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Christopher Stuart Henshilwood


South African and Norwegian Archaeologist




Henshilwood was appointed Professor of African Archaeology at the University of Bergen, Norway in 2007 and holds a complementary Research Professorship and Research Chair at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Since 1999 Henshilwood has published more than 40 papers in leading peer reviewed journals, volumes and books on aspects of African archaeology, especially the Middle and Later Stone Age; on the origins of language and symbolism; the effects of climatic variation on human demographics, and the epistemology of early behavioural evolution. His publications, including four in Science (3 as 1st author) in 2002, 2004, 2010, 2011 and a review article in Science (2009) and Nature (2011), demonstrate that southern Africa was a primary centre for the early development of human behaviour mediated by symbols. He has helped lead a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to turn around, within a decade, the widely held idea that modern human behaviour originated in Europe after about 40 ka ago. Their research increasingly points to evidence for an African origin for behavioural and technological modernity more than 70 ka ago, and their publications support the DNA and skeletal data that show the earliest origin of all H. sapiens lies in Africa.



In 2010 he was awarded a 5 year (2010 – 2015) European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant (FP7 programme) for €2.5m with co-PI Francesco d’Errico (University of Bordeaux, France). The aim of the project, with the acronym TRACSYMBOLS, is to examine how key behavioural innovations emerged among Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis in southern Africa and Europe respectively, and explore whether and how environmental variability influenced this development between 180 – 25 ka [Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 6 – 3]. They have been joined by a team of interdisciplinary researchers at the Universities of Bergen, Bordeaux, Royal Holloway and the Witwatersrand

Since 1991 he has been principal investigator on a number of multidisciplinary projects in southern Africa for which he has received more than twenty major grants. These include: 1. a National Research Foundation funded research chair at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (2007-2012, renewed 2012-2017) 2. A 5 year ERC FP7 grant for the TRACSYMBOLS Project (2010-2015) (PI) 3. a three-year National Research Foundation grant (1999-2001) while at Stony Brook University, New York; 4. a current four-year palaeoenvironmental reconstruction programme for the southern Cape, South Africa, funded by the Norwegian Research Council and South African National Research Foundation (2000-2010); 5. a three-year Franco-South African grant from the National Research Foundation (2009-2011) to study the symbolic use of ochre in the Middle Stone Age; 6. four Leakey Foundation grants; 7. four National Geographic Research Committee grants;

These grants have provided funding for long term collaborations with an interdisciplinary team of international scientists. A major focus of his work since 1991 has been the excavation of the > 70 ka levels at Blombos Cave in the southern Cape, South Africa, and has provided evidence for among the earliest known marine shell beads, engraved ochres and bone tools. This project has contributed significantly to the international debate on the origins of what is considered modern human behaviour.

National & International Contributions


In 1999 Henshilwood founded the African Heritage Research Institute in Cape Town, South Africa, under the patronage of Dr. Nelson Mandela, to promote archaeological research on the origins of H. sapiens in southern Africa. In 2001 he was honoured at the opening of the South African parliament by President Thabo Mbeki for his research in African archaeology. In 2008 he was awarded a 15-year South African Research Chair in the Origins of Modern Human Behaviour at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, funded by the Department of Science and Technology and administered by the National Research Foundation. He was accepted as a member of the South African Academy of Science in 2009. From 1999 – 2007 he was a research member of the Origin of Man, Language and Languages CNRS-ESF programme, based in Bordeaux, France. As a result of his contribution to French culture in general, and his work within this programme, he was awarded the Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French Prime Minister in 2003. In 2010 he received a 5 year grant, as PI with co-PI Francesco d’Errico, from the European Research Foundation, FP7 programme to research the origins of behavioural modernity and the effects of climate change in Africa and Europe.

Review and Dissemination


He regularly referees manuscripts submitted to peer reviewed journals such as Science, Nature, Antiquity, Current Anthropology, Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of Archaeological Science and the Journal of African Archaeology. He is also a reviewer for funding applications for the European Science Foundation, European Research Council, the National Science Foundation, the Leakey Foundation, The Wenner-Gren Foundation and National Geographic Society.

