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I am pleased to inform my colleagues that I have self-published a book through Xlibris entitled-"I THANK THEREFORE I AM=GRATEFULNESS AS HEALING." The book is a result of an intense personal spiritual experience and the continued validation of the experience through a close study of the prayer book and other Jewish sources. I firmly believe that gratefulness is a central spiritual path in Judaism and for that matter in all faith orientations. I am eager to share my thoughts and feelings about this crucial thread of the spiritual life and would welcome any invitation to address congregations or other audiences in this regard. My fees are modest-I am doing this more "le'shem mitzvah" than anything else; of course, I would like to cover personal expenses and be able to earn a small subsidy by which to further the publication of the book. I have created a website:www.thegratefulrabbi.com to which you are invited.

With "rigshei hakarat hatov" Gratefully, Henry Glazer