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TiffanyTheDreamer.......Internet Entrepreneur

    I am a people person. I love being around new and different types of people. Fascinated by cultural and environmental differences, I am eager to learn new things and happily accepts the challenge. One of my favorite philosophies that I abide by is there is absolutely nothing on this planet I can't do. I repeat that to my self every morning and every night. Another philosophy is Dare To Dream. To Succeed you need to have dreams and aspirations. I believe you have to be honest with yourself as to what you want out of life, and what you are willing to do to get it. Then you have to allow yourself to dream, and dream big! I set long term and short term goals daily. I focus my attention on the things I want and I don't stop until I get it. My favorite movie is the "The Secret" written by Ronda Byrne, The message is "thoughts becomes things". Meaning, you are what you think. If you constantly focus your attention on negativity you'll most likely get back nothing but negativity. But if you live your life in your dreams you'll wake up one day and your dream will be your reality. Oprah Winfrey once said "The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams".