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The WikiKnights and The Community


And finally, I just wanted to throw in that "the Community" must never mean "whoever happens to show up". "The Community" must always mean "the community of good editors who are dedicated to our mission."--Jimbo Wales (talk) 14:03, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

The Wikiknights deal with the dabilitating aspect of "whoever happens to show up".--Buster7 (talk) 11:34, 30 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

::"...stand up for one another'"

FROM MAIN WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE---Editors who fail to work with others in a civil manner can be temporarily or permanently banned from editing Wikipedia by the administrators.



Random Thoughts

a template exists:Wikipedia:Association of Members' AdvocatesXXXXXXThe Association of Members' Advocates (AMA) was a Wikipedian voluntary association devoted to advocating, counseling, and assisting Wikipedians who are undergoing difficulties.

::"...stand up for one another'"

Knights at the Round Table...a visual guide or aid to describe what's going on.
This is our studio, our workshop. Away from prying eyes. where we can work and edit Wikiknights as it takes shape...work in solitude away from the general publicquickly enough
The DRAGON,etc, use misdirection/evasion/throws dust in the eyes of/pulls the wool over the eyes of/etc. The same tactic is available to Wikiknights. IE..Dont let the DRAGON know how clever you are. As far as he and his group are concerned, you were just passing by and stopped for a cup of coffee.

Wikiknights bring BALANCE.


......studies on wikipedia showed that those who write first set the tone. So in a dispute on Wikipedia, it is vital to post first or as close to first as possible.
......banned before simply because I was unable to respond quick enough.

Masters of Deception......1-04027-5101x

01AUGUST2008.............The Dragon Emporer.....Who is the target?.........Earthquake......Father Time.......attack mode/NOT....EVERY EDIT MATTERS....Eviction....Immunity....A healthy balance....laberinthe...Do NO Harm/Do harm....the least of us and/is the best of us....a few words sums up the WHOLe thing...What would Jimbo do?????..............


  • .........it's a "volunteer sub-community" offering a service to the wider community. Essentially, it's like the league of copy-editors, the mediation cabal or such like
  • .........The Association of Members ADVOCATES, with alot less to do. Wikiknights might be called professional advocates
  • .........Their wages are minimal but their hearts are huge. Obiwan like,without the sermons
  • .........Its the creation of a space where good faith editors can stand up for one another.
  • .........The DRAGON,etc, use misdirection/evasion/throws dust in the eyes of/pulls the wool over the eyes of/etc. The same tactic is available to Wikiknights. IE..Dont let the DRAGON know how clever you are...Cover His Eyes...As far as he and his group are concerned, you were just passing by and stopped for a cup of coffee.
  • Wikiknights serve with the goal of improving the encyclopedia.
  • Those who edit in good faith, are civil, seek consensus, and work towards the goal of creating a great encyclopedia should find a welcoming environment.
  • They should not feel so cornered that they leave Wikipedia in duress.
  • Wikiknights nurture Good Faith Editors so that leaving is not even a consideration.

I wonder if MigMat could do crests,,,,--Buster7 (talk) 04:00, 26 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

  1. 1)...Lets have FUN with this. Lets create it in such away that none of us is burdened with the management of Wikiknights.
  2. 2)...Let's Keep It Simple. I do not want to micromanage...if it is simple, it will manage itself. Now and Forever.

Notes Pad

  • •THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN..."40 badguys to 7 of us.....I like those odds."......Charles Bronson
  • •Let the Dragon sleep. He should not even know that a Wikiknight is in the area. (We are not in the Dragon Slaying business. Most Dragons will not die. And there is nothing worse than an angry Dragon on your tail)
  • • We are stopping what MAY be already in motion…the alienation of a quality editor that is considering leaving Wikipedia.
  • • sEE the Court scenes in the Movie....CAINE MUTINY w/ Humprey Bogart. WikiCourt...
  • • Find where the discussion avoids the GFE’s concern and goes off into the responding editors concern (the moment is referred to as ZULU)....What happenned to the ____________
  • • VERY IMPORTANT>>>>>>>>>>NEVER resort to name calling<<<<<<<<<<<<. DO NOT insinuate. Keep your position clean. Don’t pick sides in the topical debate.
  • • Remain Neutral as to the article content, etc. Don’t pick sides. Remember: ITS ABOUT THE WAR AND NOT WHAT THE WAR IS ABOUT.
  • • Share notes, for what its worth. It stimulate IDEAS, creates the Framework, the Skeleton, that we can build on.
  • • DR.Frankenstien, I presume?
  • • I ROBOT…3 laws...The three LaWS oF rOBOTICS ,,,
  • If not you, who?

