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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm a student who loves to explore and see the great things that our world has to offer. I love animals and would like to have the opportunity to become a Vet when I grow up, to help animals in need. On my free time I like to watch T.V and spend time with my family. I'm interested in science and things that have to do with thinking, or hands on activities.

A part that I'm interested in Wikipedia are the kinds of languages that are not very used in today's world or the kinds of historic people that have made great changes, but don't seem to be remembered. I'm just getting to know Wikipedia into more detail, but I could see myself researching and adding new information to things that don't have so already, if I were to get more involved in Wikipedia.

Article Critique


Ever since I was young I have always wanted to play a stringed instrument, but I did not get the opportunity to play one. Because I wanted to play one, I thought, why not try to add something to an instrument article that is not to popular? Which is why I visited the octobass page Wikipedia and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: more helpful citations, the completeness of the article, and the structure of the topic.



While reading this page there were no citations that had to do with the article. A citations section would be helpful, because whoever is looking at this page would be able to find reliable websites where the information was found for the topic. This article has links that are accessible, but no citation section found.

Lack of Completeness


Throughout this research, the reading was lacking of detailed information. There are facts about the instrument, but not about the history. The reader would have trouble visualizing or getting a good idea of the instrument in the past. Another thing that would complete this page, is adding historic people who have used this instrument and the music played with it.



The last thing to make this page better, is to make the links that they have in English language. Some of the links in the reference section are not resourceful, because the link can't be read. When a topic doesn't have any citations people tend to go to the reference section, so having a reference section that is readable can make the topic better and a lot more trust worthy.



Altogether, this page is not to bad. With more specific information, this page could be a lot better. The information provided is okay, but if someone was going to do a project on this topic, they wouldn’t have enough information to complete it. I think by making this page a bit more polished and detailed, it will be a lot more helpful and useful.