His research has been widely disseminated in television, film and the popular press, including television productions on BBC, National Geographic, Japanese, Scandinavian and other European channels, a feature film on Blombos Cave in 2008 produced by the American Museum of Natural History for their Hall of Ancestors permanent display, at least three hundred articles in international newspapers including front page articles in the Times and, New York Times, and numerous articles in popular journals including Scientific American, National Geographic and Time. In 2009 the Smithsonian Museum, Washington, invited him to contribute material culture recovered from Blombos Cave for their permanent exhibition. He has been invited to give plenary or opening lectures at numerous international conferences, press conferences, on international live television and radio broadcasts and has delivered many invited papers to specialised and general audiences in Europe, the USA, Canada, Africa and Asia.

New interdisciplinary approaches


Since 1991 has directed excavations at Stone Age sites in South Africa, in particular Blombos Cave, assisted by an international team of researchers composed of archaeologists, dating specialists, archaeozoologists, climatologists, marine biologists, botanists, palynologists and micromorphologists. Excavations at an additional site Klipdrift Shelter, situated in the southern Cape, and the interdisciplinary work at the laboratories in the research group at the University of Bergen, greatly increase the opportunity to promote interdisciplinary interaction among local and international scientists.

He is the PI of new excavations at a Middle Stone Age site, Klipdrift Shelter, situated in the De Hoop Nature Reserve, southern Cape South Africa. In 2011 deposits from the Howiesons Poort period were discovered at the site. These probably date to 65 – 60 ka.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Personal information
  • Present positions:
  • - Professor of African Archaeology, Institute for Archaeology, History, Culture and Religion, University of Bergen
  • - Professor, Institute for Human Evolution, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
  • Professional address: AHKR Institute, Øysteinsgate 1, P.O. Box 7805, Bergen, 5020, Norway.
  • Nationality: South African, Norwegian Permanent Residence
  • Education and degrees at graduate level:

• B.A. with Distinction in Archaeology, University of Cape Town, 1989 • B.A. Hons. in Archaeology (with Distinction), University of Cape Town, 1990 • Ph.D in Archaeology, University of Cambridge, U.K. 1995.

  • Previous posts

• 1995-1996: Postdoctoral Research Fellow – University of Cape Town, South Africa • 1997-1998: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship awarded by Anglo-American Chairman’s Fund to study early modern human behaviour – University of Cape Town, South Africa

  • • 1999-2001: Research Fellowship - Awarded by Anglo America Chairman’s Fund to further research on “Modern Human Origins”.
  • • 1999-2004: Adjunct Associate Professor – Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA.
  • • 2002 - 2007: Research Member - French CNRS programme Origine de l'Homme, du langage et des langue, University of Bordeaux, France
  • Society Memberships

Association of Heritage Assessment Practitioners, Society for Africanist Archaeologists, Association of South African Professional Archaeologists, Academy of Science of South Africa.

  • Journal Referee (selected sample)

Science, Nature, Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of Archaeological Science, Antiquity, Current Anthropology, Journal of African Archaeology, South African Journal of Science, South African Archaeological Bulletin.

  • Invited Funding Reviewer selected sample)

European Science Foundation (2006 – 2012); National Science Foundation, USA (2005 – 2009); Leakey Foundation, USA, (2008, 2009); National Geographic Research Committee (2006, 2007).

