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Renesmee Cullen and Jacob black info on them both and their kinds.[edit]

Renesmee Carlie Cullen born on September 11th 2006 two days before her mother Bella Cullen's 19th birthday. Her name is derived from the amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of the names Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella's father. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has curly hair inherited from her grandfather, Charlie Swan, and brown eyes like Bella. Her heart pumps blood, giving her a blush, and her pale skin slightly glows in sunlight. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's. Only minutes after she is born, she is imprinted upon by Jacob Black, who becomes her soul mate and acts as an older brother figure to her. Renesmee can survive on either blood or human food, though she prefers blood, and she does not produce venom. Her special abilities are transmitting thoughts to others by touching their skin and penetrating mental shields, the opposite abilities of each of her parents. She rapidly grows both mentally and physically, is able to speak only seven days after her birth, and by the end of the novel can read, run, hunt, and perform other tasks at advanced levels for her young age. Her intelligence stuns everyone, and she is able to understand what is happening around her when the Volturi arrive. Jacob nicknames her "Nessie" because he considers her full name to be a mouthful, though Bella strongly dislikes her child being nicknamed "after the Loch Ness Monster".Nessie will reach physical maturity after about seven years, when her appearance will be around 17, and then stop aging. Weeks after Renesmee is born, Irina, a vampire from the Denali coven, sees Renesmee and incorrectly believes she is an "immortal child", a young human child who has been changed into a vampire. She informs the Volturi, as immortal children are not permitted to exist due to their unpredictable nature. Intent on killing Renesmee and the other Cullens, the Volturi travel to Forks. The Cullens gather witnesses from around the world to testify that they have seen her mature and grow, and so she is therefore not an immortal child. Alice brings another half-breed, 150-year-old Nahuel, who explains that half-breeds pose no danger to the vampires. Convinced that Renesmee is not a threat, the Volturi leave, and Renesmee and her family are left in peace.

Jacob Ephraim Black was born on January 14th 1990 he is a shape-shifter or "werewolf" of the Quileute tribe, former Beta of the Uley pack, and Alpha of his own.He is a Quileute Native American. It is revealed that, as a member of the Quileute tribe, Jacob is descended from an ancient line of "shapeshifters" that assume wolf form. In their backstory, the Quileutes and vampires are mortal enemies. When Jacob undergoes his first transformation into a wolf in front of Bella, it is in response to Paul, one of the wolf pack members who becomes enraged when he was slapped by Bella, causing him to phase and attempt to attack her. Jacob rushes outside to defend Bella, and he jumps high over her and phases in midair. Jacob rushes at Paul first and bites and pushes him. Jacob is shown in this scene to be very talented even when this was his first transformation at attacking and countering Paul as he is able to hit him before he has a chance to attack. A scene shows him tackling Paul causing him to crash into a boat rack. He and Paul later arrive at Emily Young's house and Paul apologizes to Bella. Soon, he becomes busy patrolling the forest with his pack, searching for vampires in the area. When Bella is caught by the vampire Laurent alone in a clearing, she is saved by Jacob and the wolf pack, who chase and kill Laurent. Sam first emerges from the woods, Laurent noticing more emerge runs away. Sam closes in on him but is struck back by Laurent just before he was about to tackle him. He later claims that Laurent was nothing but a simple kill. During the chase, Laurent is cornered by part of the pack while Jacob goes for the kill. Jacob and his friends are able to cover a range of 1.67 miles in just 1 minute meaning they are able to run at nearly or close to 100 mph at full run. Jacob serves as a rescue for Bella and a foil to Edward on multiple occasions in the narrative. When Bella, who has taken increasingly dangerous risks to feel closer to Edward, impulsively jumps off a cliff and almost drowns, Jacob rescues her. After Edward mistakenly believes she has died and plans to kill himself, Bella and Alice Cullen, rush to Italy to prevent his suicide, leaving Jacob heartbroken. Jacob is disgusted by Edward's return and by Bella's willingness to take Edward back after he left her. Jacob reminds Edward of his tribe's treaty with the Cullen family, which states that the Cullens are not allowed to bite humans. Bella interrupts and points out to Jacob that she wants to become a vampire, and it's her own decision. This angers Jacob, and he attempts to start a fight with Edward. Edward decides to leave with Bella, but Jacob grabs him and says: "You don't speak for her." causing Edward to uppercut punch him into the air, causing him to transform. Edward and Jacob are stopped immediately by Bella as she says: "You can't harm each