. These three strategic goals serve as the building blocks of their core infrastructure. All efforts are emphasized on, channeled and geared in loyal accord to chief areas of focus comprehensively and as thoroughly as possible. There are, however, continuous obstacles and frequent complications and vulnerabilities—which range from minor to critical or significantly severe. Not a thing in this Earthly world will persist to remain in a state of ideal or completely assume a form of a utopian black and white level of precision in explicability and promise nor will it do as such per an institution, let alone a government institution. There will more often than not exist grey areas and hypertensive, controversial mayhem. Needless to say, being faced with the aforementioned is true to all organizations and businesses at any rate. Although the department is subject to its own vulnerabilities, fair share of hurtles, and also occurrences of internal corruption and internal/external crises, I am convinced that DHS does their best to serve and defend their purpose and sufficiently fulfill their role as a department of security despite such things. 
     The Department of Homeland Security actively operates via implementation of five core mission goals, which fits its structure to the tee. The Department employs the responsibilities of preventing terrorism, maintaining and improving the quality of security both in the physical world and also in cyberspace, preserving protection of the United States borders, executing and enforcing laws and policies regarding immigration, and superintending 

7 disaster relief/recovery (providing assistance with FEMA—the Federal Emergency Management Agency). DHS’s involvement and response to both perpetrated and natural disasters, after the fact, is exactly where efforts toward the resilience of country will primarily be in the make. The DHS Role:

    The DHS plans and prepares for as well as responds to disasters. Toward the end of the month of October of 2013, when mainly the southern parts of the state of New Jersey, which mass out in conglomeration accounting greatly for the bulk  of its coast, were devastated by the chaos caused by the disastrous ‘Hurricane Sandy,’ DHS was, of course, one of the responding Departments. With the work of the U.S. Marshalls, the first step prior to addressing destructions caused, was to bring persons out of harm’s way and save lives via rescue missions, yet too to make certain that residents who occupied the geographical areas with the most severe destruction remained evacuated on a longer term basis. With mandatory evacuation put into effect in  certain towns/townships and small cities, accompanying the state of emergency and with the assistance of US Marshalls, laws that held that any persons present in such areas were immediately to be arrested. Certain residential islands in New Jersey were closed to residents and civilian visitors for as long as three months. Reasons for this exceeded merely to ensure safety of persons (from injury or health-risk via breathing in the mold left after flooding), authorities needed the population cleared from these areas (in order to avert crime i.e. robberies of vacant businesses and), so the recovery process could begin with the absolute least amount of hindrance.   


     DHS takes a military-style approach to securing our domestic territories and protecting our homeland and the people who occupy the lands from foreign terrorism and cyberterrorism. The DHS serves to: “Prevent the unauthorized acquisition, importation, movement, or use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear materials and capabilities within the United States; and… Reduce the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and key resources, essential leadership, and major events to terrorist attacks and other hazards.” [DHS]. Resources available are well utilized to serve the intended purpose of countering terrorism.  DHS executes its missions via use of the following strategic and tactical methods: The protecting of critical infrastructure, employing global aviation security, enhancing national preparedness and strengthening partnerships at the local level via supporting state and local Law Enforcement, and too, most importantly, securing and strengthening international partnerships. However, foreign conspirators will always be hard at work to penetrate defense measures, thus DHS must excel and persevere in staying steps ahead of potential threats, focus constantly on innovation, and, ultimately keep current on the latest technology and common crime trends. I feel that partnerships developed, also, play a key role in improving the ability of the DHS to combat such threats and that being that DHS stays connected with other agencies at various levels classifies them as less centralized. 
    “The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, but our goal is clear - keeping America safe.” [DHS]. Hence the Department is comprised of several various 

9 subdivisions. Specific duties and tasks associated with just one job are divided and assigned to more than one and in many cases several agents within the same division. Division of labor creates a balance with respect to work specialization: “having each discrete step of a job done by a different individual rather than one individual do the whole job.” [Wall].

     DHS carries the weight of responsibility for implementing transportation security. This would also include response and prevention of responding to cargo heists; thus one subdivision would include: Transportation Security Administration consisting of Transportation Security Officers, Transportation Security Inspectors, and Behavior Detection Officers. “Today nearly 51,000 Transportation Security Officers (TSOs), Transportation Security Inspectors, and Behavior Detection Officers serve on the frontlines at more than 450 U.S. airports.  Prior to 9/11, limited federal security requirements existed for cargo and baggage screening.” [DHS]. All articles are thoroughly checked, ultimately for dangerous objects and weapons, such as explosives, guns, etc. Screening can be very time consuming for travelers and Detection Officers. In 2011, a security pre-check screening program was established by the TSA in order to allow those registered for the program to pass through the airports they depart from more quickly and conveniently. I have doubts about the program because of the odds that pre-check members may commit new offenses after the fact. Too, out of 2 million ‘trusted travelers’ thus far there is a guarantee that even a one is not going to engage in illegal conduct at a later time? No. A conspirator may pass with flying colors initially only later engage in illegal conduct upon traveling at a different time. Despite the fact that the checks are thorough and are conducted on a recurring basis, a pre-check is not a guarantee of what won’t possibly happen in the future. As far as I’m concerned, the program 

10 is a mistake. A trade off of convenience for consumers is not worth the additional associated risk, while the safety of the flight crew and the general public is on the line.