  • Current interdisciplinary partnerships(selected sample)
  • 1. University of Bordeaux, UMR 5199 PACEA, France (d’Errico, F. - Analysis of materials)
  • 2. University of Bergen, Norway (Chase, B. – palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, South Africa)
  • 3. University of Bordeaux 1, France (Tribolo, C. - TL dating)
  • 4. University of Montreal, Canada (Dubreuil, B. – Epistemology and cognitive sciences)
  • 5. University of Cape Town, South Africa (van Niekerk, K.L. – Excavations and marine component analyst)
  • 6. University of Wollongong, Australia (Jacobs, Z. - OSL dating)
  • 7. University of Toulouse, France (Mourre, V. - Lithics analysis)
  • 8. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (Lombard, M. – Lithic analysis)
  • 9. University of Boulder, Colorado, USA (Villa, P. - Lithics analysis)
  • 10. Laboratoires du Musée du Louvre, Paris, France (Menu, M. – Pigment analysis)
  • 11. CNRS UMR 7041 ArScAn, Nanterre, France (Vanhaeren, M. - Analysis of personal ornaments)
  • Languages: English, Afrikaans

  • Publications (Peer Reviewed)
  • 1. Scopus ISI; h-index = 15; 1384 citations; citing articles 663, average 53 citations per item, average citations per year 104 (2001-2012). Data as at August 2012.
  • 2. Google Scholar: h-Index: 20; 2217 Citations; 38 publications

Books in press (Peer reviewed)

  • Henshilwood, C.S. & Lombard, M. (in press). Becoming human: Archaeology of the sub-Saharan Middle Stone Age. In: Bahn, P. & Renfrew, C. (eds.) Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Archaeology, Cambridge University Press.
  • Dubreuil, B. & Henshilwood, C. S. (in press). Archeology, symbolism, and the evolution of language. In: (eds. Lefebvre, C.) ‘On the Origin of Language’, Cognitive Science Institute, l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Peer-reviewed Journals

In Press or In prep.

