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                                                TODAY'S GENERATION

Generation is depend upon each previous generations. Two individual have a specific genetic relationships if,one is the ancestor of the other.Such common characteristics are transmitted further and today's generation we live in 21st century.

    This century is all surrounded by technology and science. The new inventions leading to faster development. Moving further and enhancing in every streams leading to the great progress of every nation rapidly. This generation is all busy with their existing life and future plannings.New thinking and innovative practicality of life has changed the living standard. This is what that this generation is getting different from passed generations.
    Though living in 21st century their are some of the facts which are making development lacking somewhere behind. Although having a great lifestyle and knowledge in this existing century their are some people lacking behind in their etiquette and living only for the reason of their life and comforts,leaving their closest behind that is their originator ,their parents.
    They have forgot that they were the one due to which they are standing and facing the world today. The one who are like a brightening lamp in a dark tunnel for us. Keeping them in a Old Age Home and themselves living a very standard life. On the other hand due to lack of education system and discrimination the negative approach like robbery,stealing someones favorite has being increasing frequently. The great words by NARENDRA MODI the P.M of INDIA"If seeds of good humanity and good culture are sown,the rewards of a rich harvest can be reaped by generations to come.Education means Sowing such Implanting". 
    Improving thinking,changing point of views,respecting elders,respecting nation will be the day,making a century a truly successful generation.