    The DHS is held responsible for maintaining security both in the physical world, as earlier pointed out, and yet is, also, in cyberspace. Cyber-terrorism and threat of terrorism in the physical world are often plotted and (attempted to be carried out) in an integrated fashion. There are approximately “40,000” DHS employees who work in cybersecurity and at the hubs. With the rise of the internet, in my opinion, there can never truly be enough manpower to cover all of the mischievous activity that takes place in the cyber world. [Sink]. With nearly a quarter of a million employees and counting, with regard to Border Patrol Agents and their conditions pertaining to their supervision, the: “DHS pointed out that while a 540-1 agent-to-supervisor ratio is desired for work,…”: this higher ratio is primarily considered suitable for more experienced agents; yet with how the department is prevalent of newer agents, many having less than three years of experience under their belts, 540-1 is not at all commensurate. [Stana]. Although not consistent per each and every department, it was concluded that, for the majority of them, a 5-1 ratio for less experienced agents would be ideal and would grant a better degree of proportion, however, admitted: “it has been a challenge.” [Stana]. Departmentalization and the grouping of activities are what actually provides DHS with structure by keeping operations organized. Although this sharing of responsibility, just as with unity of command creates balance and flow, there exists a great need to divide personnel into groups according to their areas of expertise and education and skill in specific equipment, weaponry, and (other) technology. Technology and geography tend to harmonize as well as conflict. Terrain and conditions of the land can cause 

11 surveillance obstructions, and technology can be as much hurt as it is of help to all law enforcement and government agencies. Surveillance capabilities, Internet – federal wiretap and other monitoring as well as advancements in technological weaponry, alarm and defense systems and equipment [the combining of the GIS and GPS systems, which use raster-vector conversion], increase and enhance the magnitude of the work that is/can be done by the DHS and other agencies. However, technology also creates threats for the DHS. The Internet creates more opportunity for terrorists to commit crime. In response to cybercrime, DHS works closely with the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) and the Department of Defense. “The technology landscape is changing very rapidly. The introduction of Cloud Computing, Agile Development and Mobility has provided new and innovative ways to deliver value in Information Technology within the Federal Government. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working diligently to align with the White House’s Digital Government Strategy. DHS is committed to enabling better utilization of departmental data to improve the quality of services to the American people. DHS will develop services that leverage the unique capabilities of mobile computing and promote innovation while maintaining enhanced security.”

12 DHS Applicant/Employee Standards and Hiring ;)

     As suitability and assessment of risk are the two most vital concerns on the spectrum which act as key deciding factors in determining whether one will succeed in obtaining federal employment: “Pursuant to the authority delegated by the President of the United States under 5 U.S.C. sections 1104 and 3301, Executive Order 10577, and 5 C.F.R. § 731, individuals seeking admission to the civil service must undergo an investigation to establish their suitability for employment. Suitability adjudication, denial, and due process procedures are conducted in accordance with 5 C.F.R. § 731.” [Williams].  Contenders for federal employment are hired dependent on whether they are skilled, experienced, and academically prepared to levels that meet the criteria associated with the predetermined ability to properly perform all assumed job duties and responsibilities. “The suitability process determines an individual’s suitability for employment based upon an assessment of their character or conduct that may have an impact on the integrity or efficiency of the Federal service. This differs from the issue of whether a person is “qualified” to do the job. Qualification determinations are based on an individual’s experience, education, knowledge, skills, and abilities rather than on character traits and conduct.” [Williams]. In addition to being deemed equipped to handle all tasks, functions and requirements of his or her position, applicants must be cleared through a security check. “Security clearances (e.g., Confidential, Secret, Top-Secret) on the other hand, are granted to individuals with a specific requirement for access to classified material and require a separate investigation, adjudication, and determination.” [Williams].

13 The Department of Homeland Security’s Structure:

     “DHS is committed to sharing information with State and local personnel and may grant SECRET level clearances to State, local, private sector, and tribal personnel. On a case-by-case basis, the Chief Security Officer may grant or accept TOP SECRET clearances and/or access to SCI for State and local personnel.” [Williams]. Divisions in the DHS are composed of Chief, Personnel Security, Division, Office of Security, The Chief, Counterintelligence and Investigative Division, Office of Security, The Chief, Physical Security Division, Office of Security, DHS Component Heads, DHS Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), the Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, and Chief Procurement Officer along with DHS Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives (COTR). [Williams (reference)]. The highest the level of decision-making rests in the hands and authority of the Chief, Personnel Security Division, Office of Security. “The Chief, Personnel Security Division, Office of Security, is responsible for: 1. Issuing Department-wide policy for the management and operation of the Personnel Suitability and Security Program. 2. Evaluating and reporting effectiveness of the DHS Personnel Security Program to the Chief Security Officer (CSO) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). 3. Chairing a DHS Personnel Security Working Group (PSWG) consisting of senior-level personnel security representatives from each DHS Component with a personnel security office.4 Representing DHS interests in government-wide personnel suitability and security working groups. 5. Establishing and maintaining a departmental personnel security adjudicator training program. 6. Establishing and maintaining a departmental database for the tracking of personnel security cases. 7. Conducting compliance reviews of DHS Component personnel security programs. 8. Determining an employee’s suitability and eligibility for access to classified information.

14 9. Communicating his or her findings regarding both suitability and eligibility for access to classified information to the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer in order to ensure all applicants and employees are timely informed of the decision and how it may affect their prospective or current employment.” [Williams]. Most of the centralization exists here. “The Chief, Counterintelligence and Investigative Division, Office of Security, is responsible for conducting investigations, on an as needed basis, in support of personnel security adjudications.” [Williams]. “The Chief, Counterintelligence and Investigative Division, Office of Security, is more like an assistant to The Chief, Personnel Security Division, Office of Security who improvises when necessary. Located a bit further down the totem pole, so to speak, is the Chief, Physical Security Division, Office of Security. “The Chief, Physical Security Division, Office of Security, coordinates with the Office of Security, Personnel Security Division in the areas of fingerprint checks, issuance of employee and contractor access control passes and DHS identification media, and the implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive #12 (HSPD-12).” [Williams]. In the event of coming to question which individuals have the opportunity to be and/or stay on board with the DHS, these three positions are closely tied together in terms of evaluating the quality of all component activity, firing and hiring within and having the official say so in it. All associated decision-making is backed by the utmost prerequisite of propriety and formality in accordance with all officially established procedure, protocol and governing guidelines specific to DHS planning.