  • Badenhorst, S., van Niekerk, K.L. Henshilwood, C.S. (in prep.). Seasonality and human occupation at Blombos Cave in the Middle Stone Age: Evidence from rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) remains. Journal of Archaeological Science.
  • Dubreuil, B. & Henshilwood, C.S. (in prep). Archeology and the language-ready brain. Language & Cognition.
  • Thompson, J., Faith, T. & Henshilwood, C.S. (in press). Seasonal exploitation of neonate blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) during the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for modern human origins. Journal of Human Evolution.
  • Henshilwood, C. S. (in press). The Still Bay and Howiesons Poort: ‘Palaeolithic’ techno-traditions in southern Africa. Journal of World Prehistory.
  • Vanhaeren, M., d’Errico, F., van Niekerk, K., Henshilwood, C.S., Erasmus, R.M. (in press). Thinking strings: additional evidence for personal ornament use in the Middle Stone Age of Blombos Cave, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution.
  • Reynard, J.P., Badenhorst, S., Henshilwood, C.S. (submitted). Inferring Animal Size from the Cortical Thickness of Unidentified Long Bone Fragments from the c. 85 – 72 ka Layers at Blombos Cave in the Southern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science.
  • d’Errico, F., Henshilwood, C., García-Moreno, R., van Niekerk, K., Coquinot, Y., Menu, M., Jacobs, Z. Lauritzen, S. (in press). Il y a 100 000 ans, un atelier pour la préparation et le stockage de mélanges pigmentés. In Paillet, P., Robert E. Paris : Documents d'Archéologie Française.
  • Books
  • Henshilwood, C. & d’Errico, F. (editors). 2011. Homo symbolicus: The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality. Amsterdam, Benjamins.
  • Henshilwood, C. S. 2008. Holocene prehistory of the southern Cape, South Africa: excavations at Blombos Cave and the Blombosfontein Nature Reserve. BAR S1860, Cambridge: Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 75: 1- 171.
  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals and books
  • Jacobs, Z., Hayes, E.H., Roberts, R.G. Galbraith, R.F., Henshilwood, C.S. 2012. An improved OSL chronology for the Still Bay layers at Blombos Cave, South Africa: further tests of single-grain dating procedures and a re-evaluation of the timing of the Still Bay industry across southern Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2012.06.037.
  • Henshilwood, C., & Dubreuil, B. 2012. Response to Shea. Current Anthropology53 (1):1-3.
  • Henshilwood, C. & d’Errico, F. 2011. Ochre as a media for symbolic expression during the southern Africa Middle Stone Age: examining the evidence from the Western Cape, South Africa. In: (eds. Henshilwood, C and d’Errico, F), Homo symbolicus: The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality. Amsterdam: Benjamins pp.75-96.
  • d’Errico, F. & Henshilwood, C. 2011. A discontinuous scenario for the origins of symbolic material culture. In: (eds. Henshilwood, C and d’Errico, F), Homo symbolicus: The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality. Amsterdam: Benjamins pp. 49-74.
  • Henshilwood,C.S. d’Errico, F., van Niekerk, K.L. Coquinot, Y., Jacobs, Z., Lauritzen, S-E., Menu, M., García-Moreno, R. 2011. A 100,000 Year Old Ochre Processing Workshop at Blombos Cave, South Africa. Science 334, 219-221
  • Henshilwood, C. S. & Dubreuil, B. 2011. The Still Bay and Howiesons Poort, 77 - 59 ka: Perspective-taking and the evolution of the modern human mind during the African Middle Stone Age. Current Anthropology. 52 (3): 361-400.
  • Thompson, J. & Henshilwood, C. S. 2011. Taphonomic analysis of the Middle Stone Age larger mammal faunal assemblage from Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution, 60:746-767.
  • Mourre, V., Villa, P. & Henshilwood, C. 2010. Early Use of Pressure Flaking on Lithic Artifacts at Blombos Cave, South Africa. Science, 330: 659-662.
  • d’Errico, F., Vanhaeren, M., Henshilwood, C., Lawson, G., Maureille, B., Gambier, D., Tillier, A. Soressi, M & van Niekerk, K. 2009. From the origin of language to the diversification of languages: What can archaeology and palaeoanthropology say? In F. d'Errico & J.-M. Hombert (eds.), Becoming Eloquent: Advances in the emergence of language, human cognition, and modern cultures. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company: 13-68.
  • Henshilwood, C.S., d’ Errico, F. & Watts, I. 2009. Engraved ochres from the Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution 57, 27-47.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2009. The origins of symbolism, spirituality & shamans: exploring Middle Stone Age material culture in South Africa. In Becoming human: innovation in prehistoric material and spiritual cultures, (eds. C. Renfrew & I. Morley), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 29-49.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & Dubreuil, B. 2009. Reading the artefacts: Gleaning language skills from the Middle Stone Age in southern Africa. In: (eds. R. Botha & C. Knight), The Cradle of Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 41-60 .
  • Villa, P., Soressi, M., Henshilwood, C.S. & Mourre, V. 2009. The Still Bay points of Blombos Cave (South Africa). Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2): 441-460.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2008. Winds of change: palaeoenvironments, material culture and human behaviour in the Late Pleistocene (c. 77 – 48 ka) in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Archaeological Bulletin, Goodwin volume, Current Themes in Middle Stone Age Research 10: 35-51.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2007. Fully symbolic sapiens behaviour: Innovation in the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa. In: Rethinking the Human Revolution: New Behavioural and Biological Perspectives on the Origins and Dispersal of Modern Humans,. (eds.C. Stringer & P. Mellars), MacDonald Institute Research Monograph series: Cambridge, University of Cambridge Press: 123-132 1.
