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Olympus (musician)

Instrumental music was apparently introduced into Greece by Olympus. [2 - J. M. Edmonds. Lyra Graeca. Wildside Press LLC, 2007 ISBN 1434491307. Retrieved 2015-05-06.(ed. < According to Plutarch (in On Music) Alexander (in Collections on Phrygia) wrote this to be the case. >)]



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fencing - Fencing was mentioned in the play The Merry Wives of Windsor written sometime prior to 1602.[ref. FIE - History [Retrieved 2015-04-28] & Royal Shakespeare Company [Retrieved 2015-04-28]

History of Fencing


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_fencing#Middle_Ages_and_Renaissance - The very first manual of fencing was published during 1471, by Diego de Valera. Fencing practice went through a revival, with the Marxbruder group, sometime about 1487 A.D. the group having formed some form of Fencing Guild. [ref. - RJ. Shephard. An Illustrated History of Health and Fitness, from Pre-History to our Post-Modern World. Springer, 27 Nov 2014 ISBN 3319116711. Retrieved 2015-05-11.]