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Archive 1 Archive 2 Archive 3

Answered your question

I have answered your question at the Reference Desk for Computing. Cheers and good luck!--Xp54321 (Hello!Contribs) 00:53, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Replied again at my talk page. Cheers and good luck! Remember to try move slowly and don't rush.--Xp54321 (Hello!Contribs) 04:44, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Replied once more at my talk page with recommendations to help prevent future infections. ;) I have marked this issue resolved at the Reference Desk. I'll have to forward the problem of the infected userinit.exe file to the WOT forum. It's really just a matter of replacing the infected version with the original clean one by Microsoft. The problem is getting a clean version that works for your computer (Every computer will have different system files due to different vendors and such). I'll have to get back to you on that as I'm posing the problem to the WOT forum. This should be resolved quickly but then again, it may not. I will give the instructions for restoring the clean version the minute I get them. Good luck! [One more note; AVG Free may have suffered a false positive. Please upload your userinit.exe (Under C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe) file to VirusTotal and post the URL of the scan results on this page.--Xp54321 (Hello!Contribs) 22:43, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
One more thing. After we resolve this userinit.exe problem. I will post instructions for detecting and removing any rootkits you may have. :-) Cheers!--Xp54321 (Hello!Contribs) 22:57, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Alright, I received a reply on the WOT forum. :D Please check "C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386" for "userinit.exe". If it does exist; reboot into command prompt mode then move the infected userinit.exe to a different location or delete it then copy the the userinit.exe file into system32 from ServicePackFiles. If the file does not exist under ServicePackFiles (By the way, upload the file from ServicePackFiles, if it does exist, to VirusTotal and post the scan results link here again; this is to verify we are replacing the infected version with a clean one)...we'll have to await more responses on the WOT forum. Please be careful with the command line. Every command must be typed out carefully.--Xp54321 (Hello!Contribs) 03:59, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
One more thing, after Avira scans and removes any threats (You'll need to "babysit" it as it will prompt you for every detected threat), please download, install, run, and save a logfile with HijackThis. Please do not attempt to remove anything with this tool yet. It is a powerful tool that should only be used under expert guidance. [HijackThis is useful when diagnosing a system and can also be used to remove infections] The logfile is the most important thing right now. Please post it here. The logfile lists such things as processes that were running when it scanned, autorun objects, browser helper objects, and other objects that could potentially be exploited by malware. Again, it important you do not attempt to "fix" any items yet with HijackThis until your log has been analyzed. Accidentally selecting the wrong object then selecting "Fix checked" could cause problems. After your log is analyzed you'll get a list of objects to carefully check and then fix; if any. Cheers and good luck!--Xp54321 (Hello!Contribs) 04:45, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

COD4 Weapons list

How is a weapons list part of a game guide? Yeah, if you go to the store and buy a game guide it lists some weapons, but it also describes the campaign and multiplayer, which is what Wikipedia does too. Listing weapons is not "guiding" anything. The purpose of Wikipedia is to expand knowledge to the world. There are many people i know that are interested in learning about the real life weapons that are used in videogames. A weapons list only give the real names of guns used in the game, so people can click the links and learn about the real life weapons. A list may be lengthy, but that is a matter of opinion. There are things in Wikipedia that i consider unnecessary or lengthy, but i dont complain about them because there are people on the internet that want to learn about things that i might not want to.Puro spana (talk) 23:40, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

MW2 Boxart

Hi there. Fair point about the boxart, didn't realise it was being used on the official site! =) Thanks! Fin© 18:34, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Ah yeah, if it was only used on Amazon etc I would've pushed harder to keep the logo, but if it's good enough for Infinity Ward, it's good enough for the article! Thanks! Fin© 20:26, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Gamepro's "review"

I know you have been editing "The Conduit" a lot. I suggest you keep in minding all of the shortcomings of that review and note those you find appropriate in the article. I stopped at page two, I've never read anything so bad in such a long time! « ₣M₣ » 20:33, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

Okay, then. Probably more trouble than GP's worth, so it makes sense to just avoid it. Good luck with the article. « ₣M₣ » 22:22, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

ME Race Capitalisation

I can't remember right now, but aren't the rachni usually capitalised as well? The subtitles vary I think. --Thejadefalcon (talk) 10:03, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. I'm replaying the game anyway (must get ready for ME2), so I re-figured that out again by the time I logged on to read your response. --Thejadefalcon (talk) 10:05, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Call out

WikiProject Alternate History is currently holding a roll call, which we hope to have annually. Your username is listed on the members list, but we are unsure as to which editors are still active within the project. If you still consider yourself an active editor, please add your name back to the Active members list. You can also list yourself as a Supporter if you feel you cannot dedicate the time necessary to be an active member.

