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NAME: Johnnie thompson DATE: 9/22/2020 PERIOD: 4 DRAFT INTRODUCTION

MY FIRST Day of school

On my first day of school I woke up like I can sleep standing I was way too sleepy to go to school but my mom told me if I don't get up she is going to give me a good butt wapin so I got up(not wanting to look like a tomato) and brush my teeth and put my clothes on and when I went to the bus stop other people there ( I was new and did not know them) so I just wait outside the fence and when the bus came and I got on the bus the bus was cramp and lucky I found an unused seat  and sat down . and look out the window and when . we got to school I got off and walk to the front and enter when I enter I was in the gym and we had mental detator and backpack check so I wait and wait for a long time and when I made it at the top I got on with it and went on to  breakfast and I ate a pop-tart and I had to wait to go to the gym where they call and hand out schedule but I did not get one and other did not get one as well so on the my seat I start to talk to someone and his name was thorn he was a good friend and he play a lot so we start to talk about game and xbox and then the military  we both want it to go so we start to talk about what unit we would join he said the blacksmith and I said army because of the fight and the ( well let said am a bit too violent and not much of a talker ) fun stuff we sat there talking until we was call to have are schedule made and I was the first to go in and have my schedule made so I just told the teacher what class I want and went back out to the waiting room and sat there not doing anything because thorn had already left and went to class so  there I was all along waiting for the end of the day to come a round and when it did I went straight to the bus and sat down I was too tired to do anything but of course my friend thorn was on the bus and I didn’t feel like talking so I just sat there looking out the window and lucky me we are the one of the first to get off the cramp bus so we got off and  start to walk home to do something and we have a long but not that long walk home so I just did a short cut back home and when I was the first one home I was not playing. I just wanted it to sleep so when I got home I went straight to my room and floop on my bed and went to sleep . Knowing in my heart that I like and hate school at the same time, the friend part not the setting part . 

What i learn is that sleeping don’t last long