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User talk:Carlahelou/Experiential education

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Peer Review


Hi Carla! My name is Stephanie and I am in the Thursday night EDFN 508 class. I have completed the peer review of your Experiential Education article. Check it out! Thanks! Slk333 (talk) 14:40, 26 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Instructor Feedback


You've got a great start on your article. I have a few suggestions and some of the contradict your peer reviewers:

This quotation needs a citation: The Association for Experiential Education regards experiential education as "a philosophy that informs many methodologies in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities".

The year and parentheses in the John Dewey section should either be changed to a footnote or should be incorporated into the sentence: "John Dewey was the most famous proponent of hands-on learning or experiential education, which was discussed in his book Experience and Education (1938)."

After "a fundamental aspect" I think you should keep “in the educational process.” (It is currently crossed out.) I also think this should go back in: “o larger-scale projects in which students run legal aid clinics or community loan programs, or write legislation or community development plans.”

I agree with moving the last paragraph in the Dewey section to another spot or eliminating it.

This sentence has an issue with subject/verb agreement: "Writing journals proves to be quite effective as part of English classes." (remove the “s” from “proves”)

Some of what other authors put in this article does not fit the criteria of experiential learning and should be removed: - writing in journals. It’s mostly reflection. - “The practice of conversation is almost a lost art. The most significant intellectual achievement is not so much in problem solving, but in question posing." Through experimental education, students are capable of finding their voice through peer-to-peer interaction.” - "Through the continuous cycle of learning, teacher's often work with students to develop a framework of knowledge, which is to be evaluated based on student input to the lessons content. Therefore, the teacher should establish criteria of what is to be learned as related to the student(s) choice in learning material." -"Creative construction of curricula or syllabi provides the means whereby the needs, perspectives, and/or interests of diverse stakeholders can be incorporated into vital, creative, effective programs of learning." In essence, a well-planned curriculum is designed for learning that encompasses a broad range of goals and individual needs that ensures the active learning process."

In the section Changing Roles and Structures: Remove apostrophe from “it’s”

Do not remove the section on Asian countries but do move it up.

Are these the 2020s or the 1920s?: "Starting in the early twenties, experiential education organizations in Asia begin gaining accreditation by the Association for Experiential Education, which had historically primarily served a North American audience." (The 1920s seems too early.) Lndmayg (talk) 13:14, 6 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]