other without harming me." Jacob, now feeling full of guilt and knowing that he would not harm her due to his still having a tremendous crush on her and her being his best and closest friend, decides to accept her wish, but he is feeling hurt by her decision which causes him to run away.Jacob, enraged that Bella plans to become a vampire, attempts to distance himself by not returning her phone calls and refusing to see her. Later, during the scene when Jacob visits Bella and Edward to discuss the vampire Victoria's return, he tells Bella that he misses her and wishes that they could remain friends. With Edward's approval, Bella begins to visit Jacob on a regular basis. On one of these visits, Jacob tells Bella that he is in love with her and that he wants her to choose him over Edward. Bella is caught off guard by his confession and tells him she only thinks of him as a friend. He forcibly kisses her, and she reacts by punching him in the face. This breaks her hand, though it does not affect Jacob because he is a werewolf and doesn't get hurt easily. This act later enrages Edward, and the two get into a heated argument in front of Bella's house. They come extremely close to a physical fight, until Bella pushes Edward away and pleads for them to stop. Edward, still fuming with rage, tells Jacob that if Bella gives him the word, he will harm him. Bella's father comes outside at that moment, and demands to know what's going on. Jacob admits that he kissed Bella, and she broke her hand punching him. Jacob apologizes and leaves. Later on, Jacob's shapeshifter wolf pack and the Cullen family join forces to defeat Victoria and the army of newborn vampires she has created. The wolf pack have agreed to meet at their house. They are in their wolf form as they don't trust the Cullen's enough to be in their human form as they possibly believe this to be a plot to destroy the pack. Carlisle greets them and tells how they should accurately and successfully attack a newborn. Sam telepathically asks what a newborn is and what the difference is between them and the newborn. He tells them that the newborns are a fresh breed of vampires that were humans forcibly turned with a combination of both human and vampire strength with most of their human element relying on intelligence. Carlisle tells them that they should never let a single one get their arms around them as they are strong enough to crush their bodies. He also says that they should never go for the "obvious" kill as they can get outnumbered easily and lose most of the pack. As the Cullen's demonstrate their tactics to the wolves on how they deal with newborns, Jacob also in his wolf form comes up to Bella. He nudges close to her as he still has a crush on her. She tells Jacob that if they join this attack many of them could get hurt or even killed. In response Jacob places his head in front of her and she pets him. Suddenly Edwards sees this and Jacob looks at him with a disgusted and annoyed look and walks off. The night before the battle, Edward and Jacob are alone with Bella on the top of a mountain. They are there, in a secluded spot, to protect her from Victoria and her blood-hungry army. It is night, and a blizzard beats at their tent. Bella is freezing to death, huddled in a blanket hold and shivering violently. Edward watches on with despair, as he can do nothing to help because his vampire skin is ice-cold. Jacob, being a werewolf, is never cold and has very a warm body. Because of his enhanced senses he can hear Bella's teeth chattering as he claims that he "can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on." He moves forward to lay down with Bella, knowing his body heat would keep her warm. Edward shoves him away, outraged, and says he will not go near her. Jacob demands that Edward lets him go. Bella, hardly conscious, pleads for them not to fight. Jacob insists that Bella needs his warmth, and reluctantly Edward lets him crawl into the blankets with her. She cuddles into his warmth, still hardly conscious. Bella stops shaking and chattering. She falls asleep in his arms. While she is sleeping, Edward and Jacob begin to talk quietly. As the night wears on, their private conversation softens and the two become closer. Right before the battle the next morning, Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement. He did not know about this, because Bella was trying to keep it a secret until the battle was over, for she knew he'd be reckless with his anger. Jacob is outraged, and refuses to believe that Bella truly loves Edward more than him. He threatens suicide by hoping he'd be killed in the battle. He is about to run off to join the soon-to-be-battle. Bella, in an attempt to stop him from getting killed, demands to be kissed by him. Jacob doesn't hesitate, and he kisses her passionately. Then, he leaves for the battle and Bella feels relieved to know that he no longer wants to be killed while fighting. After he is gone, she comes to the realization that she does love Jacob. In the battle, Jacob fights ferociously and savagely. He is in his wolf form as is the rest of the pack. He kills many vampires and together, with the Cullens, they defeat Victoria's newborn army. The battle is over, but one newborn vampire who had remained hidden the whole time, emerges from