    Decentralization and pushing down authority of decision-making basically begins with DHS Component Heads. Department Components of: the United States Citizenship and 

15 Immigration Services (USCIS), the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the United States Coast Guard (USCG), FEMA, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the United States Secret Service (USSS), the Management Directorate, the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO), the Office of Health Affairs (OHA), the Office of Health Affairs, Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), the Office of Operations Coordination and Planning, and the Office of Policy are facilitated by DHS Component Heads. “DHS Component Heads having a personnel suitability and security program are responsible for implementing and complying with the minimum standards required by this Instruction. This Instruction does not prohibit any Component from exceeding the requirements based on mission needs or the potential for an adverse impact on National Security. However, no Component may reduce the standards/requirements without prior approval of the DHS CSO.” [Williams]. Several agents positioned in higher rank may all share the responsibility of supervising just one group. Unity of command allows for an efficient measure of individualized control and enhanced supervision of agents and departmental activities and operations, as opposed to a disproportioned ratio excessive numbers of personnel under the direction of specified sole commanders would make for disorganization and dysfunction in the continuity of daily operations. Unity of command also makes for more effective communication and better coordination in daily operations. Further, “DHS Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) coordinates with Office of Security, Personnel Security Division to establish acceptable 16 position risk levels.” [Williams]. And: “Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis is responsible for validating the “need to know” of the State and local personnel requesting a TOP SECRET clearance and/or SCI access against the specific mission requirements and compelling-need criteria outlined in this Instruction for all DHS components except for the U.S. Coast Guard and the Office of Security.” [Williams]. The Office of Intelligence and Analysis acts as the central brain of operations regarding the responsibility of inspecting for, indicating and communicating to relative offices exactly what should require substantial attention and address. “The Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) is responsible for using information and intelligence from multiple sources to identify and assess current and future threats to the United States.” [DHS]. Additionally, the Chief Procurement Officer has the executive role in DHS. “Chief Procurement Officer is responsible for ensuring that contracting officials and program officials consider whether personnel security or clearance requirements are applicable and insert appropriate agency or federal security program requirements in DHS solicitations, contracts, agreements, or other transactions.” [Williams]. He more or less assumes the responsibility of ascertaining that sources, supplies and equipment are acquired so that programs run smoothly and as they are intended to. Finally, “DHS Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives (COTR) are authorized representatives of the contracting officer who are designated to perform certain contract administration functions or activities to include notifying contracting entities of the results of the fitness screening for individual contractor employees, and for notifying personnel security if a contractor employee’s status changes in any way.” [Williams]. On the whole, when authority-holders of managerial/supervisory positions give orders and, of course expect 17 them to be followed, these orders NEED to be followed through with to exact precision in order to ensure continuity of operations. What happens in one component or office can heavily impact operations in other components and offices. Any dysfunction via incomplete work, oversight, omission, or misstep can create something of a Domino effect and may have the potential to cause mass chaos within much or even all of the Department in addition to, nevertheless, other Federal and local agencies. Assessment of the DHS Structure:

     I would have predicted the DHS to have an impressive articulated and well-configured make. I now recognize that the Department structure assumes something of a cluster-typed framework that is tightly organized, finely tuned, well-synchronized with a rather clever and well-constructed equate distribution of command, having been organized to serve with precision as a competent means to satisfy the true intentions for its creations. The DHS as a department, I find quite an impressive one that appears to be devoted to objectives which are distinctly defined. The manner in which the Department has been built to operate is to a degree complex, yet remains comprehensive in scope and uncluttered, and I have learned that the DHS diligently works on better-fleshing out and improving their structure on quite a consistent basis. A prime example follows. “On May 23, 2012 President Obama issued Presidential Memorandum,-Building a 21st Century Digital Government.  The CIO released the strategy entitled “Digital Government Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People", which provides agencies with a 12-month roadmap that focuses on priority areas enabling a more efficient and coordinated digital service delivery…. The technology landscape is changing very rapidly.  The 

18 introduction of Cloud Computing, Agile Development and Mobility has provided new and innovative ways to deliver value in Information Technology within the Federal Government. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working diligently to align with the White House’s Digital Government Strategy. DHS is committed to enabling better utilization of departmental data to improve the quality of services to the American people. DHS will develop services that leverage the unique capabilities of mobile computing and promote innovation while maintaining enhanced security.” [DHS]. This creates advantages for citizens. Americans will be able have the piece of knowing their use of the Internet will be a much safer and more secure experience. This advancement will: “Enable the citizens of America to better leverage government data to spur innovation across our Nation and improve the quality of services for the American people. Ensure we seize the opportunity to procure and manage smart devices, applications, and data safely, securely, and efficiently. [And]: Unlock the power of data and be ready to deliver and receive digital information and services anytime, anywhere and on any device.” [DHS]. This proves that the DHS stays loyal to the purposes of its creation and that it has been structured in such a way that areas in need of attention are competently and adequately addressed by capable persons via the appropriate and suitable division.


Possible DHS Shutdown:

    Unfortunately, it has been reported that DHS may likely be subject to a government shutdown. “Of the more than 230,000 employees who work for DHS, the vast majority — around 200,000 — would continue to work, but without paychecks. The “essential” employees who would remain on the job include the department’s 40,000 border patrol and customs officers, 50,000 TSA screeners, 13,000 immigration law enforcement officers, 40,000 active duty Coast Guard members, and 4,000 Secret Service agents. Those workers would be nearly certain to be paid eventually, as lawmakers have routinely approved retroactive compensation after other government shutdowns.” [Sink]. This would be an American hardship. “The bulk of DHS management and headquarters administrative support activities would cease, including much of the homeland security infrastructure that was built following the 9/11 terrorist attacks to improve command, control and coordination of frontline activities,” DHS spokeswoman Marsha Catron said.” [Sink, et al.].

The Importance of the existence of the DHS:

     Are we, here in America, actually safer and more secure than we were before the 911/Attacks given the fact that, unlike beforehand, we now have the departmental government agency expansions providing us with increased protections? Yes. I feel we are more threatened than ever 

20 by the odds that our newer protections and safeguarding may be taken away from us. I am confident that we, in fact, are. As an average citizen, I feel more confident knowing that that the DHS was created and is up and operating. Of course, accompanying the Departments development, conditions of its design and structure, and every-day affairs, controversial issues and chaos in politics have continued to persist.

    A few examples being: Sometimes DHS and other Government Departments clash and struggle with opposing views and argue over policy and jurisdiction and some have concerns that their right to privacy has become jeopardized in the aftermath. Others heavily resent the newer restrictions, regulations, strictures, impacts on their civil liberties, and losses of certain freedoms caused on by and through the ill-fated, yet alarming and awakening event which took place on September 11th, 2011, but I firmly believe that sacrificing some of our traditional privileges and conventional rights for the greater good, as a give-in, is far worth serving in best interest of persons in our country. 