  • d’Errico, F. & Henshilwood, C.S. 2007. Additional evidence for bone technology in the southern African Middle Stone Age. Journal of Human Evolution 52:142-163.
  • Henshilwood, C. S. & Marean, C. W. 2006. Remodelling the origins of modern human behaviour. In : The Prehistory of Africa: Tracing the lineage of modern man. (ed. H. Soodyall). Cape Town: Jonathan Ball: 31-46
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2006. Modern humans and symbolic behaviour: Evidence from Blombos Cave, South Africa. In Origins (ed. G. Blundell). Cape Town: Double Storey: 78-83
  • Tribolo, C., Mercier, N., Selo, M., Joron, J-L., Reyss, J-L., Henshilwood, C,. Sealy, J. & Yates, R. 2006. TL dating of burnt lithics from Blombos Cave (South Africa): Further evidence for the antiquity of modern human behaviour. Archaeometry 48 (2): 341–357.
  • Jacobs, Z. Duller, G.A.T. Henshilwood, C.S. Wintle, A.G. 2006. Extending the chronology of deposits at Blombos Cave, South Africa, back to 140 ka using optical dating of single and multiple grains of quartz. Journal of Human Evolution 51: 255-273.
  • Henshilwood, C. S. 2006. Stratigraphic integrity of the Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave. In From Tools to Symbols. Form Early Hominids to Modern Humans. (eds. L. Backwell & F. d’Errico). Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University Press:441-458.
  • d’Errico, F., Henshilwood, C., Vanhaeren, M., van Niekerk. K. 2005. Nassarius kraussianus shell beads from Blombos Cave: Evidence for symbolic behaviour in the Middle Stone Age. Journal of Human Evolution 48:3-24.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & d’Errico, F. 2005. Being modern in the Middle Stone Age: Individuals and innovation. (eds. C. Gamble & M. Porr). The Individual hominid in context: Archaeological investigations of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic landscapes, locales and artefacts. Routledge (Taylor Francis): 244-264
  • Henshilwood, C.S., d’Errico, F., Vanhaeren, M., van Niekerk, K., Jacobs, Z. 2004. Middle Stone Age shell beads from South Africa. Science, 384:404.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2004. The Origins of Modern Human Behaviour – Exploring the African evidence. In Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological perspectives on society. Edited by Terje Oestigaard, Nils Anfinset and Tore Saetersdal. BAR International Series 1210: 95-106.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & Marean, C.W. 2003. The origin of modern human behaviour: A review and critique of models and test implications. Current Anthropology 44 (5): 627-651
  • d’Errico F., Henshilwood C., Lawson G., Vanhaeren M., Soressi M., Bresson F., Tillier A.M., Maureille B., Nowell A., Backwell L., Lakarra J.A., Julien M. 2003. The search for the origin of symbolism, music and language: a multidisciplinary endeavour. Journal of World Prehistory, 17 (1): 1-70.
  • Henshilwood, C.S., d’Errico, F., Yates, R., Jacobs, Z., Tribolo, C., Duller, G.A.T., Mercier N., Sealy, J.C., Valladas, H., Watts, I. & Wintle, A.G. 2002. Emergence of Modern Human Behaviour: Middle Stone Age engravings from South Africa. Science 295:1278-1280.
  • Grine, F.E. & Henshilwood, C.S. 2002. Additional Human Remains from Blombos Cave, South Africa: (1999-2000 excavations). Journal of Human Evolution 42: 293-302.
  • Henshilwood, C.S., Sealy, J.C., Yates, R.J., Cruz-Uribe, K., Goldberg, P., Grine, F.E., , Klein, R.G., Poggenpoel, C., van Niekerk, K.L., Watts, I. 2001a. Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa: Preliminary report on the 1992 – 1999 excavations of the Middle Stone Age levels. Journal of Archaeological Science 28(5): 421-448.
  • Henshilwood, C.S., d’Errico, F.E., Marean, C.W., Milo, R.G., Yates, R. 2001b. An early bone tool industry from the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for the origins of modern human behaviour, symbolism and language. Journal of Human Evolution 41:631-678.
  • d’Errico, F., Henshilwood, C.S., & Nilssen, P. 2001. An engraved bone fragment from ca. 75 kyr Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for the origin of symbolism . Antiquity. 75, 309-18.
  • Grine, F.E., Henshilwood, C.S. & Sealy, J.C. 2000. Human remains from Blombos Cave, South Africa: (1997-1998 excavations). Journal of Human Evolution, 37: 755-765.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & Sealy, J.C. 1997. Bone artefacts from the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa. Current Anthropology 38(5):890-895.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 1997 Identifying the collector: Evidence for human consumption of the Cape dune mole-rat, Bathyergus suillus, from Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 24:659-662.
  • Henshilwood, C. S. 1996. A revised chronology for the arrival of pastoralism in southernmost Africa: new evidence of sheep at ca. 2000 b.p. from Blombos Cave, South Africa. Antiquity 70:945-949.
  • Henshilwood, C.S., Nilssen, P. & Parkington, J. 1994. Mussel drying and food storage in the Late Holocene, sw Cape, South Africa. Journal of Field Archaeology 21:103-109.