hiding. Leah, one of the wolves, immediately attacks. The enemy vampire wraps his arms around her neck and tries to strangle her, but Jacob lunges forward and knocks him off. They engage in a brief but vicious fight. Jacob falls and the vampire crushes his body with violent force. At once the vampire is pulled off by the other wolves and killed. Jacob is now back in human form. He is writhing on the ground naked and in extreme agony. Carlisle, the doctor vampire, announces that the bones in the right half of his body are crushed. The other wolves, now back in their human form too, stare in horror as Carlisle continues to inspect him. He tells the others that Jacob is healing from but at an extremely low rate and says that he needs to re-align Jacob's bones in order to speed up his healing. Leah is full of guilt and shame, and insists that she "had him" [the vampire]. Sam tells her to be quiet. Sam suggested that they bring Jacob back to Billy's house so he start helping Jacob. Then, they haul Jacob off the ground and carry him off. At Jacob's house, Bella overhears Jacob screaming in pain as Carlisle re-aligns him. One of the pack tells Bella that Carlisle is doing this to speed up Jacobs healing. He is in bed with a high fever. Bella is worried and apologizes to him, wishing he'll get better soon. She also admits that it was a mistake to kiss him, and tries to tell him that even if she does love him, he has to accept that it is Edward who truly lies in her heart. Then she leaves, and Jacob is angered and deeply hurt. The epilogue is written from Jacob's point of view; angry and heartbroken at Bella's decision to become a vampire. He runs away in his wolf form to escape his pain Jacob returns after an absence of several weeks to attend Bella and Edward's wedding in Breaking Dawn. Though described as being still visibly pained by her decision, he tells Bella that he wants her to be happy. Bella tells him that she and Edward plan to have a normal honeymoon before she becomes a vampire. Jacob becomes enraged, because he knows that Edward's vampire strength could kill her. Sam and the rest of the pack stop him before he phases into wolf form and gets into a fight with Edward. When Bella and Edward return from their honeymoon, Jacob becomes the narrator of the story for several chapters, during which he learns that she is pregnant with Edward's half-human, half-vampire baby and is extremely ill. When Jacob informs the pack of Bella's pregnancy, their leader Sam Uley plans an attack on the Cullens in order to kill Bella and her unborn child because of the threat he believes the child presents. Jacob, who feels that the Cullens are innocent, fights back against Sam and leaves the pack. Fulfilling his birthright as Alpha wolf, he is joined in a new pack by Seth and Leah Clearwater, who aid Jacob in protecting the Cullens. After the birth of Renesmee Carlie Cullen, Edward and Bella's daughter, Jacob "imprints" - an involuntary response in which a wolf finds his soulmate - on her. Afterward, Jacob is completely over Bella, and they remain close friends. The relationship between Jacob and the Cullens is also dispelled, and he and Edward come to view each other as friends after Jacob emotionally bonds with Renesmee.Wolf form: Jacob's wolf form is that of a large russet brown wolf. He has equivalent abilities to his brothers. He is shown to be very intelligent in both reasoning and coordinating others. He is the largest and strongest wolf in the pack. Human form: In the first film, Jacob has a very skinny physique that undergoes major physical changes by the second film. Being a werewolf, Jacob develops a massive physique. He is able to lift heavy objects that no human is capable of picking up, such as a dirt bike he easily picked up from his father's truck. After becoming a wolf, he cuts off his long hair and gets the Quileute tattoo on his upper right arm. Bella describes Jacob as a "happy person" who extends his happiness to the people around him. As Jacob's character emerges in New Moon, he is shown to be cheery, passionate, and adventurous, but hot-headed. Jacob is also able to shape-shift at will into a giant wolf, and sometimes when angered he will involuntarily phase. His body temperature is warmer than a human's body should be, reaching about 108.9 °F (42.7 °C), which allows him to withstand very cold weather. In human form, his body heals within seconds, he possesses superhuman strength and speed, has a high durability rate, sharp senses and free running abilities. In wolf form he can communicate with his wolf pack telepathically, has enhanced superhuman strength and speed and a substantial size increase. While in wolf form, his teeth can cut through the "granite-hard" body of a vampire with ease. Members of the Quileute wolf-pack do age if they do not phase for a long time; Jacob's body has physically grown to the equivalent of a 25-year-old in Breaking Dawn but stops aging after that. Jacob is the largest and strongest of the pack. Once they begin phasing, a Quileute shape-shifter may "imprint"—a method of finding one's soulmate—on someone, and will act as whatever that person wants or needs, whether it be an older brother, friend, protector, or lover. Jacob imprints on Edward and Bella's newborn daughter Renesmee in Breaking Dawn.