"We care about moral issues, nobility, decency, happiness, goodness—--the issues that matter in the real world, but which can only be addressed, in their purity, in fiction" Orson Scott Card



SEE...........WP:WTF for guidance...

We need to communicate out in WikiWorld in such away that we are misunderstood (((thats right---misunderstood))) or not considered important by the DRAGON.

  • BS```````````````````Bad sports...the source of the BullShit...The DrGN's et al, those that would kill the spirit of the GFE, leading to abandonment of WikiPediaby the GFE...(((It happens all the time)))
  • DrGN`````````````The most aggressive naysayer, the one leading the opposition. The "Dragon" Usually the First on the scene.
  • DrGASS``````````The DRagon's assistant. (((We need names for the different roles that cabal members play so that we can agree, during a war, who is who)))
  • DraGON Dance````````The actions of the dragon and his assistants in competition with the unwary GFE.
  • GFE`````````````````Good Faith Editor, the customer, why Wikiknights exist,the reason WE are here.
  • KaRT````````````Knights AT the Round Table...pronounced cart...as in "cartel"
  • KoRT`````````````Knights OF the Round Table...pronounced the same as "court"...just for symbolism...(((when they read it they will say "court" to themselves...lol...subliminal input...)))
  • OI````````````````Original Idea
  • OC```````````````Original Concept
  • IT````````````````Intellectual Temptation...resist IT!...to join in the fight as a participant...forgetting why WE came...Often used as a warning to a fellow Wikiknight during battle..."Resist IT!!"
  • MP````````````````Messenger Pidgeon...a call has gone out for another Wikiknight....."I have sent AN MP"
  • MD````````````````Mis-direction, a Dragon tactic.
  • PSB``````````````"Put a shrimp on the bar-bee" from Australia, an island....GFE/PSB would mean that the original editor is alone...on an island....DrGN/PSB would mean The Dragon is alone.
  • WE```````````````WIKI EDITORS
  • WQB````````````````WikiQueenBee....Wikipedia's founder, Jimbo___________.
  • ZULU````````````````Where it (the WAR) started .... The point of diversion, away from the OI or OC...discovered by the Wikiknight and returned to the forefront of the conversation.



Stay above the fray…Don’t get pulled into the topical discussion. Stay off topic: Very Important!!!!!!!!!!!! Support the editor…not the position...This is a cornerstone concept...it should keep the WikiKnights out of harms way...at least for awhile. ....The reason Wikiknights arrive at a talk page is because a dissagreement has started and an editing war is imminent. Or...a war has started and someone (it doesnt matter who or what side) has called us to intervene. _______Lets PAUSE right here for a second. Our Purpose must be clear to US BUT NOT necessarily the general WikiPublic. The editor may come and get us and expect us to take sides, preferrably his, but thats not what we do. Our hidden purpose, our secret agenda is to be a co-hort to the GFE. It is not to figure out who is right or wrong. It is not to be a part of Consensus building. Its not to get drawn into the discussion EXCEPT FOR the fact that we will do a read of the History to see if the GFE's original point has been obscurred and he is now in a dog fight over some vague sublety that is far removed from his intended Idea or edit or addition______UNPAUSE...

