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Original: The idea of clean eating has been criticized as lacking scientific evidence for its claims, and in extreme cases posing health risks by cutting whole food groups out of the diet[citation needed]. It has also been claimed that processed foods have been modified to prevent diseases and therefore have some health benefits (in the form of food safety) over a clean eating diet. Additional criticisms have said various diseases are linked to clean eating, such as osteoporosis and "orthorexia nervosa"[citation needed]. Other health risks associated with this diet include food poisoning and diseases from parasites.

My Edit: Diets categorized as "clean eating" that have become increasingly trendy are, Low Carb High Fat/ Keto Diet, Super Healthy Family, the Paleo diet and the Raw Food diet. These Dieting trends include the removal of food groups such as grains, soy,legumes, meat and dairy. [1]

My Addition:

Clean Eating as a Trend:

Whole Foods

Although there is limited research on the health affects of clean eating, clean eating trends have become increasingly popular through the use of various media outlets including, blogs, television segments, and magazine articles. Many of which are supported and figure headed by various health and wellness gurus who typically base the information they provide on personal experience.

Original: Orthorexia nervosa is a supposed condition where someone is obsessed with healthy eating to the point where it results in mental and physical health issues. Someone with orthorexia nervosa may suffer from "vitamin and mineral imbalances"obsessive-compulsive disorder, and could show signs of anorexia from a clean eating diet that lacks a variety of food sources or fails to provide enough food.

My Edit: In most cases those with Orthorexia Nervosa view their eating habits as healthy striving for an almost perfect and completely wholesome way of dieting. People who follow variations of the clean eating trend often times do so based primarily on opinions and verbal testimonies of influential members of various forms of media from celebrities. Clean eating trends have not be backed up by qualified nutritionists which could lead to malnutrition and forming of unhealthy eating practices. [2]

  1. ^ "Shibboleth Authentication Request". login.libproxy.temple.edu. Retrieved 2019-10-28.
  2. ^ "Shibboleth Authentication Request". login.libproxy.temple.edu. Retrieved 2019-10-28.