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User:Yogscast book maker

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This is a story of a cool little dwarf named Simon he loved pigs Jaffa’s and digging holes. One day after eating too many Jaffa’s he took a nap he woke up to find a note on the table.  It was his friend Lewis he wrote a note that said "Simon I left to buy more Jaffa’s because you ate them all. -Lewis"Simon knew this was just a cover for his birthday today. Simon went to the store to spy on him to see his gift. But Simon was sad (ish) to see that the note was not a cover he really was buying Jaffa’s. Then Simon had thought his best friend had forgotten his birthday so he went to his room which had 2 toilets and tons of chairs a (lot like his office in yogslabs) and sat in the corner by the bathtub and wept.After that Lewis came buy his room and said “follow me”. Simon followed Lewis with tears in his eyes. He wanted to get out a stick and hit Lewis’s grin of his face for forgetting his birthday. Then he remember tekkit episode 13 when he did it before and decided not to.  When they got to the park Simon's face lit up like a little child on Christmas Eve. Manly because it was a surprise party even sips and sjin brought a present a 1% discount on his finest dirt! There was a hole digging contest pig petting pen crates of Jaffa’s and his birthday cake was filed to the top with his favorite flavors of cake and one layer had ice-cream the cake had one Jaffa per every year he was alive!Simon said“so I didn’t eat all of the Jaffa’s? It was just a cover to keep my away from the park?”Then Lewis said “well no you did eat all the Jaffa’s so I had to go get more for your cake!”Then they had fun at the party ate cake told stories and they made videos happily ever after!