Once the Wikiknight determines who is who (GFE, DrGN, DrGNasses, etc.) he can handle the situation with the cornerstones of Good Faith, Civility and Community. His Mission is to befriend the editor, not search for the TRuth. The truth is elusive._________PAUSE...--Buster7 (talk) 03:29, 26 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Sir Percival, We do not want to become worker bee's for WikiQueenBee ..I think her name is Jimbo)...(Jargon:WQB=Jimbo)...We need to set this up with as little maintenance as necessary. It should run it self somehow....Im not SURE how but that is an important objective...in faCT it is critical to the long range success of Wikiknight, What kills other projects is the management of them, It becomes tedious, burdensome. Let's set ours up to self-manage___________UNPAUSE--Buster7 (talk) 03:31, 26 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Wikiknights MUST be trained. We want very little burockracy (can't even spell it!!) But, at the same time, we can't have WE's running around claiming to be knights. ATRUE Wikiknight must be schooled in the Resist IT phase of Wikiknights. Its not an easy phase. Our intellectual prowess will demand that we speak up...that we add our two cents...that we join in the fray. But, if we give in,,,that will spell the end, before it begins, for Wikiknights. Training is Required. Not everyone can be a WIkiknight. It Takes extreme Focus on the JOB at Hand...it requires a tuff skin (not to respond to sling and arrows)...it demands someone adept at in-close warfare, where the opponent is offguard and unaware. Not everyone can be a Wikiknight. It is an Honor. Wikiknights are chosen by Sir Herald, Sir Percival and Sir________________. It's their baby. User:Buster7|Buster7]] (talk) 04:15, 26 July 2008 (UTC) Its like learning to play the drums: its simple but its hard>--Buster7 (talk) 11:51, 26 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sir Knight... I suggest some measureable standards
  • A Wikiight is, first and foremost, a Good Faith Editor (GFE)
  • A Wikiknight is NOT a deletionist.
  • A Wikiknight has not vandalized, been an actual troll (not just accused of being a troll) or been just an IP for long stretches. (more than just forgetting to log in)
  • An Early Wikiknight is NOT unknown to Sir/Sir/Sir (SSS) AKA "the Trilogy"...Future wikiknights may be unknown because sir/sir/sir have created safeguards to insure only credible GFE editors become Wikiknights.
  • A Wikiknight does NOT embarass the DrGn or any of his little assistants. Hard at first, easier as time goes on.
  • A Wikiknight is not concerned with the verbiage being bandied about, more than just that it provides a measuring stick for who is who, in the battle.
  • A WIKIknight can sit back and just watch...interjecting only in support of the GFE, keeping things on the GFE's Track.



As time goes on (after we have a few encounters) I suggest that we start to build some scripts for future use. Keep track of the ones that work- lose the ones that dont work. Sales teams, multiMediaMarketing, cold-callers....all use scripts. its a viable tool. We dont have to reinvent the wheel each time. Debrief, revue , also could happen. What worked--what didnt--Buster7 (talk) 21:36, 26 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Possible Retorts

  • As an administrator, you have a greater responsibility than ordinary Wikipedians to acknowledge the actual deeds of those you are taking to task and to explain yourself fully. Your message to the GFE is unfair.
  • you overstate your case (that the GFE did____________)...and at the same time there appears to be some confusion in your use of words like ..........."*you show obliviousness to what the GFE actually did...
  • PLUS you make a "questionable call" that he (the GFE) is "breaking rules"
  • but any rational person would interpret your response as saying the opposite. This all makes me pessimistic about discussing things with you, but as a supporter of the GFE, I must try.
  • .....You being an administrator, failure to acknowledge this is disconcerting. The GFE's original point was......."
  • Your dissatisfaction was really with what the GFE..........."
  • You being an administrator, I find these faulty complaints all the more disconcerting. ......
  • Can you see your way to reconsider. You are being just a bit unfair.
  • .....will strike the comments I (an admin) left on the talk page of the article and apologize there as well. As I said, consistency is a good thing, and in this case.......resulting in me making a fool of myself.
  • that the GFE has flown off the handle is understandable considering.................."
  • This incident will help the GFE to dedicate to learning the vast array of Wikipedia techniques.....
  • ........hopefully lead the GFE to functioning more smoothly as a Wikipedian.........
  • ........ this incident will teach the GFE to use consensus building procedures..............
  • I'm becoming a believer in these kinds of procedures
  • ........thanks for "listening" to another comment.
  • In the future, the GFE will remind himself to communicate
  • your presentation was terse -- and partly because of that the GFE's mind was fogged with ire.
  • The second lesson for me.....has come out of your response, which shows readiness to meet people half way..."
  • life is symplified enourmously when you dont have to defend yourself to anyone and you receive support instead of criticism....

