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User talk:Bobbyj221

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you can post your stuff here, i only typed hi everyone because it is a copy of the mass email i sent out. it is on another page i created for my family. i created this one for you because i didn't think you would want to be posting on one my family reads. i have been on the ship in the middle of the ocean for like 2 dys now and it feels like its been a week. I have only been on the ship for 8 days and it feels like months. I have met lots of new people and made some really good friends. There is a group of 4 guys who all knew each other somehow before. like 2 grew up together and two go to the same school but they overlap. they have been really nice and let me in on their group and it makes me feel good. There are also two girls we hang out with, aimee and cameron who none of us knew before and they didn't know each other before either. they are both really nice and cool. one of them is actually from alamo, which is about 10 minutes from berkeley. today is monday and we get to brazil saturday morning. i have all day saturday in salvador and then i leave for my amazon trip and like 2am saturday night/sunday morning, i probably won't even sleep. i will write more as more happens but life on the ship is nice: wake up, go to class, lay out in the sun, go to class, eat, lay in the sun, sun, class, eat, hang out. there is a little studying in there but mostly socializing.

the other night we had our first pub night which was pretty fun. we can have 2 drinks at dinner from 530-730pm, and then 4 more from 9-11pm. it is really funny because everyone thinks they are drunk and the ship doesn't stop rocking back and forth so everyone looks like theyre wasted. drinks were $2.50 each which sucked but it was lots of fun. That is all for now. have fun, i am glad you had such a great time in barcelona. bob

wow bob, that all sounds amazing. what a cool trip. i m so glad you are getting to explore everywhere and do lots of fun things. where is your next stop. i want to post my mass email here but i dont know who else of your friends will be reading this and i dont want to bore them with my barcelona trip stories. if no one else who is reading this minds, just let me know, and i will post it. we did so much stuff. ok. -yaely ps. you are so smart for figuring this out. its super cool.

Personal messages and wikipedia policy

As I told your friend "waterpolobob11" and your other friends, using wikipedia for personal messaging is not allowed. I finally found the place that talks about it, and it also suggests alternative places for your discussions. Your account will probably be deleted if you keep using wikipedia for personal messaging.--TheAlphaWolf 17:51, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
oooppss, forgot the link :P silly me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:User_page#What_can_I_not_have_on_my_user_page.3F --TheAlphaWolf 17:53, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]