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“Ten Universities, One Stage” 「十校‧壹舞台」

Joint University Mass Dance is an annual dancing event organised by Joint University Dance Society, representing students from 10 universities in Hong Kong.

The event also known as “孖釘” (refers to its Cantonese homophone) and “Madan”. The event name could be divided into “mass” and “dance”. “Mass” refers to the massive gathering of students from different universities while “dance” refers to the united dancing performance by student dancers. (Reference link2 ) .

The events are usually held in November. Elected student dancers would be divided into different teams such as “freshman team” , “home team”, “OG team” and “run-u team”. “freshman team” and “home team” members would perform at their own school while “run-u team” members would join a nine-station-dancing tour to all other 9 universities. “OG team”, which known as “老鬼team”, is formed by graduated alumnus and seniority students of the dancing society. “OG team” originates from the words Original Generation, which is commonly used in hip pop culture.

The event is open to general public and attracts many dancers non-dancers to watch the performance every year, playing an important role in promoting dance culture. Mass dance is a united, performance-based and entertaining activity.

Event rundown

The opening performance will be made by the home court “Freshman team”, which is formed by a group of new members of the dancing society. Following by the performance of the “home team” and “run-u team” from other universities. “OG team” will also perform in the events. The events will end with the performance of the “Joint-U team”, which is formed from 20 representatives from 10 universities (2 students from each university).


Mass dances in other countries began from the early years of the 20th century. They were typically held when historical events and tech innovations happened, and were performed across both geographical and political borders. Several countries took part in holding mass dance performances, such as Germany and the United States. The performers that joined the mass dances were usually non-professional performers who just wanted to have fun and gain experience. The main goal of such mass dances was to unite a crowd and have them enjoy performances together, which brought joy to all.

In Hong Kong, the earliest joint university mass dance was in 1995, and only 6 universities participated at the time. A little more than a decade later, 4 more universities joined in on the joint university mass dance in 2009, making that a total of 10 universities taking part in the mass dances. These 10 universities are the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), University of Hong Kong (HKU), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Lingnan University (LingU), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) and Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU).


Mass dance in different universities showcases a wide variety of dance genres, including hip-hop, jazz, jazz funk, arfo, house, popping, contemporary dance and much more. Participants come up with their own routine, combining different dance genres into their dance and therefore providing a lively performance for audiences to enjoy. There are also different themes for each dance, and performers create their own outfits to dress according to the theme. This emphasises unity and their devotion to contributing to mass dance. Some schools will invite the OG who are current dance teachers or members of Dance Society to choreograph dance pieces and lead exercises as a process of inheritance(HK Dance Alliance Limited, 2016) To further promote their performances, universities organise a tour for mass dance, allowing students from different universities to perform outside of their school. Tours are usually held in a podium or a large outdoor space in each university during November, lasting for around a month.


1.Take Dancing Class

Before the start of the semester, the Dance Society from each university will provide some “Dance Classes” or “ Interest Classes” for the freshman or current students to give them a chance to learn some basic skills of dancing like Hiphop and Jazz style. After finishing the classes, there will be a casting to select freshmans who are eligible to dance in the “freshmen team”.

Some schools might not even have the casting as they want the freshmen to have more chances to step on the stage. As a result, freshmen can join the team directly if they want.

2. Eligibility (audition)

For the freshman team :

In some universities, for example City University Of Hong Kong, there is an audition for the freshman. During the Interest Class, the tutors would teach the casting piece to the students. After the practice, they will go to casting. The tutors and the members of the Dance Society will choose the elite performers to join the freshman team. Members will start practising and learning the new dancing piece for the Mass Dance Performance in November.

For Home Team and Run U team:

Current students and graduated students can choose which team they want to join. After that, the tutor in charge will decide and comment whether they are suitable to join the team or not.


https://www.rem.routledge.com/articles/mass-dance https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/notre-dame-of-dadiangas-university/masters-of-arts-in-education-major-in-physical-education/mass-dance/87056068 https://today.line.me/hk/v2/article/GgWDQP5 https://horrypong.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/joint-u-mass-dance/ http://orientaldaily.on.cc/archive/20081201/spt/spt_a07cnt.html https://cusp.hk/?p=789 https://www.dancejournalhk.com/single-post/2015/12/10/%E4%B8%AD-%E5%A4%A7%E5%B0%88%E8%88%9E%E7%95%8C%E5%8B%95%E5%90%91-jumd2015 https://www.instagram.com/jointudanso/profilecard/?igsh=MXdzazRuN2lxa2ZzMg==

External links

2024 City U. Run-U team performance https://youtube/QqlI_IXoeQo?si=cVuu6N-puuKseBTq 2024 BU Freshman team performance https://youtube/IpQFVx5Ipf0?si=5G8o6iLkD4w1GvrM https://youtube/Ebtwt9s1M04?si=ealItyxe7_oBQouH 2010. Poly FM https://youtube/EYRBlI0pZug?si=95ABe8vFdsY-7Pj_