What Wikiknights Are


Knight are:

  • Investigators AKA "gators" AKA "GTR's"...They search out the OI or OC and return it to the forefront of the discussion.
  • Gymnists AKA "Jims"...They are able to ride the Balance Beam between non-confrontation with the DrGN et al and clear support of the GFE. They do NOT want to be obvious to the DrGN: They DO want to be obvious to the GFE
  • Harmonizers...They bring Harmony, they estioll the v brenifits of Diversity, stay civil, they create BREAKTHRU...the end contraversies.
  • flexible
  • contributors...(Are you donating to the PAST or the FUTURE?)

What Wikiknights are Not


Knights are not:

  • politicians
  • parliamentarians
  • Burauecrats...DO I need to comment on these last 3?????
  • Judges
  • Deletionists...Deletionism is aggression, attack, poor manners, obtrusive, unfriendly, obnoxious, warlike, assertive, exclusionary, imposing of one's will over another, invasive, wrong, confounding, offensive, provoking, seige mentallity, injustice, inciteful, disturbing,argumentative, a downer, a touchy subject, causes ill-will
  • perfect...we WILL make mistakes...we WILL loose our cool...we also WILL remember that we are WIkiknights
  • Big Brother...We are not the WikiPolice...We may retain a History for future availability...but thats about it!
  • Mighty Mouse...That's MIGHTY, not Mickey...We are NOT there to save the day. We are only there to befriend the GFE and re-establish the Original Idea (OI) AKA the Original Concept (OC)...THAT ALONE IS OUR GOAL. (this is important so that we don't require management)
  • ...unreasonable.



aggression, attack, poor manners, obtrusive, unfriendly, obnoxious, warlike, assertive, exclusionary, imposing of one's will over another, invasive, wrong, confounding, offensive, provoking, seige mentallity, injustice, inciteful, disturbing, argumentative, a downer, a touchy subject, causes ill-will, maddening, cynical, rabble-rousing, perturbing, arousing...... and hundreds more. Usually it begins with an act of deletion...the poor unknowing GFE asks WHY" and the DraGoN Dancing starts.

What the Wikiknight can do is ATTACK THE ACT, Not attact The Dragon...or any of his henchmen. If any aggresion is to be displayed from the GFE's side of the Battle (and aggression is frowned upon as hazordous since it may "light the spark", "add fuel to the fire" , "sow the seeds of combat") IT SHOULD NOT BE DIRECTED AT ANOTHER EDITOR. This will CONFIRM Wikiknight's necessary GOOD FAITH position. Wikiknights position as GOOD FAITH practitioners is paramount to everything else. In StarTrek terms, IT IS THE PRIME DIRECTIVE...no teasing...no innuendos...Staying away from anything that could be percieved as negative.

Biting newcomers


Familiarity with various policies, guidelines, or essays is something that comes from experience with the project. Only people who have already committed themselves to fairly extensive involvement in the project get deep enough into the mechanics and politics of editing to read that material.

As such, quoting them as gospel to newcomers to the project is intimidating, may be seen as hostile, and contradicts current guidelines: "Nothing scares potentially valuable contributors away faster than hostility or elitism". It is a bad idea to announce that opinions on these discussions will be discounted unless they are argued with reference to insider jargon. From:WP:BASH

Insulting the regulars


Participants in deletion debates should ask themselves who their audience is: and specifically, if the person to whom a policy, guideline, or essay is cited can realistically be expected to be familiar with it. If not, the discussion takes on the unwelcoming demeanour of insiders lecturing outsiders on the 'the Way Things are Done Around Here'. The goal ought not to be to impress fellow Wikipedia editors with forensic skills, but to assume good faith and assist the creators or editors of flawed articles to write better ones. From:WP:BASH

Move On!


Participants can become insulting and demeaning in rebuttals to those who disagree with their arguments. Shouting down the other side of a discussion is a roadblock to the building of consensus and maintaining Good Faith. It is disruptive and uncivil. The DRagons motives may require scrutiny to determine the actual reason to initiate certain rebuttals. For instance, when an admin accusses troll behavior (when there has been no evidence of such) motives, other than concientious administrating, may be prevelent and require further investigation. HOWEVER, this is not the ballywick of Wikiknights. Another Wikiknight Banner reads .....MOVE ON. The Next GFE needs YOU!