  • Invited presentations 2007-2012 (selected sample)
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2012. Tracing the origins of behaviourally modern Homo sapiens in southern Africa. Invited Plenary Speaker, Brain and Behaviour Initiative symposium titled "Evolution of Brain and Behaviour", Valkenberg Education Centre, Cape Town. November 14th.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2012. Symbols and Climate: Tracing the origins of behaviourally modern Homo sapiens in southern Africa. Invited lecture for the Horizons lecture series, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen, 25th May.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2011. Symbols and Climate: Tracing the origins of behaviourally modern Homo sapiens in southern Africa. Invited lecture, Origins Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25th October
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & d’Errico, F. 2010. Tracing the evolution of symbolically mediated behaviours within variable environments in Europe and southern Africa. Invited lecture presented at the Cape Nature Biodiversity Review 2010, Driftsands Nature Reserve Conference Centre, Cape Town, 9th November.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2010. Attracting Global talent – A South African Perspective. European Parliament Hearing on Science and Technology Cooperation with South Africa, European Parliament, Brussels, 17th November.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & Lauritzen, S. 2010. The Origins of Modern Human Behaviour. Dating human occupations and reconstructing the palaeoenvironment in the Middle Stone Age, southern Cape, South Africa. National Research Foundation/Norwegian Research Council, South Africa – Norway Programme of Research Cooperation Conference, Kameeldrift, South Africa, 21st September.
  • Henshilwood, C. & Dubreuil, B. 2010. Language and Material Culture : Relating the Middle Stone Age in southern Africa to the origins of language. Summer Institute Conference ‘On the Origin of Language’ held at the Cognitive Science Institute, l’Université du Québec, Montréal, 21st - 30th June 2010.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2009. Continuity or discontinuity? Symbolically mediated behaviours in the Still Bay and Howiesons Poort Industries of southern Africa - and beyond. Invited lecture at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 19th May, 2009.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2009. The Origins of Modern Human Behaviour The Howiesons Poort, Still Bay and beyond. Invited lecture by the Hessequa Archaeological Society, Still Bay, South Africa, March 21st, 2009.
  • d’Errico, F & Henshilwood, C. 2008. Les ocres gravées de Blombos Cave (Afrique du Sud) : découverte d'une tradition symbolique qui remonte à 140 00 BP. Représentations préhistoriques. Images du sens.Paris, Musée de l'Homme, 19-21 June, 2008.
  • Henshilwood, C. S. 2008. The origins of modern humans and human behaviour in the Hessequa Region, southern Cape. Invited lecture held at the Hessequa Municipality, Riversdale, at the invitation of the Premier of the Western Cape, Ebrahim Rasool and the Mayor of the Hessequa Region, Chris Taute.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2007. Knowledge & politics: a report on an african archaeology initiative Norway – South Africa : 2002 – 2007. First Annual SANORD Centre Conference:“Higher Education, Research and Development:Shifting Challenges and Opportunities” , Cape Town, 5-7 December, 2007.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2007. Rethinking the human revolution: The role of southern Africa in the behavioral evolution of Homo sapiens. Distinguished Alumni Lecture, Faculty of Science, University of Cape Town, 19th September, 2007.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2007. The origins of language and symbolism in Africa. Friends of the Iziko, South African Museum. Invited Public lecture, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Conferences - 2008 - 2012 (selected sample)
  • Henshilwood, C.S., van Niekerk, K.L., Rifkin, R.F., d'Errico, F. 2012. Analytical techniques: deciphering a 100,000 year old ochre processing workshop at Blombos Cave, South Africa. SMIA-X conference, Aalborg University, Esbjerg, Denmark, 27th -29th September.
  • Vanhaeren, M., van Niekerk, K., d’Errico, F., Henshilwood, C.S. & Erasmus, R. 2012. Fashion Change in Middle Stone Age Shell Beads from Blombos Cave (South Africa). European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE), Bordeaux, France, 21- 22 September.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & van Niekerk, K. 2012. Tracing the evolution of symbolically mediated behaviours within variable environments in Europe and southern Africa. The 3rd SANORD International Symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark. 6th-7th June.
  • Henshilwood, C.S., van Niekerk, K., d’Errico, F. 2011. Tracsymbols Project: symbolically mediated behaviours within variable environments in Europe and southern Africa. AHKR Institute symposium, University of Bergen, 15th August.
