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User:Yonas Embye

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Mr. Yonas Embye, was born in Ethiopia from Eritrean parents on 1979 and he was forced by the Ethiopian authorities to go back to Eritrea with his family during the Eritrean-Ethiopian border conflict in 1998. Yonas is an Eritrea journalist and human right activist Yonas spent almost three and a half years in detention before escaping from Eritrea, had been staging a weekly one-man protest outside foreign embassies, the African Union office and other key locations in Kampala, calling for the release of other detained Eritrean journalists and justice for Eritrea's estimated 20,000 prisoners of conscience. on 18 September 2001, at least 10 journalists from the private press and 11 former members of the government were rounded up and detained. To this day, at least five print journalists and all 11 of the politicians remain imprisoned, incommunicado and without formal charges or trial. Four other journalists have reportedly died in custody. The Eritrean government has consistently refused to disclose any information about the detainees or to respond to allegations to allegations that a number of them have died in detention. International committee and journalists rights organization believes that these detainees are being punished for the peaceful expression of their views in writing.

According to the information journalists rights organization Yonas was working as a journalist for private newspaper Hadas Admas when he was arrested by security forces in the Eritrean capital Asmara on 18 September 2001, as part of the government crackdown on the private media described above. Embye had received from the Eritrean security forces prior to his arrest as a result of his coverage of topics relating to politics and human rights. He was reportedly detained for almost three and a half years before managing to escape from prison and flee to Sudan in January 2005. Embye claimed asylum in Sudan, however after suffering repeated harassment from Sudanese and Eritrean security agents, he fled to Uganda, where he was recommenced the process to be recognized as a refugee.

in May 2010 Yonas was falsely accused by The Association of Eritrean Journalists in Exile (AEJE) for his advocacy work and his struggle for the release of other detained Eritrean journalists and justice for Eritrea's estimated 20,000 prisoners of conscience. in 2010 Yonas refused AEJE membership. The Association of Eritrean Journalists in Exile (AEJE) and all AEJE members denounced his advocacy work and struggle, they went all the way to write to the head of the UNHCR asking that Mr. Yonas Embaye should not be given an asylum and denied Yonas claim for Refugee status or any protection. in 2010 according to the office of the prime minister department of refugee’s commissioner Mr. Apollo Kazungu for Refugees in republic of Uganda has review Yonas application for refugee status and dismiss all allegation of the (AEJE) and their request to denied Yonas claim for Refugee status. and the office prime minister department of refugees (OPM) with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Uganda (UNHCR) decided to recognized Yonas as a Refugee in accordance with UN convention relating to the status of refugees 1951 and the protocol relating the status of refugees 1967 Yonas is entitled all fundamental human rights and freedom available to all service including seeking protection. also as a matter of urgency Yonas application for refugee status and resettlement has been consider and resettle in north America.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufz-GNfJ_T0 http://hrnjuganda.blogspot.com/2010/05/consulate-decline-to-meet-rights-body.html http://digitaljournal.com/article/294567 http://au.christiantoday.com/article/uganda-refugee-in-hiding-following-threat-from-eritrean-official/8224.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/2010/05/100512_outlook_eritrea_journalist.shtml http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/-/688334/861588/-/wii5nu/-/index.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IIrG-JiGOg&t=7s