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Ottavio Rosati

Ottavio Rosati 2004

Italian film director, psychodramatist, producer and writer, works on the relationship between psychology and art.



Ottavio Rosati is an Italian psychoanalyst, director, and writer, renowned for his pioneering contributions to psychodrama and video therapy. Based in Rome, he holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Rome "La Sapienza." Rosati's research revealed profound connections between the works of J.L. Moreno, the founder of psychodrama, and the theater of the Nobel Prize Luigi Pirandello, which culminated in the staging of the trilogy Theater within the Theater for Teatro Stabile di Catania and Teatro Stabile di Torino.


Fernanda Pivano in the Plays studios during the filming of Generazioni d'amore, Geneamore, the film about her, shot by Ottavio Rosati, in the chessboard studio. Behind you can see some of the characters that are used during the chessboard sessions.

Throughout his career, Rosati has developed and perfected therapeutic techniques, establishing himself as a leading figure. He heads the specialization school in psychodrama for psychologists and physicians, accredited by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research. In 1986, he introduced the multimedia technique of ‘La Scacchiera’ at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan. [1] [2]

Da Storia Nasce Storia, Rosalia Maggio and Ottavio Rosati - Rai - Archivio Ipod Plays

Rosati revisited J.L. Moreno's groundbreaking psychodrama experiment, Psychodrame (1956), which was filmed by Roberto Rossellini. In 1991, he created two series of Da Storia nasce Storia Da Storia nasce Storia (the first television program in history based on real psychodramas from the audience) for Rai 3 and Torino Opera House. This program, which featured actors and live music, was celebrated by La Stampa as “the theatrical-television success of the year.” Harold Brodkey, a writer hailed by Time as “the American Proust,” described it as a miracle achievable only by the Italian soul. In addition to his clinical practice, Rosati is also recognized for his work as a director and writer. He has directed numerous documentaries and films that delve into psychological and social themes, often utilizing psychodrama to expose the underlying dynamics of his subjects.



Some of his most notable works include:

  • La moda proibita - Roberto Capucci e il futuro dell'alta moda (2018): A documentary that explores the life and career of the famous couturier Roberto Capucci through interviews and archival material



Ottavio Rosati with Roberto Cicutto, Istituto Luce, during the world premiere of La moda Proibita, Ara Pacis Rome - Archivio Ipod Plays



Ottavio Rosati is also the author of books and scientific articles. His publications cover a range of topics, including group psychotherapy, psychodrama, and innovative therapeutic techniques. Some of his most notable books include:

Pirandello e lo psicodramma in Italia, Atti dello Psicodramma. Ubaldini Editore. 1982. p. 128.

Questa sera si recita a soggetto, Atti dello psicodramma. Ubaldini Editore. 1983. p. 200. ISBN 9788834007884.

La Moreno per Pirandello e Ciascuno a suo modo. Ubaldini editore. 1987. p. 127. ISBN 9788834009024.

L’attivazione dell’immagine nello psicodramma junghiano in Trattato di Psicologia Analitica. UTET. 1992. ISBN 88-02-06588-7

Intervista multi-strato ad Aldo Carotenuto. Rome: Di Renzo. 1994. p. 112. EAN= 9788886044219

Da Storia Nasce Storia. Nuova Eri-Rai. p. 335. ISBN 8839707956. foreword by Fernanda Pivano

Il lago dei Teti, in Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica, n.47. Rome: Di Renzo. 2000.

La Rinascita di don Romeo, in Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica, n.49. Rome: Di Renzo. 2001. • Quattro decenni di plays per il Teatro del tempo, Plays, Rome, 2010, pp. 250 (also published in four chapters as hypertext on www.plays/ipod)."

Contributions and Awards

Ottavio Rosati, Zerka Moreno and Pierluigi Pirandello at the Carignano Theater in Turin, 1986 - Archivio Ipod Plays

He has given lectures and workshops worldwide, sharing his knowledge and expertise in the field of theater and sociodrama. He directs the specialization school in psychodrama for psychologists and doctors recognized by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research. Throughout his career, Rosati has received awards for his contributions to the fields of psychotherapy and cinema including: Jacob Levi Moreno Medal (1994) awarded to O. R. and Zerka Moreno by CeIS. Puccini Award (1984) awarded by Sylvano Bussotti in Torre del Lago Puccini. Friends of Luigi Pirandello Award (2011) awarded by Pier Luigi and Giovanna Pirandello. City of Catania Medal (1992) awarded by the rector to O. R. and Leo Gullotta for the play Fantasmi.



  1. ^ Francesco Marzano, Intervista a Ottavio Rosati sulla Scacchiera: https://www.meer.com/it/63845-intervista-a-ottavio-rosati
  2. ^ Ottavio Rosati, La Scacchiera e il videoplay: https://www.plays.it/ipod/scritti/ottavio-rosati/670-la-scacchiera-e-il-videoplay-di-ottavio-rosati