21 Cited Work: 107th Congress (2002) “PUBLIC LAW 107–296—NOV. 25, 2002 116 STAT. 2135” Web. 1 March 2015 <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ296/pdf/PLAW-107publ296.pdf>

•Brill, Steven, et al. (2003) “Department of Government and Justice Studies: The USA Patriot Act” Web. 12 March 2015 <http://gjs.appstate.edu/media-coverage-crime-and-criminal-justice/usa-patriot-act>

Department of Homeland Security (2014) “DHS.” Web. 27 Feb. 2015. < http://www.dhs.gov/>

DHS: Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296). (2011) “Implementing 9/11 Commission Recommendations Progress Report 2011” Web. 12 March 2015 <http://www.dhs.gov/implementing-911-commission-recommendations#_ftn1>

Sink, Justin, et al. (2015) “DHS Shutdown Grows More Likely” Web. 18 March 2015

22 <http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/231945-dhs-shutdown-growing-more-likely>

Stana, Richard M. (2007) “Homeland Security: Information on Training New Border Patrol Agents” Web. 18 March 2015 <https://books.google.com/books?id=0dFzmbkA3LcC&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=typical+supervisor-personnel+ratio+dhs&source=bl&ots=XtXBuSxBSn&sig=HKaqLw7hdMoIrH9c1rjR_pX7MIM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=n-AMVdvBDsyIsQTE1YEY&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=typical%20supervisor-personnel%20ratio%20dhs&f=false>

Wall, Aaron, M.P.A., M.A.(2015) ‘Project Instructions’ Word. 27 Feb. 2015 <https://blackboard.njcu.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_1_1>

Williams, Jerry (2009) “DHS DIRECTIVES INSTRUCTION HANDBOOK: DHS INSTRUCTION HANDBOOK 121-01-007 THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY PERSONNEL SUITABILITY AND SECURITY PROGRAM” Web. 18 March 2015 <https://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/foia/instruction-121-01-007-personnel-suitability-and-security-program.pdf > __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(C) Jessica Lee Vance

1. Black is the night My heart unfolds I welcome wonder I welcome pretend Shall I wonder if you pretend Strength the beast My wisdom is courage And is ..is all that is pure Forever to fade in fate? Or begotten. ... 2. 3. Blackened your day 4. Beware of the Night 5. Truth be told, 6. Your weakness is far from 7. Continuing 8. Your heart 9. It bleeds to death 10. Your heart 11. 'It" unfolds. 12. (c)- me Jessica Lee Vance


The night black And thick the air As so my breath And so the pain My heart To unfold My fire to blame The danger now My mind to welcome Too pretend, Withal the same. By fate, truth To only be told

Black, the night Unfolded, my heart Wonder welcome I Pretend welcome oh do I What for you, I question well Shan’t not I do offer Hope high or deep Nor Faith blind or seen with promise Warrant and Grant, I Strength the beast I keep Within now unlocked Courage this blessing In my strength Wise, the fullest Aware and controlled The chamber full Dusty bullets My loaded gun And is so as is all that is pure And what lies beyond control possessed, Free from faith Fool I am not of Answers absent, inference Only destine forever to fade in fate Jade’s reign For of myself I am sure My heart, it rests

Blackened your day Beware of the Night Embraced Entrapped, your misdeeds Truth be told, Foolish and far from overcome Your weakness Buried surfaced You falter In the battle of all your moments Trapped burning at fault In the unstoppable blaze You lose your way Hence the fight With false the sense of the self The price to hold Inside disgraced Lifeless, numb Your heart To death it bleeds

Your heart
As it unfolds.
(c) Jessica Lee Vance
       -AKA me.

-- -- -- Jessica Vance Environmental Science Professor D. Freile Nov. 28 2014 Climate Change: Impact on Ecosystems Is our ever-developing, ever-growing ever-changing world growing and changing in ways and at rates that are becoming too difficult to handle? …a struggle to adapt to? Earth is becoming more and more overpopulated. There exists continued risk in gaps in the food chain. And as much as forces that remain out of our control are serving to deplete our natural resources and means for energy and causing change in our lithosphere and atmosphere, we humans are and have been contributing the problem(s) just the same. The world is now populated with more than 7 billion persons. Because of this large number we must expand lands for inhabiting, and in the process we pave our way of living in nature’s way. And, in whole, we consume in excess.

   Planet Earth is heating up. “Regarding the future, [the assessment concludes that] it is virtually certain that on a global scale hot days become even hotter and occur more often.” [Kampala, et. al.]. For example, there are approximately twelve meters of melting ice caps in Greenland—the sea is warming up at the approximate temperatures of “three to five degrees.”  [Trakinski, et. al.]. Changes in the heat given off by the sun, the ozone layer withering away, greenhouse gases, and other impacts caused on by ever-changing human behaviors pose threat to human existence in itself. The ice caps are much needed by humans and by the land which they occupy because the ice caps serve to moderate the lands’ temperatures and overall climates. In sum, the truth is that not only are our ice caps melting, our oceans are expanding. And Earth is, in fact, already overpopulated, which is a problem that is progressing. Because our population has grown as much as it has we need to occupy more land(s) than we have before. “’It also underlines the complexity and the diversity of factors that are shaping human vulnerability to extremes--why for some communities and countries these can become disasters whereas for others they can be less severe,’ he added.” [Kampala, et. al.]. As the populations continue increasing, as it is we are also inhabiting more land as mentioned, and as we do just this, we are exposing ourselves to risks of the effects of natural disasters by inhabiting the more dangerous and/or lands less suitable for safest, worry-free dwelling. “Changes in other extremes, such as more intense and longer droughts are observed in some regions, but the assessment assigns medium confidence due to a lack of direct observations and a lack of agreement in the available scientific studies. Confidence in any long-term trend in tropical cyclone intensity, frequency or duration is assessed to be low,” he added.” [Kampala, et. al.].
    The ozone layer gases are dangerous for us to breath in (a potential cause or cancer, etc.); yet is also valuable and essential for life on Earth to continue to exist. It is a catch twenty-two. And “Climate change is already altering the environment, experts say. Long-lived ecosystems such as forests are particularly vulnerable to the comparatively rapid changes in the climate system. A new international study shows that damage from wind, bark beetles, and wildfires has increased drastically in Europe’s forests in recent years.” [Seidl]. Both forest fires and ‘wind-throw’ are reaping havoc’. Our wood is depleting because of these and on account of careless or greedy-based timber cutting in addition [for recreation, business, or residencies]. And the fact that greenhouse gases cause trees to intake carbon dioxide does not help either.
    Climate change is also having devastating impacts on the ecosystem via changing the chemical makeup and reactions of the ocean. Ability, not only for humans to adapt to all of the changes that have been continuing to occur has not only been an issue for them, yet is also an immense issue for the marine life, in turn ultimately creating even more catastrophe for the future and likelihood of survival for the human race. “Meters of sea level are rising all along the coasts of Earth and Coastal oceans are being starved of oxygen at an alarming rate, researchers are reporting, with vast stretches of water along the seafloor depleted of oxygen to the point that they can barely sustain marine life.” [Venkataraman]. The same thing is also happening to our stream and rivers. Scientists are actually saying that a lot of the oxygen loss has to do with the use of crop fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen. Moreover, some of our waters are actually getting too much oxygen nonetheless. Withal, we rely on the marine life for our livelihood and survival. Too, nevertheless, for the food chain to remain naturally balanced is equally important in itself. All things occurring and passing must keep their consistent rhythm. This is vital for our planet. Disappointingly enough, many humans, however, are responsible in playing a role in destroying nature. Much destruction is owed to industry—in addition to average populations, businesses are even guiltier of overuse of our energy resources and non-renewable resources, emitting hazardous gases and toxins into the air and water, illegal or careless dumping in our waters, and so forth. Factories cause sediment runoff. This serves to make some of the fish suffer to death. For one, some of them end up dying on account of having rocks stuck in their gills. Though it is not only our fish that are experiencing negative impact. Polar bears, a species already at risk of/experiencing population decline, may be facing extinction in the future because their habitat is warming up and is likely to eventually dissolve. And the bottom line is that one species won’t survive either provided the (“keystone”) species they depend on for food becomes scarce in abundance or extinct.
   We need to focus on managing our resources in order to save our planet. There is a dire need to fight back in support of those generations to come. We may do this by conserving, recycling, and preserving more and using technology to maximize resource availability and abilities to create means for cost efficient energy by implementing various finely tuned techniques. 

Cited Work: Seidl Rupert, et. al. “Climate change is fueling forest disturbances, study shows” (2014) http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140804065942.htm NASA “Ozone Layer Danger” (2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLY8m-dXOxo

Holland, Marika “Arctic sea ice loss - climate model projections” (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v9aRQpumPA&feature=BFa&list=SP04193FD32956C382&lf=list_related Trakinski, Vivian, et. al. “Melting Ice Rising Seas” (2007) http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/festival/play/7244/Melting-Ice-Rising-Seas/TUE9PStP Kampala, et. al. “Intergovernmental Panel om Climate Change” (2011) https://blackboard.njcu.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_10257_1%26url%3D Venkataraman, Bina “Environment” (2008) http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/15/science/earth/15oceans.html?_r=0 (c) Jessica Lee Vance --my wrx mine!

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 1

Jessica Vance Richard Dery English 122 5 Aug 2013

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms. Are drug abusers misdiagnosed by physicians who imply pre-determined mental disorder diagnoses, at flaw with traditional practicing physicians to blame?

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 2

     Are substance abusers often misdiagnosed with mental disorders? Do doctors jump to hasty conclusions in order to further assume their roles as by the book prescribing physicians working in the field of psychiatry? According to some the doctor is always right, and according to others doctors’ opinions are very questionable because they take into account only the surface of each patients problem to find quick answers instead of searching for the truth. Yes it is true that there is a lack of scientific evidence that drug-induced psychosis is a palpable and valid disorder {due to lack of scientific research conducted up to present}, but does this disprove that it is in fact genuine within its existence? Obviously not. And actually, although nil, some evidence more than just points to validity and as with how, none other than the obvious, drugs reek-havoc on the human brain. Allow me to investigate further so as to properly explore, examine, interpret, and discuss the facts, and, then, you the reader may decide if you agree. As with such I am confident and faithful as well as hopeful that a retroactive-obsolete opinion will come to surface after you discover the collection of substantial information for opposing sides to this issue will provide you evidence proposed for the sake of contemplation and, taking the irony of both sides into great consideration of what, in your eyes, is rendered concrete fact. Thus, in sought of such, breaking each opposing side down, and alter your perceptions on this matter, yet free from taint, I propose your opinion only, however, one which is responsively and perceptively informed with in its capacity. Opinion holds best while informed. I am confident that that if by chance a reader too, any common, old fashioned practicing physician, after discovery of information I have to offer may likely be impacted, perhaps even developing change toward routine constructs in practice, following a new, revitalized protocol as standard procedures applied to those who are currently being treated by them or patients to come from the time of my unique further analyses are given great 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 3 concern; to include modifications in evaluation processes and, in all my hope, to be employed professionally withal. Does he, the patient need an actual doubled label misdiagnosis of co-occurrence or a mismarked characterization in his struggling journey through life? As struggling with stigmatization as it is, does he need double the trouble? This is where treating physician-treated patient negligence ties in.

