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User:Upasana bora

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self help

self help is the big help. today when people don't care for others, helping becomes a great matter of issue. its true that human beings are subject to nature. but if we don't have a society to live in.. we will be somewhere between the no-where :( okay ,, lets say that we have our own lives and we are always busy making our lives better than the previous day .. but is it really done to live a complete self obsessed life?? but what to do :O ... we are living this way..and yeah if we are dependent on some one for entire life then one day would come when we will have nothing for us and nothing around us .. everything we have will be gone with the wind. and we will be between -1 and 0 . we should live such a life where we are helping ourselves first..only then we can can help others and god will also help us.