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links to the next and previous pages and navigation menu.

With the browse script you can browse through articles (and other pages) alphabetically. Next to the title, links will appear, to the next and previous pages in the same namespace. A navigation menu will appear above and below.

Inspired by Trewal.



Add to your own javascript:

/* Browse through articles alphabetically */
document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript"'
 + 'src="http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gebruiker:Zanaq/browse.js'
 + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></scr'+'ipt>');



Place the configuration ¡above! document.write in your own javascript.

Skip redirects:

browseShowRedirects = false;

No navigation above:

browseShowNavigationBelowTitle = false;

How many navigation links before and after:

browseNumberOfPagesToShowInNavigation = 5;



These css classes are available to style in your own css:

.browse-redirect .mw-redirect
.allpagesredirect .mw-redirect

Where mw-redirect en allpagesredirect are classes of MediaWiki.