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User:Thekillerpenguin/Wikiverse/Penguin-Leopard Seal war

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Penguin-Leopard Seal war

Penguin recruits line up for training
DateMarch 900 B.C.- February 2018
Result Penguin victory
Alliance of Penguins United Nation of Leopard Seals
Commanders and leaders
Dockuin, many other unnamed penguin emperors King ChillFang, other unnamed leopard seal kings
Units involved
Penguins, Legionaries, VTOLs (recently) Leopard Seals, Spec ops L.S.s, tanks
Countless penguins, 600 Legionaries, 200+ VTOLs Countless leopard seals, 800 Spec ops L.S.s, 400+ tanks
Casualties and losses
20,000+ penguins, 400 Legionaries, 20 VTOLs 20,000+ leopard seals, 600 Spec ops L.S.s, 400+ tanks
Before the modern era, the Spec ops and Legionary units were non existent. Same thing with the tanks and VTOLs.

The Penguin-Leopard Seal war was a centuries-long conflict between the penguins and the leopard seals, with countless casualties from both sides.



Ever since the first leopard seal and penguin evolved, the two species had an immense hostility, but it was not until 900 B.C. that the penguins declared war, as a government-backed force of leopard seals had invaded a penguin village, killing the inhabitants and sacking everything.

Major Battles


The Battle of Rocky Point


The first main engagement of the war was at the village of Rocky Point in 900 B.C., where a small force of penguins attacked the local leopard seal military base. The penguins dug snow tunnels to the door of the base, bypassing the barbed wire and sentries. The penguins stormed the base, taking prisoners, and with the supplies and weapons in the base, they took the town.

The Battle of Krill's Nest


The leopard seals continued to attack penguin military strongholds, and succeeded in taking a bushel of them. This battle occurred at the fishing port of Krill's Nest in 850 B.C. Leopard seal commandos silently infiltrated a large military vessel, and upon seizing control, they bombarded the town with mortars and heavy cannons, killing at least 500 soldiers and 100 civilians. This was the first major loss for the penguins.

Thunder Mountain Skirmish


On the secret base of Thunder mountain, the penguins attacked local leopard patrols in 700 B.C., leading them to the base. The Thunder Mountain base was heavily fortified, and the leopard seals suffered unacceptable losses, forcing the infantry to retreat. However, the leopard seals brought in their prototype battering ram, destroying the trenches and attacking the base. Eventually, the walls gave, and the leopard seals managed to storm the base, although they lost more than half of their men. They managed to plant explosives at the power core of the base, and when it exploded, it caused an avalanche, which buried all of the attackers, and forced the penguins to base jump off of the top. Few survived, as the penguins stationed there were not trained in base jumping.

Antarctica City Battle


During 10 A.D., the leopard seals amassed a huge fighting force to take the penguin's capital Antarctica City. In a battle that lasted a week, over 1,000 leopard seals were killed, and at least 500 penguins were killed. The penguin's weapon of choice, the assault rifle, was significantly more accurate than the leopard seal's submachineguns, allowing them to inflict more casualties from a longer range. However, those who were at close range quickly were overwhelmed. The leopard seals relentlessly sent out wave after waves of raiders for four days, even in the night time, wearing down the ranks of the penguins. The penguin commander, Frostbeak, was killed in action, leaving the soldiers disorganized and panicking. The leopard seals also cut the supply lines of the penguins, killing some of starvation. With morale at an all time low, the penguin central command made a last minute decision. A zeppelin was mounted with all the rockets and missiles that the penguins had available, and was sent to do a strafing run at the positions of the leopard seals, saving all of the penguins. After the battle, the penguins started to go on the defensive.

Cease-fire period


For about 20 years, both penguins and leopard seals would avoid contact with each other, and when they did, they would silently exchange suspicious glances. During this time, the Alliance of Penguins rebuilt their economy, creating large fisheries and ports on the coast of Antarctica. Also, the major penguin tribes (each consisting of a different species) united officially under the banner of the Alliance of Penguins. However, different species of penguins sometimes distrusted each other, each species forbidding members to have anything to do with other types of penguins. The lowly little blue penguins started several protests in response to discrimination from both the Chinstrap penguins and the Rockhopper penguins.

The first outsiders to come to Antarctica were a little-known group of ancient Chinese explorers, who had developed secret technology to explore the South Pole. When the penguins first saw them, they opened fire with their impressive artillery cannons, which are on par with a 20th century German flak cannon. The explorers managed to get in contact with the penguin emperor at the time, and their negotiations led to them being released with a shipload of seaweed, icefish, krill, and blueprints for weapons.

Additionally, the seclusive Emperor Penguin Order developed highly advanced technology, leading to the penguins launching their first space ship. It was still in orbit around the Wikipedian-Unencylopedian war. Many people over the ages have mistaken the ship for a star, calling it the North Star. This is misleading- it is a ship, not a star, and the reason it stays in place is because of a complicated quantum entanglement system, along with a large array of thrusters and solar panels (which are 10x more efficient than current generation solar panels). The North Star can transform from a mobile gigantic ship into a space station in only a few minutes, and is currently used for surveillance and for wiping out entire cities with concentrated solar energy.

Endless War


Up until around 2016, the leopard seals and penguins were in constant conflict. It was sparked by a test firing of the North Star's solar cannon, which accidentally destroyed a small leopard seal fishing village. The two governments sent troops to fight on the borders every month, and the fighting took its toll on the border regions, which are still battle-scarred today. It was during this very long period that the penguins developed some of their more common technologies, like VTOLs, their infantry weapons, vehicles, and more. The economies of both nations managed to do pretty well even with all the fighting going on. War became routine, and all Antarctic citizens became accustomed to it.

The fighting stayed in the border regions- no significant amount of penguin or leopard seal territory was invaded, since any offensives were quickly pushed back. Trench warfare became common, and huge tunnel networks were developed to protect soldiers from aerial attacks.

The war finally ended in 2018, when the vast majority of the leopard seal military was defeated in Tampa City. The surviving forces retreated back to the Spotted City, leaving only a few sentinels at the front lines. The leopard seals are now focused on trying to fix their broken economy, but the government is still interested in getting revenge on the penguins.

See also
