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Tara Harford is a 16 year female who attends madera south south high school. tara is interested in waterpolo, swimming, and food.....lots of food. she also likes sexy men and enjoys bob the builder. and she also enjoys raaaaaaaannndddyyy, and randy. she likes to go for long walks on the beach while eating 50 boxes of cereal. tara loves cereal and serial killers. this one time tara and her best friend Vanessa were walking down the street and a random guy showed up and he said, "you want a potato??" and tara responded "what kind of potato" the man answered back, "its a magic potato" but Vanessa did not believe him, so she then found a box of cereal on the ground next to her and threw it at him. the man got so angry that he threw the potato at taras face and got a tiny blade and started killing all of the cereal that was on the ground. this terrified both Vanessa and tara greatly. soooooo they ran of into the sunset leaving behind the man killing the cereal. trbggnighrtghrtknbkjfbnwhtnhrjhnrtoihwrtgwrhgilrguwnrtgnwrthlwrthbnglwtyhtguihwuhwrl