Please also see the Project talk page for more information concerning this Call Out. Zombie Hunter Smurf (talk) 13:48, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

ME2 Box Art

Oh, God, urgh. That's ugly. That really is. It doesn't scream 'buy me' like ME1 did to me (back when BioWare was just the folks who made KotOR and not the deities they are to me now :P). However, yes, I will buy it because, despite the fact that I'll hide the box somewhere out of sight, I want more Mass Effect-ness. On the plus side, maybe the Collector's Edition will look cooler (because I'm definitely getting that). --Thejadefalcon (talk) 10:13, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Maybe so, but art does have an effect on things, particularly first-time buyers of a series. And I don't completely agree with you on the lack of hints. I think that the ruined city in the background is going to be a location hint. Personally, I hope Noveria gets attacked. After all, that was one of the original ME trailers, wasn't it? Back when Therum was called Calastan. There's also a new party member hint (apparently the Krogan isn't Wrex it's 'Grunt', who I've never heard of). And look at the ship. That's not the Normandy. After looking through the concept art gallery, I'd say that's either a turian or human fighter, possibly another co-developed 'boondoggle' in the words of Admiral Mikhailovich. :P Hey, it may be the next ship you get (I get the feeling that you won't get a choice about the Normandy being attacked). --Thejadefalcon (talk) 09:35, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
"Who's the new bad guy?" I figured it would be Cerberus, but according to PCG UK 204 (I think), Cerberus are the ones who hire you (citation later today probably).
"Where is this new enemy force that attacks the Normandy?" I think it's the Gatherers or whatever in the books. Those creepy mech people (a krogan mech? Oy).
"I too, think that's unavoidable. From what I've put together, the attack happens pretty early on. I'm sure everyone survives, they get a new Normandy, then go off and do some stuff to save the galaxy and prep for the final "suicide" mission." My theory was that it happened near the end. Shepard can die in that battle. Literally die. Choking in space with a damaged EVA suit. That's not a fake suicide, that's actually death. I think BioWare are being evil, because I read that Shepard's death there happens because he/she went back to save Joker (and succeeded). That's not right. My Shepard or Seth Green? Who do I save? (When this happens, I will me saving every fifteen seconds in order to figure out a combination of choices that I like :P). As for a new Normandy, I'm personally hoping they'll call it the Thermopylae. Now that's a battle to show aliens not to mess with the most stubborn race in the galaxy.
"How do the Reapers factor in?" That's obvious. They're the vanguards of our destruction. :P
"That planet Shepard's on in the cover is probably Tuchanka, the krogan homeworld." Really? *is doubtful* I pictured Tuchanka as a sort of darker version of Felucia, a massively overgrown jungle. After all, that would be the best sort of environment for frog predators that are nowhere near the top of the food chain. Maybe there'd be a city or two, but I can't imagine they'd be that big with a) the standard krogan nature and b) the genophage. If they krogan found it hard to survive on Tuchanka with constant breeding, they'd die in months with the genophage stopping them. I figured that the krogan abandoned Tuchanka completely after the genophage (if not before that). --Thejadefalcon (talk) 11:13, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
"{Whistles) Whew, text explosion. It's fascinating how we can spend hours picking this stuff apart." If I could, I'd make a career out of it. You should see me rant about the Harry Potter films compared to the books.
"Anywho, according to the upcoming comic, Shepard gets stranded in the Terminus Systems just before the opening of ME2." God, I hope that comes out in the UK. Only problem? I can't name a single place which sells comics and only a few which do graphic novels. I'm predicting that, regardless of how ME ended, the Terminus Systems made a move against the Citadel or tried to ally with the Citadel. I mean, the Council fleets are all weakened, yet there's giant robots trying to kill everyone. Hmm... decisions, decisions.
"I figure the Normandy gets destroyed and we see that in ME2." The page for Redemption implies that it's only Shepard and Liara. Also, the latest trailer that I know of (the one that showed the Normandy attack in detail) showed the Galaxy Map and it was very clearly the Normandy flying around on it. While BioWare could have been sneaky and altered the textures, that doesn't seem like them. They seem very open when they decide to talk about something.
"ME2 takes place 2 years after ME1, so there's a lot of room for stuff." Wow. I figured it was a couple of months.
"he also gets his fancy new ship" Please be fancy, please be fancy. Also, is it just me, or does Virgin's new ship look based on the Normandy?
"So if I'm right, that's the first few minutes of ME2 in a nutshell." If you're right, forget Christianity. I shall worship BioWare as gods. :P I loved the original game's opening. If they can top that (which they almost certainly will), that would be awesome.
"Compare the background here to the background of the community page." I'd love to, but the pages need some new software which I can't install on a library computer. Therefore, the official site is off-limits right now.
"I'm keeping a running list of the possible squad mate roster in ME2." Me too. Let's compare. Geth, Grunt, Miranda, Thane, runaway salarian scientist, all confirmed. Quarian female, likely Tali, confirmed (following Shepard into a room in one trailer). Joker (I wish). Ashley/Kaidan highly likely given romance of the first game. Liara, also likely, and shown to be on the Normandy, but not in a party yet. Wrex, also likely given the criminal nature that Shepard wants in his party. I have a feeling that, if you saved Ashley in ME, she'll appear in ME2. If you let her die, she'll have a replacement character. Same for Wrex and Kaidan. That would suit BioWare's insistence on trying to have a suicide on the writing team by 2011 (when ME3 comes out). :P So, that's most party members confirmed and others highly likely. Yay, team.
