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User:Tumblin Tom

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello everyone. I, like many people, have used wikipedia on and off for information. Not so long ago I decided to create an account to enable me to change the wording of an article only to be reverted (a couple of times) and called a troll after much discussion. I didn't even know people from wiki could see me! I wandered off after that to sit in a corner feeling unloved and unwanted to lick my wounds. I think I have now got over it after much help from my family and friends who told me not to be so bloody childish and get on with my life. I have now cut them out of my life and my will, how dare they!

Anyway, I have returned to wikipedia hoping to make the right impression this time, you know, words like brilliant, amazing, and outstanding would be nice, though unlikely. Remember folks, as my old mother used to say before she called me a w****r and threw me out the house, if you dont have a good word to say about anyone don't say anything at all.

Ten things I'd like to see or do before I die


1) Live to the grand old age of one hundred. (Compos mentis)

2) Win the Jackpot on the National Lottery (long before I reach one hundred)

3) Space travel becomes easy and affordable for all. (If not, see above)

4) Scotland win the Football World Cup.