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Painted, Chinese silk fabric brought to Sweden by the SOIC, 18th century

The main valuable cargo from China was tea. In an overview from 1774, its share was about 90%. Much of the tea was re-exported and smuggled into England, undercutting the prices of that country's own trade monopoly held by the East India Company. Porcelain was also important, accounting for about 5% of the cargo's value. Over the years it is estimated that some 50 million pieces of porcelain were imported by the SOIC.

A cargo tally, printed by William Milburn in 1813, shows the following.

Houses and storage


Swedish factory in Canton


Scientific research


The primary goal for the scientists who accompanied the ships was, as far as the Swedish government was concerned, to find new plants or animals that could be cultivated in Sweden and useful for the domestic economy.

(To do:)

  • silkworms

Not all the research that was brought back to Sweden was deemed useful at the time. In 1748–49, Johan Fredrik Dalman made the journey to Canton on the ship Hoppet (the Hope). He was a young mathematician and cartographer for the military who was tasked with making astronomical and meteorological observations. He also made some very detailed maps of Canton and the area around the Thirteen Factories. But since such observations were deemed useless, his work was never recognized.[3]

Text file for Canton Thirteen Factories map


"1. DAGBOK Uppå KONGLIVETENSKAPS ACADEMIENS befalning Hållen af Joh:Frid:Daalman Under Resan från Giötheborg til CANTON och Hem som började År 1748 d. 19 Febr. och slutades År 1749 d. 11 July Diary by the command of the (Swedish) Royal Academy of Science. Written by Johan Friedrich Dalman. During the journey from Gothenburg to Canton and back, starting 19 February 1748 and ended 11 July 1749 (On the Swedish ship Freden)

2. PLAN af TRENNE närmast till RIVERIET belägne GATOR uti CANTONS FÖRSTAD Map of the three streets closest to the river in the suburb of Canton

3. STEG af hvilka två gjöra en Famn Steps, of which two equal one fathom (A Swedish fathom on land is slightly different from the English, it is equal to 1.823 meter)

4. Här är et Stort Torg med många Pagoder Here is a large square with many pagodas

5. Chinesernes berömde målare Laqua The famous Chinese painter Laqua

6. Här är et stort hus med gröna träd där skal bo en chinesisc Doctore Here is a large house with green trees where a Chinese doctor supposedly lives

7. Et stort träd framför hvilket var en liten pagode A large tree with a small pagoda in front of it

8. Texia (Mandarin) Texia

9. Pagod Pagoda

10. Castel Citadel

11. uti et hus här voro tvenne Elephanter In a house here were two elephants

12. Bodar med gryn och matvaror Shops with grains and food

13. Chinesiske apotequer Chinese apothecary

14. apothequer Apothecary

15. Här bo brodeurer Here lives embroiderers

16. Slaktare bodar Butchers’ shops

17. gryn Grain

18. matvaror Food

19. Areque (probably) Arrack

20. nötter Nuts

21. rottingar Rattan

22. lärfter Plain weave fabrics

23. här bo skräddare Here live tailors

24. här bo skomakare Here lives shoemakers

25. Suikua (Mandarin) Suiqua’s factory

26. Tantinquas Factorie (Mandarin) Tan Tinqua’s factory

27. Sejhunqua Sejhunqua?

28. Porcellins bodar Porcelain shops

29. Porcellins bodar Porcelain shops

30. Beauquciqua (Mandarin) Beaukeequa’s factory

31. Vakua Vakua (?)

32. Här äro bodar med Chine silke mössor Here are shops with silk caps

33. Sidenbodar Silk shops

34. Galanterire bodar Gallantry shops

35. Stenhuggare Stonemason

36. Saqua (Mandarin) Saoqua’s (?) factory

37. Jemqua (Mandarin) Jemqua’s (?) factory

38. Tiqua (Mandarin) Tiqua’s factory

39. Skräddure Tailor

40. Americaianer Americans

41. Poanqueiquas Factorie (Mandarin) Puankhequa’s factory

42. Freden och Hoppets Factorie Factory for Swedish ships Freeden and Hoppet

43. Chinesiske mössbodar Chinese cap shops

44. Sidentygsbodar Silk fabric shops 45. Här bo Glasslipare Here lives a glassworker

46. Här löper muren kring sjelfva Staden Here, the wall runs around the proper town

47. Snickare Carpenter

48. Mandarin Kjstquas Factorie (may also be 'Kjatqua', the Swe spelling 'Kja' sound the same as the Chi 'Tia') Mandarin Kingqua’s (?) factory

