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User talk:Jjuulliiaagguulliia

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Wikipedia webpage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Allred

2. “Selected Wikipedia page’s ‘Talk’ forum” • First, I would like to address the photo that is posted on the page. I think that although, this may be a decent photo, with regards to seeing her face it is quite difficult. I would recommend adding a photo where it is closer so you could see her face better and actually have face recognition. suggested photo:

<< http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrTcXLYXVlU8eQAXsmJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzZmp1YjY0BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMyYmVhYTEzOTM0MjhjNGExMjA1M2M0NWU4YjhlY2M1MARncG9zAzExBGl0A2Jpbmc-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DGloria%2BAllred%26fr%3Daaplw%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D11&w=408&h=594&imgurl=www2.pictures.zimbio.com%2Fgi%2FGloria%2BAllred%2BEvocateur%2BPremieres%2BNYC%2BPDhR7_SA1-Tl.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zimbio.com%2Fpictures%2FIdm6QJdWrOb%2FEvocateur%2BPremieres%2Bin%2BNYC%2FPDhR7_SA1-T%2FGloria%2BAllred&size=88.9KB&name=%3Cb%3EGloria+Allred%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EGloria+Allred%3C%2Fb%3E+attends+%26%2339%3BEVOCATEUR%3A+The+Morton+Downey+Jr+...&p=Gloria+Allred&oid=2beaa1393428c4a12053c45e8b8ecc50&fr2=piv-web&fr=aaplw&tt=%3Cb%3EGloria+Allred%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EGloria+Allred%3C%2Fb%3E+attends+%26%2339%3BEVOCATEUR%3A+The+Morton+Downey+Jr+...&b=0&ni=21&no=11&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12v4ga12r&sigb=1334ke2hb&sigi=12iak99p8&sigt=12q74m959&sign=12q74m959&.crumb=vuccO7w9mYF&fr=aaplw&fr2=piv-web >>

In addition I would recommend more citing throughout the article to give it more legitimacy. Looking at the talk page, many have noted that not enough citation has been made. - Someone mentioned the fact that the author wrote ‘forced to return to her parents home’. The editor notes that this may be a jump of conclusions by the author and asks that he use a word less violent, questions that Gloria was truly forced to return home. I think that since Gloria is a woman, this may contribute to a selected vocabulary that would not otherwise be used if they were talking about a male. Parents may, for the authors point of view, have more authority over a female daughter vs. a male son. - An editor noted that they didn’t understand why the author wrote Jewish twice in one sentence. I think the author may have really wanted to emphasize that this woman was a minority and wanted to draw attention to this fact. • This wikipedian commenting is important because it is crucial that we think of different point of views, and critically analyze from a sort of different persepective. It is easy to kick back and just ‘read’, but what is really necessary and what we as people and others will really grow from, is if we put on critical thinking hats and get in the perspective of someone other than ourselves and look for biased in articles throughout the english language. Specific to this article, since this was written about a successful women lawyer, which is quiet the minority, I was surprise by the small traffic and information provided on this page. • From a women gender studies perspective, similarily to the bullet point above, we all have biased when we read an article. This is inate, we make connections while reading based off of what we personally have experienced. But, if we take this perspective and tell ourselves, well, we may have a biased opinion, we can read about how others have had other experiences and further develop other peoples experiences into our way of thinking. I think this is something that, through reading this article, one can begin to try and think, where and how to biased exists written by this author. The author is not at fault, because this is how our brains operate, but lets take the power of Wikipedia, where we can manipulate multiple point of views and determine, to the best of our abilities, the TRUTH about Gloria Allred (so cool!). 3. Learn more about Wikipedia debates : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Women_in_science 1 and 2. People try and add controversial aspects to this article. Someone notes and wants to determine if this article is up for presenting the history of women OR POV commentary. Writing about POV commentary such as “The exclusion of women from most formal education … has severely restricted women’s ability to contribute in these areas”. This may be a biased from someone who believes that the reason women are low in science and technology is solely from schooling restrictions and are writing as a women. 4. Discuss Wikipedia and ES/WGS - “The question of gender in science is pursued by scholars from many disciplines and with widely varying perspectives. Historians study the lives of women scientists in the context of institutions that for centuries held women at arm’s length; sociologists focus on women’s access to the means of scientific production; biologists scrutinize how scientists have studied women; cultural critics explore normative understandings of femininity and masculinity; philosophers and historians of science analyze the influences of gender on the content and methods of sciences” – HFCS, Londa Schiebinger Londa Sciebinger points out a great fact that the opinion of women scientists comes from a wide range of perspectives. This is important in developing a foundation of women gender studies because it is a complex topic. It is only going to be developed into a complete opinion once many disciplines have contributed insight into the subject. Schiebinger sheds light on this fact by revealing various disciplines such as: historians, sociologists, biologists, cultural critics, philosophers… very neat. 5. Discuss Wikipedia and You Since I hold a specific perspective, coming from a family that has experienced many cultures: lived in Japan when I was younger, biology and statistics studies etc… I think that adding to Wikipedia and editing can do NO harm. Additional perspectives is what Wikipedia thrives on, whether or not my opinion is ‘correct’. Finding the truth to any questions takes many steps backwards before taking a big leap forwards. If people point out facts and opinions that are wrong, this does add to the journey of finding the real TRUTH! Therefore, I am a firm believer in adding content to Wikipedia and this is not limited to myself, but for everyone. This is a great challenge for myself to work on continuing to challenge myself.



With regards to the image, bear in mind that images in Wikipedia must be available under a free licensed (see the brochure linked on the rights). Most images you find using an image search will be subject to copyright restrictions and won't be available to reuse. Ian (Wiki Ed) (talk) 13:04, 12 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]