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Honda Seiroku
Honda Seiroku


Honda Seiroku本多静六,May 20, 1866 – January 29, 1952), Japanese forester, founder of forestry in Japan. He was the first person in Japan to hold a Ph.D. in forestry. As a pioneer of modern Forestry and Landscape Architecture in Japan, Honda became the founder and first chairman of the "Imperial Society of Dendrology" (帝国森林会) and the "Japanese Society of Parks" (日本庭園協会) at the end of his life. Honda was involved in designing hundreds of parks across Japan including Hibiya Park and the Meiji Shrine forest in Tokyo. He also earned great merits in the field of beautifying and safeguarding the natural environment, including the establishment of gardens at Meiji Shrine. A number of national parks can also be traced back to it. He is therefore called the "father of the national parks in Japan" (日本公園の父). Honda also played active roles in various fields such as industrial promotion.


Honda Seiroku in Kotobank, Japanese.