49. Portugisiskt Factorie Portuguese factory

50. Gjöta Lejons Factorie Factory for Swedish ship Götha Leijon

51. Attais Factorie Attais factory (?)

52. Snickare Carpenter

53. Hela Riveriet ligger här fult med sjampaner af hvilka somliga äro helt stora och sällan flytta sig. På dem bo hela Hushåld som intet äga på fasta landet. Orsaken är, at de nu skatta mindre. The whole river is full of sampans here, some of which are quite large and seldom move. Entire households with no properties on solid land, live on them. The reason is that they now pay less tax. "

Text file for Canton map


"A. DAGBOK Uppå KONGLIVETENSKAPS ACADEMIENS befalning Hållen af Joh:Frid:Daalman Under Resan från Giötheborg til CANTON och Hem som började År 1748 d. 19 Febr. och slutade År 1749 d. 11 July Diary by the command of the (Swedish) Royal Academy of Science. Written by Johan Friedrich Dalman. During the journey from Gothenburg to Canton and back, starting 19 February 1748 and ended 11 July 1749 (On the Swedish ship Freden)

1. PLAN af CANTON afmät med steg Landet kring Canton är helt slätt så när som på norra sedan där äro tre högder som hvardera har sitt Castel och högt berg hvarpå är en pagode. Jordmånen deromkring är på Högvallen röd jord eller sand, men där som är sankt är den muddrig lera hvaruti riset väl trives. Reveriet har muddrig botten och förer et osunt vatten, ty om man lägger socker uti en kop med vatten och låter det stå en natt skal man om morgonen se en tjock blå hinna därpå. Där går stark ebb och flod så at vattnet stiger och faller half annor famn ibland i revieret, där äro åtskilliga grunder på hvilka man med en slup kan fasna. Folkets myckna badande måste väl ock bidraga något til at gjöra vattnet fett. Skjeppen ligga ett gått stycke nerom staden vid ett ställe som heter Vampo där föres folk och varor mellan staden och Skeppet på Chinesiska båtar eller sjampaner. Då äro på vägen tre tullhus hos hvilka man både vid up och ner resan måste låta visitera sig. Desutom ligger både vid Skeppet och Factorie brygga besökare sjampaner. Castellet som ligger vid sjön var jag uppe uti där var en tatarisk soldat som ville hindra och sade at mandarin vil ej. men gemena folket tog mig och min Camerat vid handen och ledde oss up. detta Castellet var 30 alnar på sida af gråsten. Map of Canton measured in steps The countryside around Canton is rather flat with the exception of the north side where there are three hills, each with a Citadel and a high mountain with a pagoda. The soil in the area is red dirt or sand in the higher areas, but where it is marshy it is muddy clay where the rice thrives. The River has a muddy bottom and the water is unhealthy, for if you were to put sugar in a cup of water and leave it during the night, there is a thick blue scum on it the next morning. The tide is strong and the water in the river rise and fall almost half a fathom (0.91 meter), there are numerous shallows on which a sloop can get stuck. The peoples’ excessive bathing must to some extent contribute to make the water greasy. The Ships are a long way downstream from the town at a place called Whampoa where people and goods are ferried between the town and the Ship on Chinese boats or sampans. On the way there are three customs houses at which you have to be examined both on the way up and down the river. At both the Ship and the Factory there are visiting sampans. I was up in The Citadel by the water, there was a Tatar soldier who stopped us and said that mandarin does not want but the common people took me and my companion by the hand and led us up. This Citadel was 30 ells (17.8 meter) on each side and made from grey stone.

2. Pagoda på et högt berg Pagoda on a high mountain

3. Europeisk Begrafnings Plats European burial ground

4. Castel Citadel

5. Castel Citadel

6. Castel Citadel

7. här går Stora Lands vägen This is where the Main Road is

8. Port Gate

9. Fyrkantigt Torn A square tower

10. Port Gate

11. Et hus med tälter och gevär, Befäst med ett bröstvärn. Här öfvas Ryttarna. A house with tents and rifles, fortified with a parapet. The riders train here.