         As good-natured human beings with faith in our presumed dependable care providers, a kneejerk reaction to automatically let our guards down in the company of professionals is common custom amongst many, but somewhere deep down buried within our consciousness exists our own demons of doubt, which get tucked or buried under the surface of the moves we make in life in dealing with practitioners, I believe, with holding professionals within the highest regards that we have been trained to trust as a cultural universal built over generations and by way of the society's success in speaking to us. Are these demons necessarily demons at all? While considering removal of cancerous tumors, bones that doctors want to place with metal rods, risky transplants, are even second opinions good enough when two wrongs don't make a right?
    How do we treat doctors' 'opinions like gold' while they only go by what is already known typically; rather than challenging the task at hand for themselves, only neglecting to righteously treat each patient on a strictly individualized basis; yet instead always appear to take the: Oh so 'professional' and modern easiest road in approaches of practice in profession. This type of performance is lazy and, to boot, disgustingly popular! 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 4

    Patients' rights to the best, most adequate and efficient care is nonetheless top priority and beyond vital. Whether malpractice or mislabel, at any rate, it's all the same! So do we trust common textbook readers {some of our physicians} who fail to excel beyond the books they've read, or can we miraculously rely on those that read them who have the quality to think outside the box of within they have been stuck in through the course of their narrow training and routine simpleton preparedness? In my education and experience in human services, I note that new news regarding theories becomes accepted and respected in the scientific world and will trigger argument and speculation and inspire critique by the most brilliant scientific competitors, but we the people, grow grey hair, by the time members of the next generation possibly benefit from new findings, while typically lack of funding is to blame for such slow progress of gradual ‘paradigm shift’. (Kuhn, 1996, p. 40). Kuhn is one hundred percent correct, and I would much take pleasure in the opportunity to contribute my theories, observations and findings, unleashing the truth: that alcohol, narcotic, stimulant amphetamine and hallucinatory substances directly cause mental illness disorders reflective in the spitting image form of commonly diagnosed psychiatric, mood, and personality disorders described in the manual DSM-IV of the APA and its top categories doctors occasionally refer to at fast glimpse--Patient quickly diagnosed and a speed-written script? ‘A speed-written script’? Is this not already a widespread, threatening epidemic amongst the drug use population today? And, the obvious, are abusers often honest about their substance use? I think it’s time our practitioners start exercising consciousness to its full capacity during office hours; However, despite my own personal bias, we must examine both sides of contraction and more elaborated established factual explanation of each side of this broad spectrum and practical reasoning details of which each conflict and, also, the significant blending trends and correlations.

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 5 Let us explore:

    A mental disorder is commonly defined as exhibiting: “deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional behavior patterns.” (Myers, 2010, p. G-11); and by accepted definition, a psychological diagnosis is: “the identification of [psychological] diseases by the examination of symptoms and signs and by other investigations, a conclusion reached through an analysis” merely given by one human being to another human being, and it is a ‘conclusion’ which is subject to human error. (N.a, the Free Dictionary, N.d). Diagnoses are divided into separate categories, given names and the criteria for each is accompanied by a set of symptomatic associations, which is merely just a list constructed by those who claim to be the wiser.
    Let’s face it, do addicts really want to admit it? Many patients hide drug or alcohol use or addiction. My late uncle, for example, suffered from heavy drug addiction. It was assumed that he had psychological and emotional issues because he hid his habits so well. We were very close to one another, and from me it was also kept a secret for years. Over the course of several years, he was admitted into several in-patient and out-patient mental health treatment facilities receiving this diagnosis and that one. To make a long story short, shortly before his death, doctors saw that he needed a methadone clinic and not a psychiatric ward, but saw it too late.
    For this paper, I also interviewed a man, whose name I will neglect to disclose, yet a man who once carried the burden of a dual diagnosis of alcohol addicted coupled with Bipolar Disorder Axis I for a time. He was prescribed medication for several years for treatment for Bipolar Disorder only before admitting to his former physicians his addiction to alcohol. Upon admitting to his history of use, his diagnosis was automatically doubled, with no second thoughts entertained. He now attends a drug and alcohol treatment program and no longer takes medication for his supposed mood disorder nor sees a 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 6 psychiatrist. He tells me that doctors assure him that his mood swings and, to include manic states, some of his erratic and aggressive behaviors in the past were, in fact , not only directly related to his constant drinking, but were the results of it and that he is sure of it, too. He stated that he did not want to give away the hidden truth of his dependency in the beginning of his treatment because the very last thing he wanted was for someone to try to stop him from continuing to do what he was doing, intervening with his daily consumption of booze. The problem there was that it was automatically assumed co-occurrence because all was based on his initial, first and only diagnosis—the mood disorder, and it took so long for the right professionals to come along and rule it out.

    It is not at all too perplexing for as to why one would want to avoid a double-stigma. Who would not attempt to avoid a dual diagnosis following them around have it throughout life? All the same, perhaps some might simply may not want to tell, because of/or they do not wish place themselves at risk of reprimand by others for their destructive behaviors, while others merely just go along with what doctors have to say because they’re the experts. At any rate, the truth is that very few disclose.
    Although opposing, old-fashioned typical professionals who are mediocre-minded, conventional diagnosis-exercisers fail to see passed common view, the truth is: “drug use causes emotional distress and psychopathology”. (Bukstein, 1993); yet it is universally known amongst practicing psychiatrists and psychologists that mental disorders are intensified by drug use and it’s not unlikely for the mentally ill to self-medicate by using illegal substances or alcohol, so it’s fairly easy to see why a doctor might ignore the possibility the drug is the causer. “Associations lead many to conclude (perhaps prematurely) that drug use impairs mental health” (Ross, 1993); and this is often overlooked by those who fail to see past easy references from the DSM-IV guide to disorder classifications. “Most evidence regarding the 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 7 relationship between psychopathology and drug use comes from clinical samples” (Hesselbrock, 1993). “These include the presence of many diverse psychiatric symptoms, inconsistent diagnostic practices, different patient population characteristics, and premorbid symptoms” (Dackis & Gold, 1993). But, what good is all the research if findings are rarely implemented? Additionally, what about post-mortem proof? “Recent epidemiological studies and advances in understanding of brain cannabinoid function have renewed interest in the long-recognized association between cannabinoids and psychosis.” (D'Souza, 2007). You may not necessarily be able to test subjects for certain mood and mental disorders, like bipolar mood disorder or schizoaffective disorder, using any kind of actual technology while subjects are living, with the exception of variations in the brain formations of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs: however, in all reality, the odds that psychiatric patients who have common disorders ever undergoing actual brain scans for abnormalities are very slim. After death is a far different story. “There is also tantalizing evidence from postmortem, neurochemical, and genetic studies suggesting CB1 receptor dysfunction (endogenous hypothesis) in schizophrenia that warrants further investigation. Further work is necessary to identify those factors that place individuals at higher risk for cannabinoid-related psychosis, to identify the biological mechanisms underlying the risks and to further study whether CB1 receptor dysfunction contributes to the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders.” (D'Souza, 2007).

