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Duck Butter (Band) is an American Punk band formed in Knoxville, TN in 2016. The current line up consists of Louie "beef captain" Liam and Alexander "Alexander" Supertrash.

Current Members Alex Supertrash and Louie Liam had spent a great deal of high school attempting start a functioning band. During señor they each agreed that metalcore may not be the way to go and formed a new punk band. A friend of Alex's, Griff Knives, had also been looking to form a band and move back to Oak Ridge. "Brilliant, you can move in with Louie and his mother rent free!" Alex decided.

As the band came together and wrote a few songs they started to find where to play shows, many of their first shows being at the Purple Polilla with bands such as Suzy Homemaker, Hivehead, and Bad Idols.

After a bit of work the band put together their first album Naked. The album was self recorded and produced with one Blue Snowball microphone and a pirated copy of Audacity. For those interested I've uploaded it to soulseek.

Later still the band came to know a Christopher Harmon who agreed to help them record their album Loudeye in his basement in Clinton. The album features a lot more experimental textures and song writing as can be expected with an eccentric working with some young bucks on music.

After the band had dug some claws into the local scene the owners of the Purple Polilla have them an offer they couldn't refuse. Move into the loft above the venue. By summer 2017 they had moved in and members Alex and Louie spent their first week waking up at 7 am to drive an hour away to finish summer school.

A few months later the Butter boys hear tell of their friends in Bad Idols losing their hosing situation. They decide to host a small festival of music to help with the situation. On July 20th about an hour into the event a slurry of police show up to kick the Butter boys out of their home. Luckily the owners have a few extra rooms to spare.

A few weeks into their temporary living, a day before their first "tour" they we're kicked from their rooms and ran to squat in the defunct venue. The next day they left with their road team and managers Ruby and Jojo. The tour lasted only four days and two shows but not howdy what a hoot.

Returning home to their squat Alex had already found A home for the gang to move to. They move in the next week.

This era of the band though the longest was the least eventful. Mostly shenanigans and a house show. Eventually tension between members of the band lead to Griff Knives being arrested for domestic violence and being permanently removed from the band.

Through the next few wholes the band works on a bit of more bright and experimental music such as the never recorded "Irish Jig on a York Peppermint Party." I guess they probably recorded Maximum Wage Minimum Effort at some time around then with Dylan of Postcard fame.

Some other junk happens and they move and some stuff and in 2020 right before the outbreak of Covid-19 they recorded and put out How Did I Get Here with Garret Lemons. Their first album that took more than the length of the songs to record and it shows. Good on youse guys. Can't wait for the new stuff to drop.