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User:Tomaok2/Mean Field Theory

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Consider the Ising model on an N-dimensional cubic lattice. The Hamiltonian is given by

where the indicates summation over nearest neighbors, and and are neighboring Ising spins.

Let us transform our spin variable by introducing the fluctuation from its mean value . We may rewrite the Hamiltonian:

where we define ; this is the fluctuation of the spin. If we expand the right hand side, we obtain one term that is entirely dependent on the mean values of the spins, and independent of the spin configurations. This is the trivial term, which does not affect the partition function of the system. The next term is the one involving the product of the mean value of the spin and the fluctuation value. Finally, the last term involves a product of two fluctuation values.

If fluctuations are small, we may neglect this last term. These fluctuations are enhanced at low dimensions, making MFT a better approximation for high dimensions.

Again, the summand can be reexpanded. In addition, for symmetry reasons the mean value of each spin is site-independent. This yields

The summation over neighboring spins can be rewritten as where means 'nearest-neighbor of ' and the prefactor avoids double-counting, since each bond participates in two spins. Simplifying leads to the final expression

At this point, the Ising Hamiltonian has been decoupled into a sum of one-body Hamiltonians with an effective mean-field which is the sum of the external field and of the mean-field induced by the neighboring spins. It is worth noting that this mean field directly depends on the number of nearest neighbors and thus on the dimension of the system (for instance, for a hypercubic lattice of dimension , ).

Substituting this Hamiltonian into the partition function, and solving the effective 1D problem, we obtain

where is the number of lattice sites. This is a closed and exact expression for the partition function of the system. We may obtain the free energy of the system, and calculate critical exponents. In particular, we can obtain the magnetization as a function of .

 We thus have two equations between  and , allowing us to determine  as a function of temperature. This leads to the following observation:
  • for temperatures superior to a certain value , the only solution is . The system is paramagnetic.
  • for , there are two non-zero solutions: . The system is ferromagnetic.

is given by the following relation: .

MFT is known under a great many names and guises. Similar techniques include Bragg-Williams approximation, models on Bethe lattice, Landau theory, Pierre-Weiss approximation, Flory-Huggins solution theory, and Scheutjens-Fleer theory.