I can't wait to see how the geth gets recruits since I've always considered the geth as a bunch of huggable robots if it wasn't for the quarians. Sure, they have no use for organic life, but the quarians didn't give them the best introduction: slavery, then genocide? Fun, fun, fun. Also, I want to see Tali and the geth go at it. That'll be funny (because, regardless of my relationship with Tali (unless you can and I am going for a relationship with her), I'll be telling her that the geth seem like nice folk :P).
Regarding Tali romance, I think that's more likely than it sounds at first. After all, quarians have to take off their suits at some point. Little things like washing and eating and all that.
"I see your wall of text, and raise you this one. Make your move!" Made my move. Although, if you hadn't made that line, our posts would have been the same length. *shakes fist* --Thejadefalcon (talk) 15:47, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
"No way I can outdo that one..." Win!
"you have to wonder how Shepard and Liara get stranded to begin with" I figured that they went into the Terminus without the Normandy and that ship gets destroyed (or the mass relays back to home are blockaded).
"The one hole in my idea is that the video showed Shepard going to save Joker while Liara gets away on a separate escape pod; logically, Shepard and Liara could still meet up on whatever planet they land on, but then what happened to Joker?" I figured that Shepard saved Joker, chucked him in an escape pod, then went back to the bridge to drop the distress beacon, then Liara appeared and went to her own escape pod. Roll on Spring. I want to know who's right and who's wrong (probably neither of us and both of us respectively).
"I want to see dark space" Ooh, shiny galaxies. However, except in a totally unrelated cutscene (like Saren's temper tantrum just after Eden Prime) I find this unlikely. After all, dark space is only accessible through the Citadel relay. This makes me think that either a) the Reapers give up on waiting and take the long way or b) the Citadel relay is opened in Mass Effect 2's ending or Mass Effect 3. Whether that's because there's a second Reaper in the Milky Way or the Council want to take the fight to the Reapers, I don't know. Personally, I think if BioWare really want to have a cliffhanger to attract people, they'll open the Citadel relay (maybe Shepard dies trying to stop it/simply fails to stop it) and then cut to the credits as a Reaper appears. Slowly fade to black as, against the purple background of the Serpent Nebula, another appears, then another. As the credits begin to roll, the sound of the relay throwing more Reapers through grows louder and louder. Now that would be a hell of an ending.
"planets kerploding" I revote Noveria.
"(seriously, this is a sci-fi combat game and there's technically no war going on; how is that even possible?)" *has a sudden vision of a Mass Effect real-time strategy game*
Whatever happens in Mass Effect 2, I can't wait. --Thejadefalcon (talk) 10:15, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
For unreleased games I want, I've got a lot on the list: Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, Batman: Arkham Asylum (a big possibly over this as I don't actually like any DC superheroes), Dead Rising 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Aliens Vs Predator. The only issue is that MW2, L4D2 and AC2 come out within ten days of each other. Out of that choice, though, I'll get MW2 first as I prefer having collector's edition for everything, but L4D2 almost certainly won't have one and AC2's is massively overpriced for what you get with it. --Thejadefalcon (talk) 10:11, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
Yes, I'm from England.
"I thought stores in Europe were already out of reservations for the Hardened and Prestige Editions of MW2." (eyes widen in horror) They what?! There's nothing on the Wikipedia page (thank god). Please, no. Tell me it isn't so! :P
"you can't reserve a game at one Gamestop and pick it up at another" I know. I tried with GAME.
"I don't trust doing it online or over the phone, it's always turned into a fiasco of shipping delays and misplaced orders before." I've never even tried because of those horror stories. Besides, the post in my area is awful. PC Gamer issues, water and gas bills, even all the warnings from the bailiff (the council tried kicking us out when one of their accountants screwed up) have failed to arrive. (grumbles)
"I'm concerned if I bring my 360 my roommates will want to mess with it; hopefully they have their own game consoles to keep them occupied." I understand your protectiveness. On the few occasions I give anything to a friend, I lend it to them them saying "You break it, you keep that copy, you buy me another."
"The only good part about college and my gaming habits at this point is that the closest Gamestop appears to be a convenient five-minute walk away." Lucky. I live in the middle of nowhere and have to take a vastly overpriced bus journey.
On a vaguely related note that also allows me to put up a signature, what level of difficulty have you completed CoD4 on? --ThejadefalconSing your songThe bird's seeds 15:35, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

← $150? That's just over 90 quid. Hmm... while I would love night-vision goggles, I think that's probably out of my price range barring sheer luck. After all, I'm getting the ODST limited and Dragon Age before MW2 and I only just have enough for those right now. Hmm... if I try desperately, I might get it, but it's unlikely.

