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After learning & serving for 08 years in social and development sector Mr.Zafar Iqbal felt the need to gather the professionals of nonprofit sector around the globe on a single platform. Aim was to improve networking among them and ultimately result into enhancement of social impact. To prove his idea of social networking for social good he created an online forum “The NGO World”. The NGO World is a very dynamic network for those people who are engaged in social and development sectors. It provides a platform to the 1000s of its members to share information, news, reports, success stories, innovative ideas, case studies, career & learning opportunities, knowledge and many other aspects of nonprofit sector. You may find this forum on a few famous social media websites like Yahoo groups, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. The NGO world networking is producing results in the form of establishing successful collaborations, replication of innovative ideas & best practices, connecting job seekers with potential employers, creating awareness and enhancing professional knowledge. During devastating floods Pakistan 2010, The NGO World also started humanitarian operations and managing development projects under the title The NGO World Foundation (briefly called TNW Foundation). Now TNW joins hands with Government Functionaries, Line Departments, INGOs, UN Agencies & other key Aid agencies besides drawing its strength from communities’ active involvement in need driven development process through a participatory development initiative & community based interventions etc. Within the limits of available resources TNW also respond to human sufferings in emergency and disastrous situations anywhere all over the Pakistan regardless race, gender, ethnicity, class, location, religion, color, cultural diversity and social background; with special focus in the areas where massive population living below the poverty line”. During last couple of years it beneficiaries range has exceeded the figure of 400,000. Detailed Profile: pk.linkedin.com/pub/zafar-iqbal/17/314/404/
