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Joseph"Villain-J"McNamara was born on the 15th of June 2000 18 years old. He been through alot the last 10 years. He losted his pop in 2008 he been in and out of the mental health ward for 3 years. He know what its like to have depression he tryed to kill himself so many times before. He moved out of home when he was 17 because of family issues. He started to make music to show everyone about depression is a real thing. I losted his mate this year from overdoses on Xanaxs and ice he is on soundcloud and other like ITunes etc

"Where i losted my pop in 2008 i felt alone no one was they for me i didnt even get to say goodbye to my pop i was waiting for him and that day i got told "Joseph im sorry popper died" that day i was just crying for hours nothing made me feel better still to this day i cant do and see where he died at i always wanted to but i need someone to come with me i cant do it by myself my pop was like my best friend and i losted him he was the only one who understand me and now his goes and somedays i wish its was me and not him but shit happens and i wish its didnt happen but its did amd i wish i said goodbye".

Help Me Vol. 2: The Nightmares is about the nightmares i have to deal with depressions. I had a lots of up and down's with depressions. I tryed to overdose 4 times, tryed to hung myself 2 times, cut myselfs heaps of times and i tryed to burn myself 2 times in 4 year and i stop doing it in June. This album will go into my brain and its will tell you what its like to have depression and what i deal with everyday. Its hard having depression because when you have to talk about it because i dont even know where to start at. Everyone think i am faking depression. Why would i fake this shit for. People tell people to kill themself and people have kill themself or tryed too. I have tryed so many times but now i got someone in my life who i love and i am doing this album for her. Its hard for me to lose people in my life. Its fucking hard to live my life some days
