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== Colonel Antonin Dovchenko ==(russian) Colonel Dovchenko a brudel hand to hand fighter leading Irina Spalko's troops to The temple of the crystal skull.Dovchenko despises weakness and will do everything he can to complete his mission.In New Mexico his commandos desciesed as American troops looking for a alien witch could lead to the crystal skull.Intill jones started running away and Dovchenko started shooting at jones and knocked jones down into a US rocket. Indianjones was fighting Dovchenko intill Indianajones beat Dovchenko in a US military warehouse.Both men were on the rocket and the rocket started and Dovchenko was out cold and jones pushed Dovchenko on the dessert sand.As Dovchenko was going back to Russia he caught Indianajones and Mutt.Going threw the jungle Indianajones and mutt knocked out with a kick to the head.Then Indianajones,Mutt,Marion took over a other soviet car when Dovchenko woke up and got rescued by his men.When the safiu ants attacked Dovchenko jumped out of the truck attacked jones and were in a brothel fist fight.Intill jones picked up a piece of wood hit Dovchenko's side,his left leg then his face over his head about six punches took him down and he got carried away and eaten alive by the safiu ants.