← "I think I only beat the first three levels on Vet before I quit." Need any hints? I just somehow breezed through Hardened and then Veteran in three days total for the first time ever. It's actually a tactical game on those difficulties. It's more tactical (and far more fun) than Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter.

← "I may get around to completing a CoD4 Vet run, may not, but I'll try and get Mile High Club done just so I can be in that elite group." Look, I'm awesome, I'm not suicidal. That achievement sucks. One minute on Veteran? If it was one minute on Recruit or four minutes on Veteran, then it would be possible. But one minute with the amount of damage you take? Utter rubbish.

← "In any case, I do plan to play MW2 on Hardened difficulty from the get-go." Despite one of the userboxes on my page, I play easy or normal on all games first then work up if the game is actually worth it because a lot of games don't give me enough of a reason to care about the higher levels.

← "Nice sig, by the way." Thanks! You can thank xeno. He took me through the whole process.

← "And back to ME2, new screens were released today." I was planning on saying how far we'd gone off-topic. :P I can't access the first screen annoyingly, but I can with the second. Hmm... I don't like it. It doesn't make me think 'Now, that's an awesome ship'. That said, it also makes me think it's awesome due to it's similarities with the Moldy Crow. --ThejadefalconSing your songThe bird's seeds 10:19, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

I read someone the other day complaining about the masses of grenades on Veteran. Frankly, the grenades were fine for me. I was almost always in a position where I could leg it or chuck it back. The one exception was 'One Shot, One Kill' where a) I discovered that the wind doesn't die down and that was a bit of a surprise for me and b) I had to lay an elaborate ecosystem of traps to save my sorry rear at the end. MacMillan? Forget about him, I'm hiding in a corner. Who doesn't dare, also wins?
"The only big difference is that the large fin on the back of the original Normandy seems to have been taken off and replaced by the two smaller fins." Yeah, I'm still thinking of the Moldy Crow. Despite the name, that's not a bad thing.
"Finished CoD4 in Veteran, even Mile High Club." O.o ... in two hours? Okay, tips please (or cheat codes that still let me get the achievement).
"Now it's back to getting a few more Mass Effect achievements" You haven't got them all yet? They were all ridiculously easy for me (except Colonial Saviour because I don't have that DLC). --ThejadefalconSing your songThe bird's seeds 16:02, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Modern Warfare 2

Thank you for rewording the two sentences on the Modern Warfare 2 article that someone reverted after I changed them. "Comprising of" is one of my pet peeves. I'm new to this, so I will try to reword things better next time. CashDude (talk) 03:25, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Bring the Jubilee vs Locomobile

Your 7 Aug edit (here) has been temporarily 'lost' from the Locomobile article. This is because there are major issues with the focus/purpose of the article, and an old version has been restored over a number of recent changes. As the other 'lost' change has been re-instated by the original editor, I was going to do the same for yours, but then hit a snag...

The article Bring the Jubilee mentions "minibiles" and links this word to Locomobile. Now, the Locomobile article is expected to be converted to a DAB page in due course, to cover its two meanings: (i) traction engine in French (and other non-English languages), and, (ii) products (steam cars) of the Locomobile Company of America

My problem is that I do not understand what form a "minibile" is supposed to take. Would the link from BtJ be better suited to steam car? (Regardless, the current Locomobile 'In Popular Culture' entry can then be moved to the new destination page.) At present, apart from the link from BtJ, I cannot see a reason for retaining the entry in Locombile, since your edit means it no longer refers to locomobiles!

Could you have a little think about this please? -- EdJogg (talk) 11:59, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for responding so quickly. No need to apologise for your edit, without it we would not have spotted the problem. Unless anyone can prove otherwise, steam car would seem a sensible location for the link and commentary. EdJogg (talk) 12:38, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Bring The Jubilee

I do not recall references to a Confederate Alaska or the expansion of the German Union in the book. Then again I have not read the book in quite some time. What chapters are these mentioned in?

Hmm. It could be just my edition but I just read all of chapter III (A member of the Grand Army) and it makes no mention of either of these. (talk) 14:55, 20 August 2009 (UTC)