  • 1)…Maintain AGF…so, even if we are wrong (which IS possible) about our first decision (that the editor was a GFE), The basic AGF concept is still Our BANNER...ASSUME GOOD FAITH!!!!!!
  • 2)…Some editors don’t play fair. They are found to be contentious and arrogant. They leave their victims by the side of the Wikiroad...alone and injurred. WE will not be among the Dead and Dying.
  • 3)…Misdirection is a very commom tactic used by Dragons at an early point in most contentious discussions. We come on the scene to remind the GFE of his/her valid point (OC/OI) that has been "left Behind"...it should be that simple!
  • 4)...While I am Not sure how we find out about situations that require us and our unique service,,, I AM sure that I dont want to create a list that we MUST respond to.

Language of Co-operation


What a Wikiknight brings to a discussion is the Language of Co-operation; focussung on ways to bring things together rather than what's keeping them apart.

  • Discuss Community
  • Ignore the Contention
  • let the scent of "discord" dissapate---
  • cut off the Past and look for resolution.
  • what/WHo benefits from continued arguing?
  • focus on legitimate issues not personal ones.

Hit List/They Hit First List


Some editors will not play fair . It is the persona they have assumed. It is their Identity. They may not even know that they are “bad sports” (BS,,,how appropriate). They have put on the Judges robes and they expect, no....they DEMAND respect. And they do not see their mistakes. They will not be convinced. (((((For instance...check out otterathome's page. He brags about once being a vandal,,,admits that once he is an administrator he will be naughty,,,states his dreaM IS TO BE AN ADMIN...))))) The trick is not to disrepect them. not to be disruptive.not to show our true colors (as a White Knight Of WikiWorld)(WKWW)...just to stay on the side of the GFE...

Therefore a list should list them (W/History) for references. Not for retaliation or “blacklisting”. Its more of a ….”THEY HIT” FIRST LIST Note: available at THEIR appointment time.


  • Shield………….protection…..Anonimity………..Prevents retaliation………….No connection, Sir to Sir
  • Lance…………..keep things at a distance…provides a better vantage point…outside the fray…return forgotten beginnings to the discussion…..get it back on course,,,,THE EDITORS (GFE) course,,,,where it started (ZULU)
  • Sword…………..dialogue skills….focus. stay on target. Re-editor/naysayer(NS)/misdirector(MD)/Dragon(DRGN)
  • Saber…………sharp……..pointed…..double edged……for in-close combat.

resist IT!


It is strongly suggested that a Wikiknight does not "join the fray', (pro or con) with the conflicting Dragon(s). Don't fire back...Dont take the Bait...Resist IT. We are present to be a co-hort to the GFE, nothing else. Our ego's exist at The Round Table.



Dont get pulled onto the politics afterwards. Except for maybe a "reachout" kinda thing via Template to the GFE. But that starts the whole rigameroool process which we want to avoid. Also, if the DrGN sees the Wikiknight having a victory dinner with the GFE, he may and often does begin to snort fire!

WE SHOULD HAVE SOME gUIDLINES/SUGGESTIONS AS TO WETHER OR NOT WE SHOULD GET INVOLVed in Consensus building. Again...these are the kind of areas that will, most likely cause management and retaliation issues...And the potential for retaliation issues...We need to discuss!



This is looking very good Sir Herald.

I'm thinking with a little tinkering, your principles, metaphors, humour and common sense, with a little graphics work could be presented as a package and build a team Wiki will enjoy hosting and users will appreciate having around.

You have outlined a number of strategies that sound workable to me. I also like your what WikiKnights are not.

The principle you suggest that has me thinking hardest is "support the person not the point". I like it a lot, but it has dangers. What I like is its potential for affirming genuine community, what troubles me is the potential for it to simply become a cabal—leading to edits by numerical superiority. Also, anything ad hominem troubles my academic leanings.

I think some protocols could sort out my reservations here. Personal support seems like a key ingredient missing from many debates at Wiki. Another thought I have fits the knighthood theme—seconds. In dueling, each of the sparring partners had a second. Debates at Wiki with one against many strike me as needing "professional advocates", people who join GFEs who are working solo against opposition.

