Ukwana Macmillan aka Opoipirwoth attended his secondary education from senior One in Paidha Seed Senior Secondary school from the year 2016 and later on shifted to Charity College Paidha for Senior two due to the lack of enough funds to support his education by his dad. When the things went bad, he dropped in form two in the third term and therefore didn't finish his "0" level in 2017 up to now. He later on made a big mistake by entering into a marriage with woman older than him by 20 years, they got their firstborn female child and he called her names as Uchandi Althea Arsenath, the child lived on earth for one and half years and then died unexpectedly by drowning in a pit near their home in Alisi Thungu village where the mother of the child has been staying in a pit for earthwires in the month of April, 2024 on third. And was was burried on the fourth of the month.