    While opponents argue that no evidence conclusively asserts that substance abuse induces long-term psychosis in its initial stages, it is: “Also clear is that cannabinoids can also exacerbate psychosis in individuals with an established psychotic disorder, and these exacerbations may last beyond the period of intoxication.” (D'Souza, 2007). Doctors generally argue dual diagnoses. They may claim most often that a psychotic condition and an addiction have simultaneous affects. Most argue that if psychosis 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 8 persists, that its main causer is one or more imbalances in chemistry of the brain, and that, if it persists, substance use and addiction is a circumstance that merely acts to intensify the psychosis in the patient who is already predisposed to such, and not on the account that psychological effects of the drugs or alcohol solely triggered onset.

    Psychiatry, Psychiatrists and the Big business: The more diagnoses they give, the more money they make, and sometimes a dual diagnosis means doubling the money to be made and keeping all aspects of the big business flowing and intact. Of course, a doctor who practices psychiatry or psychology does not necessarily want to hand their patient over to a rehabilitation facility and a drug or alcohol counselor instead of return visits to their treatment facility and associated sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies and the bigger name makers newly approved medicines. In sum, they want clients, and, even yet, another explanation might be laziness attached to whatever might be most convenient at the time. All the same, this can be compared to a citizen in distress phoning the local police for help only to find themselves being run through the computer system and checked for warrants by the very same officer. All too common a scenario, as I have heard several individuals complain for this reason, is that they are afraid to phone the local police for any kind of help when in desperate need, and sad but true. Doctors often do what’s most convenient at the time just the same.
    The Big Picture: “The toxic effects of substances can mimic mental illness in ways that can be difficult to distinguish from mental illness. This chapter focuses on symptoms of mental illness that are the result of substance abuse—a condition referred to as ‘substance-induced mental disorders’.” (American Psychiatric Association, N.d.). [By solid definition, here are the truths of what drugs can cause and how disorder become mimicked as follows:] “Description [of drugs that are psychosis causers]: Alcohol, 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 9 Caffeine, Cocaine and Amphetamines, Hallucinogens, Nicotine, Opioids, Sedatives. [Aftermaths:] As defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision (American Psychiatric Association [APA] 2000) (DSM-IV-TR), substance-induced disorders include: Substance-induced delirium, Substance-induced persisting dementia, Substance-induced persisting amnestic disorder, Substance-induced psychotic disorder, Substance-induced mood disorder, Substance-induced anxiety disorder, Hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder, Substance-induced sexual dysfunction, and Substance-induced sleep disorder.” (American Psychiatric Association, N.d.). Doctors know that alcohol kills brain cells, that marijuana breaks bridges between the brain cells so as to rearrange them, and that drugs, like the synthetic club drug, ecstasy [mixture of MDMA and many other narcotic additives] actually burn holes in the human brain, and that taking even one dose of the drugs LSD or PCP can cause permanent schizophrenia, delusions and auditory and/or visual hallucinations, on some scale, consistency amongst individuals’ thought patterns. Contradictory to these facts, doctors hastily assume that patient drug use only enhance present psychological maladies as custom practice.

    A reality and common assumption of most doctors is that a subject may have been predisposed as already psychologically imbalanced and drug use only served to escalate and exaggerate pre-exiting symptoms just waiting there to surface as this too is a reality when it comes toxic drug use and disorder escalation. In many cases doctors are right. Drug addicts exhibit behavior patterns consistent with those exhibited by those who suffer strictly with mental conditions. “A majority of adult Americans trust their doctors and are confident in their advice, a new survey indicates. The new Gallup Health and Healthcare Survey shows that 70% of Americans are confident in their doctor’s advice and don’t feel a need to seek out a second opinion or do additional research on their own.” (Hendrick, 2005). So, is it not all too far 

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 10 from possible AND probable that while doctors are making assessments on patients by taking their symptoms at face value, these same patients are taking their doctors’ opinions at face value with unidentified false sense of doubtless consolation? On the contraire, patients need to be ABLE to trust their doctors.

   “Psychiatric impairment is frequently observed in drug-abusing populations.” (Bukstein, 1993), and I am not nailing psychiatrists to the cross here because it can be most impossible to distinguish any major notable difference(s) between conventional psychological disorder classifications and those substance-induced. Yet, this is why more research on disorders induced by narcotics and alcohol is much needed, which should also include studies on different ways to discern between the two.
    Any diagnosis necessitates thorough investigation, and NOT the quick and careless slide of the tip of a writing utensil on a piece of paper because a patient has the right to know the truths and realities of his condition. Nevertheless, it is the psychiatrist’s full responsibility to evaluate thoroughly enough, especially if the patient currently has or has had a history of alcohol or drug use, perhaps including random testing in addition to testing the patient for toxins during the initial evaluation, and routinely followed up on in the time after. Health inconsistencies shown in blood test results and testing for the natural chemical antibodies which the body produces extra when automatically fulfills it’s need to fight of toxins [or i.e. testing for inconsistencies in creatinine levels] can also definitely be an effective method for investigating and pinpointing the true nature of the circumstances at hand. Most importantly brain scan testing should, in fact, need to be performed on all mental health patients. In being examined by one’s physician with a blind eye, a patient need not walk around throughout life with an extra label to whom it does not belong.

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 11

Cited Works:

Bukstein, Brent, et al. “Effects of Adolescent Drug Use on Mental Health: A Prospective Study of a Community Sample” Larsri.org The American Psychological Association, 1993 Web. 6 Aug. 2013 <http://www.larsri.org/docs/Effects%20of%20Adolescent%20Drug%20Use%20on%20Adult%20Mental%20Health.pdf >

D'Souza, DC. “Cannabinoids and psychosis” Nih.gov National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2007 <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17349865

Hendrick, Bill “Survey Shows Americans Trust Their Doctors” Webmd.com WebMD, 2005 Web. 6 Aug 2013 < http://www.webmd.com/news/20101203/survey-shows-americans-trust-their-doctors >

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 12

Kuhn, Thomas “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd ed.” Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1996 Print.


