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Nam prik is one kind of the hot sauces typical of Thai cuisine that is usually served with the main dish as a condiment or dip for bland preparation such as vegetation, fish, meats, etc. It depends on the flavors of each area or region that prepares it. Usual ingredients are fresh or dry chilies, garlic, shallots, lime juice, and often some kind of fish or shrimp paste. The ingredients are pounded together using a mortar or pestle, with either sauce added taste (Wikipedia, 2017).

History of Nam prik Nam prik was founded since Ayutthaya period. The which the word “Nam prik” is from the cooking with herbs such as chilies, garlic, onions, and spices with strong smell mixed together for dipping with vegetation such as Eggplant, cucumber, long bean, etc. or even aquatic animals seafood such as shrimp or, fish. People in the past usually prepare Nam prik to eat with aquatic animal seafood more than land pork or chicken animals. , the reason is to add flavor and deodorant smell ofto the food. Nam prik is used for an ingredient of any food or side dish match eaten with rice. Nam prik was created invented because some kinds of Thai food such as curry that necessary to have the ingredient or have a complicated the process preparation that complicate, so the cooker or the chef had been created Nam prik to compile all the ingredients and mix it together for to reducing the procedure preparation time and can be able to keep it the food last longer than using normal regular ingredients. Nowadays, many kinds of Nam prik are developed into different kinds of food or cooking; with others for example, – fried rice with nam prik narok or fried rice with Nam prik pla too, etc.

History of Nam prik ta daeng

Nam prik ta daeng is one of the native food of Northern of Thailand food. People usually make it when there are during religious ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. , which Nam prik ta daeng is made of native ingredients and processing by adding some ingredients and seasoning or spices such as dry chilies onion, garlic, etc. Nam prik ta daeng is inherit to each generation. Nam prik ta daeng was can easily be created made, but it also giving a good taste which relates to the life of the native people that are always humble and barely simple (otoptoday, n.d.).


The ingredients that need to prepare for making Nam prik ta daeng are the followingbelow. ingredients below which those are the general ingredients which mostly use to make Nam prik ta daeng, but It can be ale to modified to add any flavors or ingredients more than the list.

• Dried chili (depend on favor) • Shallot • Garlic • Shrimp paste • Cup of dried fish • Palm sugar (depend on favor)

• Fish sauce (depend on favor) • Tamarind, seedless and chopped (depend on favor)

How to make 1. Start with roasting dry chilies. 2. Roasting onion, garlic and don’t forget to put a bit of water into it. , and wWhen it is cooked, roast it a bit more for a good smell. 3. Pound the chilies,; roasted garlic and onion together. 4. Put kapi sauce into it. 5. Put fish meat and mix it together. 6. Scoop nam prik into the pan and pour a bit oil into it. 7. At last, cook until gettingthere is a good smell and adding some more spices (depends) and cook until getting the texture is a bit dry.

Nutrient Because of the ingredients of nam prik ta daeng mostly are herbs, so nam prik ta daeng it can help reducing cancer, diabetes, heart attack, and high blood pressure. Nam prik ta daeng can also resist acid radical (Kapook health, 2013).

References (n.d.). Retrieved from น้ำพริก: http://xn--12c1cpu7eo7l6a.com/types.html (n.d.). Retrieved from otoptoday: http://www.otoptoday.com/wisdom/7663/%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B3%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B2%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%9A%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B0

(n.d.). Retrieved from foods: http://www.foods.in.th/nam-prig-ta-dang
(n.d.). Retrieved from kapook: https://health.kapook.com/view63984.html