While treating Jacob in Eclipse, Carlisle takes a blood sample and runs some tests on it. Carlisle discovers that Jacob has 24 pairs of chromosomes, one more than a human. A distinction is made in Breaking Dawn between the "old-world" Children of the Moon ("true werewolves") and the shape-shifting Quileute tribe. The former are held to be a more ferocious and territorial type, with a transformative venomous bite, who involuntarily phase as do traditional werewolves on the full moon. The latter are implied to possess the supernatural ability to shapeshift into other giant animals or "spirits of nature".

A human-vampire hybrid, also known as half-vampire, vampire hybrid, half-human and half-vampire, and half-immortal, is the offspring of a female human and a male vampire. It is generally beyond the ability of most vampires to be this close to a human physically and still resist the lure of her blood.

shape-shifter's werewolves the Quileute tribe legends hold that chiefs could leave their bodies and wander as spirits, communicate with nature, command nature (weather, trees, insects, animals) and hear each other's thoughts; however, apart from the latter, many of these techniques appear to have been forgotten. In Twilight, members of this tribe can still phase in and out of their shape-shifting forms, transforming independently of the lunar cycles. Members are able to regenerate, talk to one another telepathically, and possess superhuman strength, speed and endurance with the ability to cover 1.67 miles in just 1 minute, outrunning vampires. Werewolves' skins are durable and their regenerative abilities allow them to heal within seconds. They are also immune to vampirism, though the venom does act as a mild irritant and inhibits their healing abilities to some degree. As long as they phase, they do not age. Their body temperature is around 108°F, which Bella as a vampire in Breaking Dawn describes as "touching an open fire". Jacob is an Alpha male thus possesses the unique ability to command the clan telepathically and forcibly, regardless of individual resistance. They possess immunity to vampire bites and some vampire special abilities, such as Alice's premonitions. In human form shape-shifters can use the style of free running to get to hard-to-reach places.

In the Twilight universe, werewolves' claws and teeth can tear through the "marble hard skin" of a vampire at ease. Each werewolf has a different look and different specific quality, whether size, speed, agility, stamina, durability or strength, Jacob being the strongest of the pack. All shapeshifters' senses are very sharp (including ophthalmoception, audioception, olfacoception, and equilibrioception). Within the series, they can also imprint, which channels all of a werewolf's affections towards a single person. A shapeshifter in human form retains many enhanced abilities and in human form is described as lifting Bella like an "empty box". The shapeshifting werewolves of the Quileute tribe are typically dark-haired, dark-skinned, and dark-eyed, and they also prefer to eat animal meat. Genetically, Carlisle discovers that werewolves have 24 pairs of chromosomes, the same as vampire hybrids like Renesmee, sparking speculation on Jacob and Renesmee having children, given that both had human maternal parents. At the end of the fourth book, it is revealed that they are indeed shape-shifters. Aro claims shape-shifters can take other mega-animal forms and Edward says that Caius is terrified of true werewolves because of an encounter with one centuries ago, leaving him almost obliterated. These true werewolves are called the "Children of the Moon" and these involuntarily phase in the full moon. DJ Gordon2 (talk) 16:59, 13 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]