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User:Yu Ci Spring 2008

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  1. I am doing a Flickr project
  2. It is about how people deviate on Halloween celebration in Athens, Ohio. I also observe other interesting aspect of Halloween celebration that can be related to the Sociology 101 course.
  3. This is the link to the first page of the Flickr project [| Flickr]
    Note : I am not 100% done yet. I have done uploading 15 pictures, but I will upload some more. And for now, only 9 first one have comment on them.
  4. I am working on myself on this project
  5. Concepts from Starks book.
    1. Group Deviance
      1. I use the idea to underline how people as a group deviate on Halloween celebration. Those people did not act or dress as they usually do.
    2. Conflict Theory
      Conflicts that occur within a society engender its particular cultural patterns and social structures. Culture and social culture are created by the most powerful member of a society, the ruling class. (Stark, 113)
      1. This idea is used to show the conflict between Christian and Pagan religion and how that conflict changed Halloween
    3. Goal Displacement
      When the formal goals of an organization threaten its existence, the goals will be changed (Stark, 573)
      1. This concept can be used to understand why the religious value of Halloween fades and why people now do not celebrate Halloween for its religious value but to have fun. People nowadays see Halloween as a big costume party where everyone could wear costume and express his personality. As there are less and less people who care about religious meaning, the meaning of Halloween has shifted became a big party.
    4. Rational Choice Theory
      "Within the limit of their information and available choices, guided by their preference and tastes, humans will tend to maximize" (Stark, 69-70)
      1. This concept is very useful to understand why some people sacrificed to wear extreme costumes while some people did not bother to use any costume at all during Halloween celebration.
    5. Reference Group
      Groups that individuals identify with,the groups whose norms and values serve as the basis for self-judgment. (Stark, 58)
      1. We can relate to this concept when we realize how Asian student dressed differently than local students in Athens.
    6. Assimilation
      Assimilation refers to the process of exchanging one culture for another. This term is applied to people who adjust to new surroundings by adopting the prevailing culture as their own. (Stark, 42)
      1. The fact that Asian students in Athens celebrate Halloween,an event that do not exist on their countries, and wore costumes shows that they undergo assimilation.
    7. The Tragedy of The Commons
      To provide for the common or collective good, people often are forced to surrender considerable control over their lives to leaders and governments.
      1. This important concept is understood by the organizer of Halloween event, so that they managed the street vendor in order to prevent similar tragedy to occur.
  6. Concept from further research (scholarly research only: data, journals, books)
    1. Relevant quote
      The origin of Halloween
      Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundary between the alive and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops.
      1. I use this idea to relate to the Halloween nowadays, how it has changed, and to relate it with conflict theory. From the description about the origin of Halloween, we know that Halloween originates from Pagan tradition. But as we can see from every Halloween, there is only very few Pagan aspects left on the celebration of Halloween. Instead of Pagan, the value taken from Christianity dominate Halloween. The shift in the values which dominate Halloween can reflect the Conflict theory in which as the follower of Christian increases and the follower of Pagan religion decreases, the the one who dominate others sets the rules, or the values, used.
        1. The origin of Halloween was cited from Wikipedia [[1]]

Comment from Ted: This sounds like a great project. (I think you decided on halloween). Let me know when you get your flickr account set up and start posting pictures. I will make comments in Flickr about tie-ins with ideas in course etc. Looking forward to seeing your work. --Htw3 (talk) 16:43, 21 May 2008 (UTC)