  • d'Errico F, Henshilwood, Ch. Garcia Moreno R., Rifkins R., Van Niekerk K., Rosso D. 2011. The emergence of symbolic material cultures in Africa and Europe. Preliminary results of an ongoing ERC funded interdisciplinary research project. 2èmes Rencontres d'art rupestre, 3 et 4 Mai 2011. Centre National de Préhistoire, Périgueux, Centre National de Préhistoire, Périgueux
  • Daniau, A-L., Sánchez Goñi, M.F. d'Errico, F., Henshilwood, C.S. 2011. The use of fire for ecosystem management: tracking the emergence of H. sapiens behavioural the modernity in Southern Africa. XVIII. INQUA Congress Bern, 20-28th July.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. van Niekerk, K. & d’Errico, F. 2011. ‘Punctuated’ Cultural Evolution & Climate Change: An update on the latest excavations at the southern African sites Blombos Cave and Klipdrift Shelter - 100 – 60 ka’ European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Inaugural Meeting: Leipzig, 23 - 24 September 2011
  • Daniau, A. Sánchez Goñi, M.F., Henshilwood, Ch., d'Errico, F., C.S., 2011. The use of fire for ecosystem management: tracking the emergence of the modernity in Southern Africa. INQUA, Berne. 21st – 30 July 2011. Poster
  • d'Errico, F., Henshilwood, C.S., Garcia Moreno, R., Rifkin, R.F., Van Niekerk, K., Rosso, D. 2011. The emergence of symbolic material cultures in Africa and Europe. Preliminary results of an ongoing ERC funded interdisciplinary research project. Centre National de Préhistoire, Périgueux Centre National de Préhistoire, Périgueux.
  • Faith, T & Henshilwood, C.S. 2010. Seasonal exploitation of neonate blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) during the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for modern human origins. 11th International Council for Archaeozoology, Paris, 23-28 August 2010
  • d'Errico, F. Garcia Moreno, R., Henshilwood, C.S., Rifkin, R.F., Soressi, M., Queffelec, A., Rosso, D. 2010. Matières colorants préhistoriques: Nouvelles avancées méthodologiques et interpretative Journées scientifiques organisées dans le cadre du GdR 3174 ChimARC à proximité du site de Régismont-le-Haut (Hérault) 2 Septembre 2010.
  • d’Errico, F., García-Moreno, R., Henshilwood C., van Niekerk K., Coquinot Y., Menu, M., Lauritzen, S-E 2010. Deux kits pour le traitement de pigment vieux de 100 000 ans. Colloque MADAPCA, Paris,MNHM, 16 - 18 November.
  • d'Errico, F., Garcia Moreno, R., Henshilwood, C.S., Vanhaeren, M., Rifkin, R.F, Queffelec, A., Rosso, D. 2010. L'utilisation des matières colorantes dans le contexte du débat sur l'origine de la modernité culturelle. Journée Pigments, Org. Martine Regert, Regismont-le-Haut, France
  • d'Errico, F., Henshilwood, C.S., Vanhaeren, M., Backwell, L., Garcia Moreno, R. Rifkin, R.F. 2010. The origin of symbolic material culture. Models, methods, data, and research perspectives. Pleistocene Art of the World, IFRAO Congress, Tarascon-sur-Ariege and Foix, France.
  • d’Errico, F. & Henshilwood, C.S., F. 2009. Origins of symbolically mediated behavior. From antagonistic scenarios to a unified research strategy. Paper presented at the international conference “Homo symbolicus: the dawn of language, imagination, and spirituality” organised by Henshilwood & d’Errico and held at the Commodore hotel, Cape Town, 16 – 19th January 2009
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & d’Errico, F. 2009. Ochre as a media for symbolic expression during the Southern Africa Middle Stone Age: examining the evidence from the Western Cape, South Africa. Paper presented at the international conference “Homo symbolicus: the dawn of language, imagination, and spirituality” organised by Henshilwood & d’Errico and held at the Commodore hotel, Cape Town, 16 – 19th January 2009.
  • d'Errico, F. & Henshilwood, C. 2008. Les ocres gravées de Blombos Cave (Afrique du Sud) : découverte d'une tradition symbolique qui remonte à 140 00 BP. Représentations préhistoriques. Images du sens.Paris, Musée de l'Homme, 19-21 June, 2008.
  • Villa, P., Henshilwood, C. S. & Mourre, V. 2008. The Still Bay Points of Blombos Cave (South Africa). Paleoanthropology Society Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada: 25–26 March.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. & van Niekerk, K. 2008. The > 100 ka levels at Blombos Cave, southern Cape: an update on recent and older excavations at the site. Paper presented at the Association of South African Professional Archaeologists, University of Cape Town, 27th March 2008.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2008. The >100 ka levels at Blombos Cave, southern Cape: early pointers to modern human cognition? Paper presented at the Society for Africanist Archaeologists Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 7th – 11th September.
  • Henshilwood, C.S. 2008. The origins of modern human behaviour and its implications for the European archaeological record. Invited paper at the University of Bergen, Norway.
  • Villa, P., Henshilwood, C. S. & Mourre, V. 2008. The Still Bay Points of Blombos Cave (South Africa). Paleoanthropology Society Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada: 25–26 March.