12. Stall Stable

13. Små hus Small houses

14. Små hus Small houses

15. Port Gate

16. Sjelfva Cantons Stad är rundtomgifven med höga gråstens murar hvilka äro ofvanpå besatte med stycken. där äro små bastioner utan facer. portarna äro alltid dubbelt murade så at mellan båda murarne är liksom en rund borggål, derinne är Corteyarde. Men som jag nedre sidan ej fynnit sådant ty tror jag at den öfre Staden är Tatariska så långt som til denna linean. The town itself is surrounded by high walls of grey stone which are crenellated at the crest. There are small bastions without openings. The gates are made of double walls in such fashion that the walls form a sort of a round area with a courtyard within. But since I have not found such things in the lower part of the town, I believe the town to be Tartar as far as this line.

17. under denna linean vid pass lärer Chinesiska Staden vara där äro bara enkla portar, när man ser in genom någon ser man gatorne gå raka och husen vara bygda lika som i förstaden, man får ej komma många steg in för än Mandarinernes betjenter komma ut med pikar säga desa orden Mandarin no quere. vai! vai! vai! hvilket betyder Mandarin vil intet. gå! gå! gå! Chineserne som man råkar gjöra tecken och ropa vai! Hela Stadens omkrets är 10400 steg eller 5200 famnar Below this line is the Chinese town. Here are only simple gates and when you look through them, you see that the streets are straight and the houses are built like in the suburb. You can not enter many steps before the Mandarins’ guards come out with pikes and say these words Mandarin no quere. vai! vai! vai! which means Mandarin does not want. Go! Go! Go! The Chinese that you meet also make signs and yell vai! The total circumference of the town is 10400 steps or 5200 fathoms. (9480 meter)

18. Pagode Pagoda

19. Här åro helt små hus Here are rather small houses

20. Förstad tämmeligen väl bygder här uppe bo manufacturister men de tre gatorne som äro näst til Sjön frequenteras endast af Europeerne. Den som är närmast Sjön kallas Factoriegatan där bo alla Europeer, men den närmaste hit är uppfylld med porcellinsbodar och kallas derföre Porcellinsgatan. Suburb, rather well built. Up here lives manufacturers but the three streets closest to the water are only frequented by the Europeans. The one nearest to the street is called the Factory Street. There lives all the Europeans, but the one nearest here is filled with porcelain shops and is therefore called Porcelain Street.

21. Castel Citadel

22. här löper Cantons Rivier Here runs Canton River

23. vid denna tracten är ock Castel och Tullhus In this area are also a Citadel and a Customs house

24. Förstad. här äro Sjampan varf. Suburb. Here are sampan wharfs.

25. Scala af Steg som två gjöra vid pass en Famn. Scale in steps of which two make one fathom (A Swedish fathom on land is slightly different from the English; it is equal to 1.823 meter)

26. Redskap Tools

27. Små mortare Small mortars

28. Trappa up Stairs up

29. Här äro kamrar hvareft Commendanten och Soldaterne bo Here are two chambers where the Commander and the Soldiers live.

30. Nedomkring var en fotmur 2 alnar bred Around the base was a wall 2 ells wide (1.2 meter)

31. (missing, will be up right of "10", the text was almost invisible) här öfvas Soldaterne at skjuta med båga til måls Here, soldiers are trained to shoot with bows at targets "



The early trade


Manufactoring the porcelain




The export







  1. ^ Definition of Hyson skin varies: "The light and inferior leaves separated from hyson by a winnowing machine."[1] ...a superior kind of green tea, of a round, knobby, brightish leaf; but great part of what is imported, is of inferior quality, of a yellowish open leaf, somewhat resembling singlo, and, in consequence, varies greatly in price."[2]


  1. ^ Gove Philip Babcock, ed. (1993). "Hyson skin". Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged. Cologne: Könemann. ISBN 3-8290-5292-8.
  2. ^ Daniel Defoe (1815). Robinson Crusoe. London: Joseph Mawman. p. 400.
  3. ^ Frängsmyr 1990, pp. 142–143.