Myers, David G “Psychology, 9th Ed.: Introduction Psychology I & II” Worth Custom Publishing New York, 2010 6 Aug 2013 Print.

N.a. American Psychiatric Association nih.gov National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, N.d. Web 6 Aug 2013 <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64178/>

N.a. “Psychosis S*cks: Substance Use and Psychosis” Psychosissucks.ca Fraser Health, 2008 Web. 6 Aug 2013 <http://www.psychosissucks.ca/substanceuseandpsych.cfm>

Psychosis: Triggered by Use of Substances vs. Amplification of Predetermined Symptoms 13

N.a. The Free Dictionary Thefreedictionary.com Farflex, 2013 Web 5 Aug 2013 <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/diagnosis>

_____________________ To me, in the piece, what stands out the most in sum is selfishness, selflessness and the battle between those who possess said characteristics in their personalities/character in the writings, man against man. Yet these types of scenarios are actually real life typed scenarios which occur and that with which some of us deal with every day: Good vs evil, the battle for what one feels is right and the same that the other feels is unjustified, what we crave, the hate and what we would not want to become or become of a situation we struggle in argument, either with our opponents or with ourselves and our own consciences, in attempt to drive away. The greed of the shallow best describes the hunger of Penelope’s suitors as they pursue her hand in marriage merely in attempt to attain her fortune: that of which is not owed to them and not at all deserved. They impose upon her, their selfishness. In spite of her suitors and on the contrary I see Penelope as very heartfelt and warm. Her procrastination on finishing of the weaving of the burial shroud indicates this as it marks her sorrow and reluctance as well as does prove her inner beauty more than does her indecisiveness. Her son, Telemachus, has every right to stand by his Mother’s side and vow to choose a husband for her. As he cares about her deeply, he is the most fitting to do the job righteously and with good intensions only, if he is to take the responsibility. And taking on this responsibility makes him a hero, assuming the position of a loyal and dedicated Son. A hero is someone who is willing to step up to the plate without looking back. Only with the courage to stand up for what, he in his heart believes is morally just. A hero is strong and determined. A hero is selfless. A hero is not a thinker. A hero is a doer. Nicole, I agree: The suitors did not only have strong hunger for financial gain, but also had the lust for power, to fill a position of power, with a lazy lack of having not taken the initiative to work hard to assume such a position on their own [i.e. earning their own wealthy estates], yet with the wills of true cowards path to complacence, only preyed upon the weakness and vulnerability of a woman grieving over her husband. Though all the same, alive behind her grief and despair, not to cease to persist both her faithfulness and her hope and blind faith. Those who are filled with the desire for selfish physical and social injustice call out to the men with good hearts and those that are true fighters who hence sacrifice themselves to fight for what is right in their eyes. Telemachus is obviously outnumbered by the suitors and, yet, still persists to protect his Mother’s will and best interests and face what is necessary to face. (c) Jess. Lee. VANCE. _____________________________________________________________________I

    The court process is meant for settling conflicts and determining guilt or innocence of the alleged. Court Systems within the U.S serve to ensure the preservation of justice and citizens’ Constitutional rights, acknowledge and respond proportionately to  the details of occurring incidents that jeopardize and conflict with the maintaining of social order; by and through addressing civil and criminal cases regarding procedural, substantive, criminal and civil law in accordance with laws and rights as they are legally written and providing structure regarding proper court procedure in case proceedings, which is much needed for fair, conscious and legally justifiable judicially imposed case dispositions/decisions to be reached. Our court systems are relied upon to act and react in the best interests of public safety agencies that serve to exercise management of social control, the ultimate underlying goals being fairness in civil cases and justice as it exists in the spectrum of members’ of communities rights to peace and safety. This will include imposing proper degrees of restitution and/or incarceration/punishment(s) if deemed necessary in order to increase the likelihood for reform, reduce recidivism and safely reintegrate convicted criminals back into the community if it is so decided that he or she will be released from a correctional facility and will be returning to the community. 
    Law(s) on the Books is a guide of specific definitions of crimes and offenses and is used as an outlined reference for [strictly determining if a particular action actually constitutes as a crime/violation of a given law, statute, code, title, associated section and subsection and so forth and specific definitions of the punishment(s) deciding if imprisonment, fines, parole and/or probation consistent with being found guilty of violating the particular law or offense is/are applicable in response to an act. 
    Law on the streets is technically law on the books in action law enforced prevention, deterrence and intervention implemented and executed via law enforcement officials for the purposes of maintaining public and social order, preserving justice and safety in our communities and upholding lawful procedure at street level. Law on streets is directly derived from our official written books of laws. Thus, the correct practice of law on the streets is consistent with/to exact how the official laws are written.  
    I would not state that Justice in itself is blind. The serving and maintaining of true justice lies in hands of those who professionally serve its purpose and uphold it. Justice need be served, maintained/upheld with persistence, and super-imposed free from impurity and corruption in every respect in order to live up to its true meaning. Our court systems serve as the backbone to police and corrections. Our written laws serve as the same to all three, yet the court system and actor coexist as the key players in what happens in sentencing, time of punishment and after, the courts owing the biggest responsibility to contribute reducing repeat offender statistics hence a shift in the odds: decline in the number of arrests and the lesser need for corrective rehabilitation measures probable. With the risk of my sounding somewhat generic: every one case or incident differs from the next when it comes down to details and specifics, and I believe it is safe to say that we all know that there is no such thing as perfect nor is there any truth in stating that there is no such thing as human err. Day after day, case after case, mistakes are bound to be made: i.e. a murderer walks free (perhaps on account of some legal loophole), an innocent person gets convicted, an ‘actual’ victim’s testimony gets stricken from court record because they are wrongfully discredited and so forth. I don’t feel it is at issue to question whether justice is blind, yet, in fact, exists as vital for those who have been granted the opportunity and challenge to serve and preserve it to keep their eyes wide open--looking further beyond mere face value, take view via the smaller as well as larger scope, and look and think as clearly and insightfully as possible into each and every situation and all that transpired and was and is of occurrence, however tragic and unjust, and/or intense the degree of all at stake.

(c) Jessica Lee Vance, Inc.