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User talk:Bilbobagger

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Thank you for your recent edits to the QWI page. However, you have included one passage that is not true, not referenced, and reflects poorly on the QWI badge to general public.

This is considered vandalism, please consider this your level 1 warning on vandalism.

The following has been identified as vandalism as it is a repost of content that has already been removed from the page, and thus is most likely not done in good faith, after determination that at best is an inside joke to the QWI Tornado community and at worst is an explicit attempt to lessen the credibility of QWIs.

"Whilst all QWI courses are very prestigious, the greatest qualification of all is that of Tornado GR4 QWI, owing to the nine weapons and multitude of tactics available. The GR4 QWI is an expert in all things and will often lead his or her squadron in several operational tours. Typhoon QWIs have often been heard impersonating GR4 QWIs in the bar, but once the impersonator is questioned the facade is easily unraveled. Once the QWI course is completed it is traditional for the QWI graduates to celebrate their success by drinking amounts of alcohol that would kill a normal human. The traditional drink of the QWI is a Rusty Nail, a horrendous mixture of spirits drunk from a quaich, a drinking vessel that once passed from fellow QWI to QWI must be emptied. In the history of the RAF only three QWIs have ever been proven wrong, this of course does not include Tornado GR4 QWIs. These three occasions sent shockwaves throughout the RAF but were later found to be a result of a misunderstanding of the non-QWI."

Please find more info on wikipedia vandalism here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Vandalism

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