Aiding the brave and opposing dragons seem key ideas worth both clear and good-humoured articulation. I'll see what I can do to help you with this. Since I seem to be in at the "ground floor" on this, I'd like to claim Sir Percival as my nom de guerre. I have long hankered for a shield argent, a cross coticed azure. :) ALH

Welcome, Sir Percival. Indeed we are but a meager two (perhaps not so meager). I have sent a messenger pigeon to our friend MigMat. I hope he will soon let his presence be known. In these earliest of stages, my concern is those that would see the potential of Wikiknights and realize that we would be an inconvenience to the staus-quo. I expect insidious behavior from those intrenched in their Lairs. __Thank you so much for advising our new location: i feel safer here__. I suggest, also, that we remain a small nucleus...3 knights at the most. We all seem congenial. Feel free to edit as you will on this site....add..retitle...input/output...comments...links to/from...refs...footnotes...etc. It is our Historian and secretary. Let your mind wander the caverns of our BATCAVE) I will learn enormously as a result of this project.
As to Dragons...symbolism and our own Jargon will be important once we venture from the cave. We need to immediately understand each other byway of preconcieved and discussed symbols.(Misunderstanding is a common problem that causes much wasted time). I think the Dragon symbol carries the day. There always seems to one or two main Dragons that swoop down and start to feed on the un-wary GFE. Other lessor Dragons hover on the sides , waiting for a taste, but usually the first two do most of the ripping and tearing. Plus...the granduer and splendor of the Knights sets the (Round) table for our own Wikidialect. Again...Welcome Sir Percival...WikiWorld awaits our arrival. It may take months and I will strive to be patient>>>>B7
Seconds is wonderful. That is why the knights theme is so cool. It's easy to work with, the potential symbolism and jargon fill the need, and we get to ride Horses!....B7
As of now , the Main Wikiknight page exists at User talk:Buster7/Archive...I didn't know if you were aware of that , good knight, so I bring you this morsel to consume and then discard. I still feel the presence of the SIC (Spanish Inquisition Cabal). They suffered a defeat. But they will never be vanquished. Thank you, Sir Percival, for your companionship. The BatCave was getting lonely. Please destroy this entry.--B7

Previous Discussions

Re:Unwikipedia...Thank you for your recent intervention and concern. I'm glad you understand the energy that overflowed at the cabal site. Thank you for the steps you took to prevent almost definite retaliation should it have been discovered by the "wrong" editor. Together let's look at something tho. Lets look at what one little sentence can create. Everything that followed my edit at that site was unnecessary and would NOT have happened if the first editor had merely communicated instead of reverted. I am very reasonable. But, his "trigger happy" style set into motion all that followed: wasted time and words that should have been devoted to the task at hand-editing articles. Envolvement by 5-6-7 editors. Let's you and I consider that what happened to me is multiplied enourmously all across Wikipedia since rapid deletion is seen by some as their calling. At this point it is just an observation. But, as we can see, the actions of one effect many. I regret the "bastion" sentence but I don't think I could have predicted the firestorm that followed. Thanks again--Sir Herald
You are absolutely right. It's not personal, it's widespread. Perhaps Wiki is becoming a victim of its own success. Two problems. There is a lot of unencyclopedic text added. But also, editors join who get an incomplete picture of how the process should work in a civilised manner.
It occurs to me that Jimbo's original idea that adminstrators/sys ops should be pretty much anyone whose been around for a while has probably not caught on properly. There are insufficient admins to help educate new editors. Also, they are so busy they don't have time to investigate things properly (so they make more mistakes). Yet, because there are so few, their perceived authority is greater, which only magnifies the problem.
At a "grass-roots" level, this comes across as a high-handed cabal, defending one anothers' actions to maintain an impression of reliable authority. However, sources and common decency are the only authorities, and sys-ops were intended to be moderated by the same sort of consensus approaches used in articles — ideally there is no "admin POV" established by vote, just an NPOV gathering of differing POVs to an argument to inform a decision that should arise as a consensus. Currently, many things are done unilaterally by admins, because they are under-staffed, there are not even votes on various serious actions.
I have three recommendations:
    1. "deletionist" editors be addressed directly by a policy encouraging "cooling it a bit",
    2. regular contributors stay cool about deletionists and find friendly editors to support them as needed
    3. the "admin cabal" work more pro-actively to disempower themselves but empower the 'Pedia, by actively seeking more sys-ops.....Sir Percival