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Primary Design Principals


The below principals are mandatory for a Knowledge Transferring Assessment and thus differ from the form of usual Online Assessments performed e.g. at the end of a formal training.

  • The Knowledge Transferring Assessment primarily makes use of multiple choice questions. However, other forms like a "sequence of steps" or a so called Click Assessment are alternatives. The latter is a means to assess a users ability to use an application software correctly when performing a certain task.
  • In a Knowledge Transferring Assessment each question refers (via a URL) to the source(s) providing the required knowledge, i.e. enable to answer the question correctly.
  • In case of a multiple choice question all answers but one are correct. By that, the one and only incorrect answer is the correct one. Sample question: "Which of the below named tasks is not part of the process x?" All answers but one name correct steps. I.e. the performer primarily obtains correct information. This design principal is essential in order to transfer a maximum knowledge "by the way".
  • For each question a "negative feedback" (in case the slected answer is not correct) additionally refers to the source of knowledge - in order to enforce the impression that the rquired knowledge is right next door.
  • For each question a "positive feedback" confirms and amplifies the gained knowledge.

The assessment becomes the "pull" means for the learning material.