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1. Introduction 2. HTML Example

  a. Comments
  b. Anchor Tag
  c. Tables
  d. Images
  e. List, OrderList and UnOrderList
  f. Div and Span
  g. marquee
  h. pre
  i. fieldset and legend

3. Frames and IFrames 4. HTML Registration Form 5. Audio and Video 6. HTML5 Responsive Design - Semantic Elements 7. App Cache 8. SVG and Canvas




1. Introduction 2. Basic Example 3. Variables 4. Data Types 5. Operators 6. If & Switch Statements 7. Loops - for, while, do..while 8. Break & Continue 9. Functions 10.Inner HTML & Inner Text 11.Object, Array, String, Number, Date 12.Window, History, Navigator 13.Validations using RegExp 14.Prototype 15.Closure 16.JSON


CSS and CSS3


1. Introduction 2. CSS Types

  a. Inline
  b. Internal
  c. External

3. Selectors

  a. Element / Tag Selector
  b. ID Selector
  c. Class Selector

4. CSS - Example

  a. Cooments
  b. Color
  c. Background
  d. Fonts
  e. !important
  f. border
  e. line-height
  f. opacity
  g. visibility

5. BOX Model 6. Image Optimization - Spriting & Base 64 7. Rounded Corners 8. Gradients 9. Box and Text Shadows 10. Multi Columns




1. Introduction 2. Containers 3. Grid System 4. Bootstrap Images 5. Jumbortan 6. Wells 7. Alerts 8. Buttons 9. Dropdown 10.Tabs 11.Glyphicons 12.Badges 13.Progressbar 14.Pagination 15.List Groups 16.Panels 17.Collapse 18.Forms 19.Tooltip 20.Popover




1. JQuery Introduction 2. JQuery Example 3. JQuery Selectors 4. JQuery Styles -

  a. css
  b. addClass
  c. eq
  d. filter
  e. find

5. Animations

  a. show
  b. hide
  c. toggle
  d. fadeIn
  e. fadeOut
  f. fadeToggle
  g. slideUp
  h. slideDown
  i. slideToggle
  j. animate

6. Callback, Chaining and noConflict 7. DOM Manipulation 8. JQuery AJAX

  a. load
  b. getJSON
  c. get
  d. post



1. AngularJS Introduction 2. AngularJS Feautes 3. Binding 4. Directives

  a. Custom Directives

5. Expressions 6. Controllers

  a. Multi Controllers

7. Filters

  a. Custom Filter

8. SPA - Single Page Applications

  a. Routing
  b. ng-view

9. Getting JSON / RESTful Data 10. AngularJS HTML DOM 11. AngularJS Form Validations 12. Dependency Injection

   a. Factory
   b. Service

13. Custom Directives