Research expeditions (selected sample)

  1. 2010-2012: 4 excavation seasons at Klipdrift Cave & Klipdridt Shekter, De Hoop Nature Reserve, southern Cape, South Africa
  2. 1991-2011: 12 seasons of excavations at Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa
  3. 2002-2008: 6 seasons of excavations at Vaalkrans Shelter, southern Cape, South Africa.
  4. 1998-2008: 8 survey expeditions in the De Hoop Nature Reserve, southern Cape, South Africa.
  5. 2008: 1 survey expedition at the Olifants River, southern Cape, South Africa.
  • International Prizes/Awards/Academy memberships
  • 1. Academy of Science of South Africa – Elected member, November 2009.
  • 2. Awarded South African Research Chair in the ‘Origins of Modern Human Behaviour’, National Research Foundation, South Africa, 2007-2012.
  • 3. Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Knight of the Order of Academic Palms), France, 2003.
  • 4. Honourable mention by President Thabo Mbeki in the ‘The State of the Nation’ address to the joint sitting of the Houses of Parliament, Cape Town, South Africa, February 8, 2002.
  • 5. Dr. Nelson Mandela accepts patronage of the PI’s Blombos Cave Project, 2000 - 2010.
  • Television 2008 -2010 (selected sample)
  • 2010 - NHK Japanese Broadcasting Corporation: Film for TV made with Henshilwood at Blombos Cave
  • 2010 - Film made at Cape Point Nature Reserve with Henshilwood on the ‘Origins of H. sapiens’ for Foster Brother Film Productions, South Africa.
  • 2009 – TV film made with Henshilwood at Blombos Cave for the Swedish Broadcasting Society Directed by Martin Widman and presented by Lasse Berg
  • 2008 - Film made at Blombos Cave with Henshilwood in March, 2008 for display in the ‘Anne & Bernard Spitzer Hall of Human Origins’, American Museum of Natural History, New York.
  • 2008- Film made at De Hoop Nature Reserve with Henshilwood directed by Alan Wilcox on Human Evolution in Africa. SABC Production.